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AN905Brushed DC Motor Fundamentals
Brushed DC motors are widely used in applicationsranging from toys to push-button adjustable car seats.Brushed DC (BDC) motors are inexpensive, easy todrive, and are readily available in all sizes and shapes.This application note will discuss how a BDC motorworks, how to drive a BDC motor, and how a drivecircuit can be interfaced to a PIC® microcontroller.
The construction of a simple BDC motor is shown inFigure 1. All BDC motors are made of the same basiccomponents: a stator, rotor, brushes and a commutator.The following paragraphs will explain each componentin greater detail.
The stator generates a stationary magnetic field thatsurrounds the rotor. This field is generated by eitherpermanent magnets or electromagnetic windings. Thedifferent types of BDC motors are distinguished by theconstruction of the stator or the way the electromag-netic windings are connected to the power source.(See Types of Stepping Motors for the different BDCmotor types).
The rotor, also called the armature, is made up of oneor more windings. When these windings are energizedthey produce a magnetic field. The magnetic poles ofthis rotor field will be attracted to the opposite polesgenerated by the stator, causing the rotor to turn. As themotor turns, the windings are constantly beingenergized in a different sequence so that the magneticpoles generated by the rotor do not overrun the polesgenerated in the stator. This switching of the field in therotor windings is called commutation.
Author: Reston ConditMicrochip Technology Inc.
Field Magnet
Axle or Coil
2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00905A-page 1
Brushes and Commutator
Unlike other electric motor types (i.e., brushless DC,AC induction), BDC motors do not require a controllerto switch current in the motor windings. Instead, thecommutation of the windings of a BDC motor is donemechanically. A segmented copper sleeve, called acommutator, resides on the axle of a BDC motor. As themotor turns, carbon brushes slide over the commutator,coming in contact with different segments of thecommutator. The segments are attached to differentrotor windings, therefore, a dynamic magnetic field isgenerated inside the motor when a voltage is appliedacross the brushes of the motor. It is important to notethat the brushes and commutator are the parts of aBDC motor that are most prone to wear because theyare sliding past each other.
As mentioned earlier, the way the stationary magneticfield is produced in the stator differentiates the varioustypes of BDC motors. This section will discuss thedifferent types of BDC motors and the advantages/disadvantages of each.
Permanent Magnet
Permanent Magnet Brushed DC (PMDC) motors arethe most common BDC motors found in the world.These motors use permanent magnets to produce thestator field. PMDC motors are generally used in appli-cations involving fractional horsepower because it ismore cost effective to use permanent magnets thanwound stators. The drawback of PMDC motors is thatthe magnets lose their magnetic properties over time.Some PMDC motors have windings built into them toprevent this from happening. The performance curve(voltage vs. speed), is very linear for PMDC motors.Current draw also varies linearly with torque. Thesemotors respond to changes in voltage very quicklybecause the stator field is always constant.
Shunt-wound Brushed DC (SHWDC) motors have thefield coil in parallel (shunt) with the armature. Thecurrent in the field coil and the armature are indepen-dent of one another. As a result, these motors haveexcellent speed control. SHWDC motors are typicallyused applications that require five or more horsepower.Loss of magnetism is not an issue in SHWDC motorsso they are generally more robust than PMDC motors.
Series-wound Brushed DC (SWDC) motors have thefield coil in series with the armature. These motors areideally suited for high-torque applications because thecurrent in both the stator and armature increases underload. A drawback to SWDC motors is that they do nothave precise speed control like PMDC and SHWDCmotors have.
PermanentMagnet Poles
DS00905A-page 2 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.
Compound Wound (CWDC) motors are a combinationof shunt-wound and series-wound motors. As shown inFigure 5, CWDC motors employ both a series and ashunt field. The performance of a CWDC motor is acombination of SWDC and SHWDC motors. CWDCmotors have higher torque than a SHWDC motor whileoffering better speed control than SWDC motor.
Drive circuits are used in applications where a control-ler of some kind is being used and speed control isrequired. The purpose of a drive circuit is to give thecontroller a way to vary the current in the windings ofthe BDC motor. The drive circuits discussed in thissection allow the controller to pulse width modulate thevoltage supplied to a BDC motor. In terms of powerconsumption, this method of speed control is a far moreefficient way to vary the speed of a BDC motorcompared to traditional analog control methods.Traditional analog control required the addition of aninefficient variable resistance in series with the motor.
BDC motors are driven in a variety of ways. In somecases the motor only needs to spin in one direction.Figure 6 and Figure 7 show circuits for driving a BDCmotor in one direction. The first is a low-side drive andthe second is a high-side drive. The advantage to usingthe low-side drive is that a FET driver is not typicallyneeded. A FET driver is used to:
1. bring the TTL signal driving a MOSFET to thepotential level of the supply voltage,
2. provide enough current to drive the MOSFET(1),
3. and provide level shifting in half-bridgeapplications.
Note that in each circuit there is a diode across themotor. This diode is there to prevent Back Electromag-netic Flux (BEMF) voltage from harming the MOSFET.BEMF is generated when the motor is spinning. Whenthe MOSFET is turned off, the winding in the motor isstill charged at this point and will produce reversecurrent flow. D1 must be rated appropriately so that itwill dissipate this current.
Resistors R1 and R2 in Figure 6 and Figure 7 areimportant to the operation of each circuit. R1 protectsthe microcontroller from current spikes while R2ensures that Q1 is turned off when the input pin istristated.
Note 1: The second point typically does not applyto most PICmicro® microcontrollerapplications because PIC microcontrollerI/O pins can source 20 mA.
To C
To C
2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00905A-page 3
Bidirectional control of a BDC motor requires a circuitcalled an H-bridge. The H-bridge, named for it'sschematic appearance, is able to move current in eitherdirection through the motor winding. To understandthis, the H-bridge must be broken into its two sides, orhalf-bridges. Referring to Figure 8, Q1 and Q2 make upone half-bridge while Q3 and Q4 make up the otherhalf-bridge. Each of these half-bridges is able to switchone side of the BDC motor to the potential of the supplyvoltage or ground. When Q1 is turned on and Q2 is off,for instance, the left side of the motor will be at thepotential of the supply voltage. Turning on Q4 andleaving Q3 off will ground the opposite side of themotor. The arrow labeled IFWD shows the resultingcurrent flow for this configuration.
Note the diodes across each of the MOSFETs (D1-D4).These diodes protect the MOSFETs from current spikesgenerated by BEMF when the MOSFETs are switchedoff. These diodes are only needed if the internalMOSFET diodes are not sufficient for dissipating theBEMF current.
The capacitors (C1-C4) are optional. The value ofthese capacitors is generally in the 10 pF range. Thepurpose of these capacitors is to reduce the RFradiation that is produced by the arching of thecommutators.
The different drive modes for and H-bridge circuit areshown in Table 1. In Forward mode and Reverse modeone side of the bridge is held at ground potential andthe other side at VSUPPLY. In Figure 8 the IFWD and IRVS
arrows illustrate the current paths during the Forwardand Reverse modes of operation. In Coast mode, theends of the motor winding are left floating and themotor coasts to a stop. Brake mode is used to rapidlystop the BDC motor. In Brake mode, the ends of themotor are grounded. The motor behaves as a genera-tor when it is rotating. Shorting the leads of the motoracts as a load of infinite magnitude bringing the motorto a rapid halt. The IBRK arrow illustrates this.
There is one very important consideration that must betaken into account when designing an H-bridge circuit.All MOSFETs must be biased to off when the inputs tothe circuit are unpredictable (like when the microcon-troller is starting up). This will ensure that theMOSFETs on each half-bridge of the H-bridge willnever be turned on at the same time. TurningMOSFETs on that are located on the same half-bridgewill cause a short across the power supply, ultimatelydamaging the MOSFETs and rendering the circuitinoperable. Pull-down resistors at each of the MOSFETdriver inputs will accomplish this functionality (for theconfiguration shown in Figure 8).
Forward on off off on
Reverse off on on off
Coast off off off off
Brake off on off on
DS00905A-page 4 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.
The speed of a BDC motor is proportional to the voltageapplied to the motor. When using digital control, apulse-width modulated (PWM) signal is used to gener-ate an average voltage. The motor winding acts as alow pass filter so a PWM waveform of sufficientfrequency will generate a stable current in the motorwinding. The relation between average voltage, thesupply voltage, and duty cycle is given by:
Speed and duty cycle are proportional to one another.For example, if a BDC motor is rated to turn at 15000RPM at 12V, the motor will (ideally) turn at 7500 RPMwhen a 50% duty cycle waveform is applied across themotor.
The frequency of the PWM waveform is an importantconsideration. Too low a frequency will result in a noisymotor at low speeds and sluggish response to changesin duty cycle. Too high a frequency lessens theefficiency of the system due to switching losses in theswitching devices. A good rule of thumb is to modulatethe input waveform at a frequency in the range of 4 kHzto 20 kHz. This range is high enough that audible motornoise is attenuated and the switching losses present inthe MOSFETs (or BJTs) are negligible. Generally, it is agood idea to experiment with the PWM frequency for agiven motor to find a satisfactory frequency.
So how can a PIC microcontroller be used to generatethe PWM waveform required to control the speed of aBDC motor? One way would be to toggle an output pinby writing assembly or C code dedicated to driving thatpin(1). Another way is to select a PIC microcontrollerwith a hardware PWM module. The modules availablefrom Microchip for this purpose are the CCP an ECCPmodules. Many of the PIC microcontrollers have CCPand ECCP modules. Refer to the product selectorguide to find the devices having these features.
The CCP module (short for Capture Compare andPWM) is capable of outputting a 10-bit resolution PWMwaveform on a single I/O pin. 10-bit resolution meansthat 210, or 1024, possible duty cycle values rangingfrom 0% to 100% are achievable by the module. Theadvantage to using this module is that it automaticallygenerates a PWM signal on an I/O pin which frees upprocessor time for doing other things. The CCP moduleonly requires that the developer configure the parame-ters of the module. Configuring the module includessetting the frequency and duty cycle registers.
The ECCP module (short for Enhanced CaptureCompare and PWM) provides the same functionality asthe CCP module with the added capability of driving afull or half-bridge circuit. The ECCP module also hasauto-shutdown capability and programmable deadband delay.
Though the speed of a BDC motor is generally propor-tional to duty cycle, no motor is ideal. Heat, commutatorwear and load all affect the speed of a motor. Insystems where precise speed control is required, it is agood idea to include some sort of feedback mechanismin the system.
Speed feedback is implemented in one of two ways.The first involves the use of a speed sensor of somekind. The second uses the BEMF voltage generated bythe motor.
Sensored Feedback
There are a variety of sensors used for speed feed-back. The most common are optical encoders and halleffect sensors. Optical encoders are made up ofseveral components. A slotted wheel is mounted to theshaft at the non-driving end of the motor. An infraredLED provides a light source on one side of the wheeland a photo transistor detects light on the other side ofthe wheel (see Figure 9). Light passing through theslots in the wheel will turn the photo transistor on. Asthe shaft turns, the photo transistor turns on and off withthe passing of the slots in the wheel. The frequency atwhich the transistor toggles is an indication of motorspeed. In the case of positioning applications, anoptical encoder will also provide feedback as to theposition of the motor.
FIGURE 9: OPTICAL ENCODERNote 1: Microchip Application Note AN847provides an assembly code routine forpulse-width modulating an I/O pin infirmware.
Note: Microchip Application Note AN893 gives adetailed explanation of configuring theECCP module for driving a BDC motor.The application note also includesfirmware and drive circuit examples.
Photo TransistorIR LED
Front View Side View
2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00905A-page 5
Hall effect sensors are also used to provide speedfeedback. Like optical encoders, hall effect sensorsrequire a rotary element attached to the motor and astationary component. The rotary element is a wheelwith one or more magnets positioned on its outer rim. Astationary sensor detects the magnet when in passesand generates a TTL pulse. Figure 10 shows the basiccomponents of a hall effect sensor.
Back Electro Magnetic Flux (BEMF)
Another form of velocity feedback for a BDC motor isBEMF voltage measurement. BEMF voltage and speedare proportional to one another. Figure 11 shows thelocations where BEMF voltage is measured on abidirectional drive circuit. A voltage divider is used todrop the BEMF voltage into the 0-5V range so that itcan be read by an analog-to-digital converter. TheBEMF voltage is measured between PWM pulseswhen one side of the motor is floating and the other isgrounded. At this instance in time the motor is actinglike a generator and produces a BEMF voltageproportional to speed.
hall effectsensor
Front View Side View
DS00905A-page 6 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.
All BDC motors behave slightly differently because ofdifferences in efficiency and materials. Experimenta-tion is the best way to determine the BEMF voltage fora given motor speed. A piece of reflect tape on theshaft of the motor will allow a digital tachometer tomeasure the RPM of the motor. Measuring the BEMFvoltage while reading the digital tachometer will give acorrelation between motor speed and BEMF voltage.
Brushed DC motors are very simple to use and control,which makes them a short design-in item. PICmicrocontrollers, especially those with CCP or ECCPmodules are ideally suited for driving BDC motors.
AN893 Low-Cost Bidirectional Brushed DC MotorControl Using the PIC16F684.
AN847 RC Model Aircraft Motor Control.
Note: Microchip Application Note AN893provides firmware and circuit examples forreading the BEMF voltage using aPIC16F684.
2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00905A-page 7
DS00905A-page 8 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.
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AN887AC Induction Motor Fundamentals
AC induction motors are the most common motorsused in industrial motion control systems, as well as inmain powered home appliances. Simple and ruggeddesign, low-cost, low maintenance and direct connec-tion to an AC power source are the main advantages ofAC induction motors.
Various types of AC induction motors are available inthe market. Different motors are suitable for differentapplications. Although AC induction motors are easierto design than DC motors, the speed and the torquecontrol in various types of AC induction motors requirea greater understanding of the design and thecharacteristics of these motors.
This application note discusses the basics of an ACinduction motor; the different types, their characteris-tics, the selection criteria for different applications andbasic control techniques.
Like most motors, an AC induction motor has a fixedouter portion, called the stator and a rotor that spinsinside with a carefully engineered air gap between thetwo.
Virtually all electrical motors use magnetic field rotationto spin their rotors. A three-phase AC induction motoris the only type where the rotating magnetic field is
created naturally in the stator because of the nature ofthe supply. DC motors depend either on mechanical orelectronic commutation to create rotating magneticfields. A single-phase AC induction motor depends onextra electrical components to produce this rotatingmagnetic field.
Two sets of electromagnets are formed inside any motor.In an AC induction motor, one set of electromagnets isformed in the stator because of the AC supply connectedto the stator windings. The alternating nature of the sup-ply voltage induces an Electromagnetic Force (EMF) inthe rotor (just like the voltage is induced in the trans-former secondary) as per Lenz’s law, thus generatinganother set of electromagnets; hence the name – induc-tion motor. Interaction between the magnetic field ofthese electromagnets generates twisting force, ortorque. As a result, the motor rotates in the direction ofthe resultant torque.
The stator is made up of several thin laminations ofaluminum or cast iron. They are punched and clampedtogether to form a hollow cylinder (stator core) withslots as shown in Figure 1. Coils of insulated wires areinserted into these slots. Each grouping of coils,together with the core it surrounds, forms an electro-magnet (a pair of poles) on the application of ACsupply. The number of poles of an AC induction motordepends on the internal connection of the stator wind-ings. The stator windings are connected directly to thepower source. Internally they are connected in such away, that on applying AC supply, a rotating magneticfield is created.
Author: Rakesh ParekhMicrochip Technology Inc.
2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00887A-page 1
The rotor is made up of several thin steel laminationswith evenly spaced bars, which are made up ofaluminum or copper, along the periphery. In the mostpopular type of rotor (squirrel cage rotor), these barsare connected at ends mechanically and electrically bythe use of rings. Almost 90% of induction motors havesquirrel cage rotors. This is because the squirrel cagerotor has a simple and rugged construction. The rotorconsists of a cylindrical laminated core with axiallyplaced parallel slots for carrying the conductors. Eachslot carries a copper, aluminum, or alloy bar. Theserotor bars are permanently short-circuited at both endsby means of the end rings, as shown in Figure 2. Thistotal assembly resembles the look of a squirrel cage,which gives the rotor its name. The rotor slots are notexactly parallel to the shaft. Instead, they are given askew for two main reasons.
The first reason is to make the motor run quietly byreducing magnetic hum and to decrease slotharmonics.
The second reason is to help reduce the locking ten-dency of the rotor. The rotor teeth tend to remain lockedunder the stator teeth due to direct magnetic attractionbetween the two. This happens when the number ofstator teeth are equal to the number of rotor teeth.
The rotor is mounted on the shaft using bearings oneach end; one end of the shaft is normally kept longerthan the other for driving the load. Some motors mayhave an accessory shaft on the non-driving end formounting speed or position sensing devices. Betweenthe stator and the rotor, there exists an air gap, throughwhich due to induction, the energy is transferred fromthe stator to the rotor. The generated torque forces therotor and then the load to rotate. Regardless of the typeof rotor used, the principle employed for rotationremains the same.
Speed of an Induction Motor
The magnetic field created in the stator rotates at asynchronous speed (NS).
The magnetic field produced in the rotor because of theinduced voltage is alternating in nature.
To reduce the relative speed, with respect to the stator,the rotor starts running in the same direction as that ofthe stator flux and tries to catch up with the rotating flux.However, in practice, the rotor never succeeds in“catching up” to the stator field. The rotor runs slowerthan the speed of the stator field. This speed is calledthe Base Speed (Nb).
The difference between NS and Nb is called the slip. Theslip varies with the load. An increase in load will causethe rotor to slow down or increase slip. A decrease inload will cause the rotor to speed up or decrease slip.The slip is expressed as a percentage and can bedetermined with the following formula:
Ns 120fP---×=
where: NS = the synchronous speed of the stator
magnetic field in RPMP = the number of poles on the stator f = the supply frequency in Hertz
slipNs Nb–
where: NS = the synchronous speed in RPMNb = the base speed in RPM
Conductors End Ring
Skewed Slots
End Ring
DS00887A-page 2 2003 Microchip Technology Inc.
Generally, induction motors are categorized based onthe number of stator windings. They are:
• Single-phase induction motor
• Three-phase induction motor
Single-Phase Induction Motor
There are probably more single-phase AC inductionmotors in use today than the total of all the other typesput together. It is logical that the least expensive, low-est maintenance type motor should be used mostoften. The single-phase AC induction motor best fitsthis description.
As the name suggests, this type of motor has only onestator winding (main winding) and operates with asingle-phase power supply. In all single-phaseinduction motors, the rotor is the squirrel cage type.
The single-phase induction motor is not self-starting.When the motor is connected to a single-phase powersupply, the main winding carries an alternating current.This current produces a pulsating magnetic field. Dueto induction, the rotor is energized. As the mainmagnetic field is pulsating, the torque necessary for themotor rotation is not generated. This will cause therotor to vibrate, but not to rotate. Hence, the single-
phase induction motor is required to have a startingmechanism that can provide the starting kick for themotor to rotate.
The starting mechanism of the single-phase inductionmotor is mainly an additional stator winding (start/auxiliary winding) as shown in Figure 3. The start wind-ing can have a series capacitor and/or a centrifugalswitch. When the supply voltage is applied, current inthe main winding lags the supply voltage due to themain winding impedance. At the same time, current inthe start winding leads/lags the supply voltage depend-ing on the starting mechanism impedance. Interactionbetween magnetic fields generated by the main wind-ing and the starting mechanism generates a resultantmagnetic field rotating in one direction. The motorstarts rotating in the direction of the resultant magneticfield.
Once the motor reaches about 75% of its rated speed,a centrifugal switch disconnects the start winding. Fromthis point on, the single-phase motor can maintainsufficient torque to operate on its own.
Except for special capacitor start/capacitor run types,all single-phase motors are generally used forapplications up to 3/4 hp only.
Depending on the various start techniques, single-phase AC induction motors are further classified asdescribed in the following sections.
Single-Phase AC Induction Motor
Capacitor Centrifugal Switch
without Start MechanismSingle-Phase AC Induction Motor
with Start Mechanism
Start Winding
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Split-Phase AC Induction MotorThe split-phase motor is also known as an inductionstart/induction run motor. It has two windings: a startand a main winding. The start winding is made withsmaller gauge wire and fewer turns, relative to the mainwinding to create more resistance, thus putting the startwinding’s field at a different angle than that of the mainwinding which causes the motor to start rotating. Themain winding, which is of a heavier wire, keeps themotor running the rest of the time.
The starting torque is low, typically 100% to 175% of therated torque. The motor draws high starting current,approximately 700% to 1,000% of the rated current. Themaximum generated torque ranges from 250% to 350%of the rated torque (see Figure 9 for torque-speedcurve).
Good applications for split-phase motors include smallgrinders, small fans and blowers and other low startingtorque applications with power needs from 1/20 to1/3 hp. Avoid using this type of motor in any applicationsrequiring high on/off cycle rates or high torque.
Capacitor Start AC Induction Motor
This is a modified split-phase motor with a capacitor inseries with the start winding to provide a start “boost.”Like the split-phase motor, the capacitor start motoralso has a centrifugal switch which disconnects thestart winding and the capacitor when the motor reachesabout 75% of the rated speed.
Since the capacitor is in series with the start circuit, itcreates more starting torque, typically 200% to 400% ofthe rated torque. And the starting current, usually 450%to 575% of the rated current, is much lower than thesplit-phase due to the larger wire in the start circuit.Refer to Figure 9 for torque-speed curve.
A modified version of the capacitor start motor is theresistance start motor. In this motor type, the startingcapacitor is replaced by a resistor. The resistance startmotor is used in applications where the starting torquerequirement is less than that provided by the capacitorstart motor. Apart from the cost, this motor does not offerany major advantage over the capacitor start motor.
They are used in a wide range of belt-drive applicationslike small conveyors, large blowers and pumps, as wellas many direct-drive or geared applications.
Permanent Split Capacitor (Capacitor Run) AC Induction Motor
A permanent split capacitor (PSC) motor has a run typecapacitor permanently connected in series with thestart winding. This makes the start winding an auxiliarywinding once the motor reaches the running speed.Since the run capacitor must be designed for continu-ous use, it cannot provide the starting boost of a start-ing capacitor. The typical starting torque of the PSCmotor is low, from 30% to 150% of the rated torque.PSC motors have low starting current, usually less than200% of the rated current, making them excellent forapplications with high on/off cycle rates. Refer toFigure 9 for torque-speed curve.
The PSC motors have several advantages. The motordesign can easily be altered for use with speed control-lers. They can also be designed for optimum efficiencyand High-Power Factor (PF) at the rated load. They’reconsidered to be the most reliable of the single-phasemotors, mainly because no centrifugal starting switch isrequired.
Permanent split-capacitor motors have a wide varietyof applications depending on the design. These includefans, blowers with low starting torque needs and inter-mittent cycling uses, such as adjusting mechanisms,gate operators and garage door openers.
Centrifugal Switch
Start Winding
Capacitor Centrifugal Switch
Start Winding
Start Winding
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Capacitor Start/Capacitor Run AC Induction Motor
This motor has a start type capacitor in series with theauxiliary winding like the capacitor start motor for highstarting torque. Like a PSC motor, it also has a run typecapacitor that is in series with the auxiliary winding afterthe start capacitor is switched out of the circuit. Thisallows high overload torque.
This type of motor can be designed for lower full-loadcurrents and higher efficiency (see Figure 9 for torque-speed curve). This motor is costly due to start and runcapacitors and centrifugal switch.
It is able to handle applications too demanding for anyother kind of single-phase motor. These include wood-working machinery, air compressors, high-pressurewater pumps, vacuum pumps and other high torqueapplications requiring 1 to 10 hp.
Shaded-Pole AC Induction Motor
Shaded-pole motors have only one main winding andno start winding. Starting is by means of a design thatrings a continuous copper loop around a small portionof each of the motor poles. This “shades” that portion ofthe pole, causing the magnetic field in the shaded areato lag behind the field in the unshaded area. Thereaction of the two fields gets the shaft rotating.
Because the shaded-pole motor lacks a start winding,starting switch or capacitor, it is electrically simple andinexpensive. Also, the speed can be controlled merelyby varying voltage, or through a multi-tap winding.Mechanically, the shaded-pole motor constructionallows high-volume production. In fact, these are usu-ally considered as “disposable” motors, meaning theyare much cheaper to replace than to repair.
The shaded-pole motor has many positive features butit also has several disadvantages. It’s low startingtorque is typically 25% to 75% of the rated torque. It isa high slip motor with a running speed 7% to 10%below the synchronous speed. Generally, efficiency ofthis motor type is very low (below 20%).
The low initial cost suits the shaded-pole motors to lowhorsepower or light duty applications. Perhaps their larg-est use is in multi-speed fans for household use. But thelow torque, low efficiency and less sturdy mechanicalfeatures make shaded-pole motors impractical for mostindustrial or commercial use, where higher cycle rates orcontinuous duty are the norm.
Figure 9 shows the torque-speed curves of variouskinds of single-phase AC induction motors.
Start Cap Centrifugal Switch
Start Winding
Run Cap
Shaded Portion of Pole
Unshaded Portion of Pole
Copper Ring
Supply Line
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Three-phase AC induction motors are widely used inindustrial and commercial applications. They areclassified either as squirrel cage or wound-rotormotors.
These motors are self-starting and use no capacitor,start winding, centrifugal switch or other startingdevice.
They produce medium to high degrees of startingtorque. The power capabilities and efficiency in thesemotors range from medium to high compared to theirsingle-phase counterparts. Popular applicationsinclude grinders, lathes, drill presses, pumps,compressors, conveyors, also printing equipment, farmequipment, electronic cooling and other mechanicalduty applications.
Squirrel Cage Motor
Almost 90% of the three-phase AC Induction motorsare of this type. Here, the rotor is of the squirrel cagetype and it works as explained earlier. The powerratings range from one-third to several hundred horse-power in the three-phase motors. Motors of this type,rated one horsepower or larger, cost less and can startheavier loads than their single-phase counterparts.
Wound-Rotor Motor
The slip-ring motor or wound-rotor motor is a variationof the squirrel cage induction motor. While the stator isthe same as that of the squirrel cage motor, it has a setof windings on the rotor which are not short-circuited,but are terminated to a set of slip rings. These arehelpful in adding external resistors and contactors.
The slip necessary to generate the maximum torque(pull-out torque) is directly proportional to the rotorresistance. In the slip-ring motor, the effective rotorresistance is increased by adding external resistancethrough the slip rings. Thus, it is possible to get higherslip and hence, the pull-out torque at a lower speed.
A particularly high resistance can result in the pull-outtorque occurring at almost zero speed, providing a veryhigh pull-out torque at a low starting current. As themotor accelerates, the value of the resistance can bereduced, altering the motor characteristic to suit theload requirement. Once the motor reaches the basespeed, external resistors are removed from the rotor.This means that now the motor is working as thestandard induction motor.
This motor type is ideal for very high inertia loads,where it is required to generate the pull-out torque atalmost zero speed and accelerate to full speed in theminimum time with minimum current draw.
20 40 60 80 100
Speed (%)
(% o
f F
ad T
Capacitor Start and Run
Changeover of Centrifugal SwitchCapacitor Start
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The downside of the slip ring motor is that slip rings andbrush assemblies need regular maintenance, which isa cost not applicable to the standard cage motor. If therotor windings are shorted and a start is attempted (i.e.,the motor is converted to a standard induction motor),it will exhibit an extremely high locked rotor current –typically as high as 1400% and a very low locked rotortorque, perhaps as low as 60%. In most applications,this is not an option.
Modifying the speed torque curve by altering the rotorresistors, the speed at which the motor will drive aparticular load can be altered. At full load, you canreduce the speed effectively to about 50% of the motorsynchronous speed, particularly when driving variabletorque/variable speed loads, such as printing pressesor compressors. Reducing the speed below 50%results in very low efficiency due to higher powerdissipation in the rotor resistances. This type of motoris used in applications for driving variable torque/variable speed loads, such as in printing presses,compressors, conveyer belts, hoists and elevators.
The motor load system can be described by afundamental torque equation.
For drives with constant inertia, (dJ/dt) = 0. Therefore,the equation would be:
This shows that the torque developed by the motor iscounter balanced by a load torque, Tl and a dynamictorque, J(dωm/dt). The torque component, J(dω/dt), iscalled the dynamic torque because it is present onlyduring the transient operations. The drive acceleratesor decelerates depending on whether T is greater orless than Tl. During acceleration, the motor should sup-ply not only the load torque, but an additional torquecomponent, J(dωm/dt), in order to overcome the driveinertia. In drives with large inertia, such as electrictrains, the motor torque must exceed the load torque bya large amount in order to get adequate acceleration.In drives requiring fast transient response, the motortorque should be maintained at the highest value andthe motor load system should be designed with the low-est possible inertia. The energy associated with thedynamic torque, J(dωm/dt), is stored in the form ofkinetic energy (KE) given by, J(ω2
m/2). During deceler-ation, the dynamic torque, J(dωm/dt), has a negativesign. Therefore, it assists the motor developed torque Tand maintains the drive motion by extracting energyfrom the stored kinetic energy.
To summarize, in order to get steady state rotation ofthe motor, the torque developed by the motor (T)should always be equal to the torque requirement ofthe load (Tl).
The torque-speed curve of the typical three-phaseinduction motor is shown in Figure 11.
Slip RingExternal RotorResistance
Wound Rotor
T Tl– Jdωm
dt------------ ωm
where: T = the instantaneous value of the
developed motor torque (N-m or lb-inch)Tl = the instantaneous value of the load torque
(N-m or lb-inch)ωm = the instantaneous angular
velocity of the motor shaft (rad/sec)J = the moment of inertia of the motor –
load system (kg-m2 or lb-inch2)
T Tl Jdωm
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Induction motors, at rest, appear just like a short cir-cuited transformer and if connected to the full supplyvoltage, draw a very high current known as the “LockedRotor Current.” They also produce torque which isknown as the “Locked Rotor Torque”. The LockedRotor Torque (LRT) and the Locked Rotor Current(LRC) are a function of the terminal voltage of the motorand the motor design. As the motor accelerates, boththe torque and the current will tend to alter with rotorspeed if the voltage is maintained constant.
The starting current of a motor with a fixed voltage willdrop very slowly as the motor accelerates and will onlybegin to fall significantly when the motor has reachedat least 80% of the full speed. The actual curves for theinduction motors can vary considerably betweendesigns but the general trend is for a high current untilthe motor has almost reached full speed. The LRC of amotor can range from 500% of Full-Load Current (FLC)to as high as 1400% of FLC. Typically, good motors fallin the range of 550% to 750% of FLC.
The starting torque of an induction motor starting with afixed voltage will drop a little to the minimum torque,known as the pull-up torque, as the motor acceleratesand then rises to a maximum torque, known as thebreakdown or pull-out torque, at almost full speed andthen drop to zero at the synchronous speed. The curveof the start torque against the rotor speed is dependanton the terminal voltage and the rotor design.
The LRT of an induction motor can vary from as low as60% of FLT to as high as 350% of FLT. The pull-uptorque can be as low as 40% of FLT and the breakdowntorque can be as high as 350% of FLT. Typically, LRTsfor medium to large motors are in the order of 120% ofFLT to 280% of FLT. The PF of the motor at start istypically 0.1-0.25, rising to a maximum as the motoraccelerates and then falling again as the motorapproaches full speed.
Once the motor is up to speed, it operates at a low slip,at a speed determined by the number of the statorpoles. Typically, the full-load slip for the squirrel cageinduction motor is less than 5%. The actual full-load slipof a particular motor is dependant on the motor design.The typical base speed of the four pole induction motorvaries between 1420 and 1480 RPM at 50 Hz, while thesynchronous speed is 1500 RPM at 50 Hz.
The current drawn by the induction motor has two com-ponents: reactive component (magnetizing current)and active component (working current). The magne-tizing current is independent of the load but is depen-dant on the design of the stator and the stator voltage.The actual magnetizing current of the induction motorcan vary, from as low as 20% of FLC for the large twopole machine, to as high as 60% for the small eight polemachine. The working current of the motor is directlyproportional to the load.
Sample Load Torque Curve
Pull-up Torque
Full Voltage Start Torque
Full Voltage Stator Current
Pull-out TorqueC
(% o
f M
r F
ad C
Rotor Speed (% of Full Speed)
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
7 x FLC
6 x FLC
5 x FLC
4 x FLC
3 x FLC
2 x FLC
1 x FLC
2 x FLT
1 x FLT
(% o
f M
r F
ad T
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The tendency for the large machines and high-speedmachines is to exhibit a low magnetizing current, whilefor the low-speed machines and small machines thetendency is to exhibit a high magnetizing current. Atypical medium sized four pole machine has amagnetizing current of about 33% of FLC.
A low magnetizing current indicates a low iron loss,while a high magnetizing current indicates an increasein iron loss and a resultant reduction in the operatingefficiency.
Typically, the operating efficiency of the induction motoris highest at 3/4 load and varies from less than 60% forsmall low-speed motors to greater than 92% for largehigh-speed motors. The operating PF and efficienciesare generally quoted on the motor data sheets.
In real applications, various kinds of loads exist withdifferent torque-speed curves. For example, ConstantTorque, Variable Speed Load (screw compressors,conveyors, feeders), Variable Torque, Variable SpeedLoad (fan, pump), Constant Power Load (tractiondrives), Constant Power, Constant Torque Load (coilerdrive) and High Starting/Breakaway Torque followed byConstant Torque Load (extruders, screw pumps).
The motor load system is said to be stable when thedeveloped motor torque is equal to the load torquerequirement. The motor will operate in a steady state ata fixed speed. The response of the motor to anydisturbance gives us an idea about the stability of themotor load system. This concept helps us in quicklyevaluating the selection of a motor for driving aparticular load.
In most drives, the electrical time constant of the motoris negligible as compared to its mechanical time con-stant. Therefore, during transient operation, the motorcan be assumed to be in an electrical equilibrium,implying that the steady state torque-speed curve isalso applicable to the transient operation.
As an example, Figure 12 shows torque-speed curvesof the motor with two different loads. The system canbe termed as stable, when the operation will berestored after a small departure from it, due to adisturbance in the motor or load.
For example, disturbance causes a reduction of ∆ωm inspeed. In the first case, at a new speed, the motortorque (T) is greater than the load torque (Tl). Conse-quently, the motor will accelerate and the operation willbe restored to X. Similarly, an increase of ∆ωm in thespeed, caused by a disturbance, will make the loadtorque (Tl) greater than the motor torque (T), resultingin a deceleration and restoration of the point ofoperation to X. Hence, at point X, the system is stable.
In the second case, a decrease in the speed causesthe load torque (Tl) to become greater than the motortorque (T), the drive decelerates and the operatingpoint moves away from Y. Similarly, an increase in thespeed will make the motor torque (T) greater than theload torque (Tl), which will move the operating pointfurther away from Y. Thus, at point Y, the system isunstable.
This shows that, while in the first case, the motorselection for driving the given load is the right one; inthe second case, the selected motor is not the rightchoice and requires changing for driving the given load.
The typical existing loads with their torque-speedcurves are described in the following sections.
0Torque Torque
ωm ωm
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Constant Torque, Variable Speed Loads
The torque required by this type of load is constantregardless of the speed. In contrast, the power islinearly proportional to the speed. Equipment, such asscrew compressors, conveyors and feeders, have thistype of characteristic.
Variable Torque, Variable Speed Loads
This is most commonly found in the industry andsometimes is known as a quadratic torque load. Thetorque is the square of the speed, while the power is thecube of the speed. This is the typical torque-speedcharacteristic of a fan or a pump.
Constant Power Loads
This type of load is rare but is sometimes found in theindustry. The power remains constant while the torquevaries. The torque is inversely proportional to thespeed, which theoretically means infinite torque at zerospeed and zero torque at infinite speed. In practice,there is always a finite value to the breakaway torquerequired. This type of load is characteristic of the trac-tion drives, which require high torque at low speeds forthe initial acceleration and then a much reduced torquewhen at running speed.
Constant Power, Constant Torque Loads
This is common in the paper industry. In this type ofload, as speed increases, the torque is constant withthe power linearly increasing. When the torque starts todecrease, the power then remains constant.
High Starting/Breakaway Torque Followed by Constant Torque
This type of load is characterized by very high torque atrelatively low frequencies. Typical applications includeextruders and screw pumps.
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Worldwide, various standards exist which specify vari-ous operating and constructional parameters of amotor. The two most widely used parameters are theNational Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)and the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC).
NEMA sets standards for a wide range of electricalproducts, including motors. NEMA is primarily associ-ated with motors used in North America. The standardsdeveloped represent the general industry practices andare supported by manufacturers of electrical equip-ment. These standards can be found in the NEMAStandard Publication No. MG 1. Some large AC motorsmay not fall under NEMA standards. They are built tomeet the requirements of a specific application. Theyare referred to as above NEMA motors.
IEC is a European-based organization that publishesand promotes worldwide, the mechanical and electricalstandards for motors, among other things. In simpleterms, it can be said that the IEC is the internationalcounterpart of the NEMA. The IEC standards areassociated with motors used in many countries. Thesestandards can be found in the IEC 34-1-16. The motorswhich meet or exceed these standards are referred toas IEC motors.
The NEMA standards mainly specify four design typesfor AC induction motors – Design A, B, C and D. Theirtypical torque-speed curves are shown in Figure 18.
• Design A has normal starting torque (typically 150-170% of rated) and relatively high starting current. The breakdown torque is the highest of all the NEMA types. It can handle heavy overloads for a short duration. The slip is <= 5%. A typical application is the powering of injection molding machines.
• Design B is the most common type of AC induction motor sold. It has a normal starting torque, similar to Design A, but offers low starting current. The locked rotor torque is good enough to start many loads encountered in the industrial applications. The slip is <= 5%. The motor effi-ciency and full-load PF are comparatively high, contributing to the popularity of the design. The typical applications include pumps, fans and machine tools.
• Design C has high starting torque (greater than the previous two designs, say 200%), useful for driving heavy breakaway loads like conveyors, crushers, stirring machines, agitators, reciprocat-ing pumps, compressors, etc. These motors are intended for operation near full speed without great overloads. The starting current is low. The slip is <= 5%.
• Design D has high starting torque (higher than all the NEMA motor types). The starting current and full-load speed are low. The high slip values (5-13%) make this motor suitable for applications with changing loads and subsequent sharp changes in the motor speed, such as in machinery with energy storage flywheels, punch presses, shears, elevators, extractors, winches, hoists, oil-well pumping, wire-drawing machines, etc. The speed regulation is poor, making the design suitable only for punch presses, cranes, elevators and oil well pumps. This motor type is usually considered a “special order” item.
Design B
Design C
Design D
Design A
20 40 60 80 100
Speed (%)
(% o
f F
ad T
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Recently, NEMA has added one more design –Design E – in its standard for the induction motor.Design E is similar to Design B, but has a higherefficiency, high starting currents and lower full-loadrunning currents. The torque characteristics of DesignE are similar to IEC metric motors of similar powerparameters.
The IEC Torque-Speed Design Ratings practicallymirror those of NEMA. The IEC Design N motors aresimilar to NEMA Design B motors, the most commonmotors for industrial applications. The IEC Design Hmotors are nearly identical to NEMA Design C motors.
There is no specific IEC equivalent to the NEMADesign D motor. The IEC Duty Cycle Ratings aredifferent from those of NEMA’s. Where NEMA usuallyspecifies continuous, intermittent or special duty(typically expressed in minutes), the IEC uses ninedifferent duty cycle designations (IEC 34 -1).
The standards, shown in Table 1, apart from specifyingmotor operating parameters and duty cycles, alsospecify temperature rise (insulation class), frame size(physical dimension of the motor), enclosure type,service factor and so on.
No. Ref. Duty Cycle Type Description
1 S1 Continuous running Operation at constant load of sufficient duration to reach the thermal equilibrium.
2 S2 Short-time duty Operation at constant load during a given time, less than required to reach the thermal equilibrium, followed by a rest enabling the machine to reach a temperature similar to that of the coolant (2 Kelvin tolerance).
3 S3 Intermittent periodic duty A sequence of identical duty cycles, each including a period of operation at constant load and a rest (without connection to the mains). For this type of duty, the starting current does not significantly affect the temperature rise.
4 S4 Intermittent periodic duty with starting
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each consisting of a significant period of starting, a period under constant load and a rest period.
5 S5 Intermittent periodic duty with electric braking
A sequence of identical cycles, each consisting of a period of starting, a period of operation at constant load, followed by rapid electric braking and a rest period.
6 S6 Continuous operation periodic duty
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each consisting of a period of operation at constant load and a period of operation at no-load. There is no rest period.
7 S7 Continuous operation periodic duty with electric braking
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each consisting of a period of starting, a period of operation at constant load, followed by an electric braking. There is no rest period.
8 S8 Continuous operation periodic duty with related load and speed changes
A sequence of identical duty cycles, each consisting of a period of operation at constant load corresponding to a predetermined speed of rotation, followed by one or more periods of operation at another constant load corresponding to the different speeds of rotation (e.g., duty ). There is no rest period. The period of duty is too short to reach the thermal equilibrium.
9 S9 Duty with non-periodic load and speed variations
Duty in which, generally, the load and the speed vary non-periodically within the permissible range. This duty includes frequent overloads that may exceed the full loads.
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A typical name plate on an AC induction motor isshown in Figure 19.
ORD. No.
<Name of Manufacturer>
<Address of Manufacturer>
3 PH
Term Description
Volts Rated terminal supply voltage.
Amps Rated full-load supply current.
H.P. Rated motor output.
R.P.M Rated full-load speed of the motor.
Hertz Rated supply frequency.
Frame External physical dimension of the motor based on the NEMA standards.
Duty Motor load condition, whether it is continuos load, short time, periodic, etc.
Date Date of manufacturing.
Class Insulation Insulation class used for the motor construction. This specifies max. limit of the motor winding temperature.
NEMA Design This specifies to which NEMA design class the motor belongs to.
Service Factor Factor by which the motor can be overloaded beyond the full load.
NEMA Nom. Efficiency
Motor operating efficiency at full load.
PH Specifies number of stator phases of the motor.
Pole Specifies number of poles of the motor.
Specifies the motor safety standard.
Y Specifies whether the motor windings are start (Y) connected or delta (∆) connected.
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Apart from the nonlinear characteristics of the inductionmotor, there are various issues attached to the drivingof the motor. Let us look at them one by one.
Earlier motors tended to be over designed to drive aspecific load over its entire range. This resulted in ahighly inefficient driving system, as a significant part ofthe input power was not doing any useful work. Most ofthe time, the generated motor torque was more thanthe required load torque.
For the induction motor, the steady state motoringregion is restricted from 80% of the rated speed to100% of the rated speed due to the fixed supplyfrequency and the number of poles.
When an induction motor starts, it will draw very highinrush current due to the absence of the back EMF atstart. This results in higher power loss in the transmis-sion line and also in the rotor, which will eventually heatup and may fail due to insulation failure. The highinrush current may cause the voltage to dip in thesupply line, which may affect the performance of otherutility equipment connected on the same supply line.
When the motor is operated at a minimum load (i.e.,open shaft), the current drawn by the motor is primarilythe magnetizing current and is almost purely inductive.As a result, the PF is very low, typically as low as 0.1.When the load is increased, the working current beginsto rise. The magnetizing current remains almost con-stant over the entire operating range, from no load tofull load. Hence, with the increase in the load, the PFwill improve.
When the motor operates at a PF less than unity, thecurrent drawn by the motor is not sinusoidal in nature.This condition degrades the power quality of the supplyline and may affect performances of other utilityequipment connected on the same line. The PF is veryimportant as many distribution companies have startedimposing penalties on the customer drawing power ata value less than the set limit of the PF. This means thecustomer is forced to maintain the full-load condition forthe entire operating time or else pay penalties for thelight load condition.
While operating, it is often necessary to stop the motorquickly and also reverse it. In applications like cranesor hoists, the torque of the drive motor may have to becontrolled so that the load does not have anyundesirable acceleration (e.g., in the case of loweringof loads under the influence of gravity). The speed andaccuracy of stopping or reversing operations improvethe productivity of the system and the quality of theproduct. For the previously mentioned applications,braking is required. Earlier, mechanical brakes were inuse. The frictional force between the rotating parts andthe brake drums provided the required braking.However, this type of braking is highly inefficient. The
heat generated while braking represents loss ofenergy. Also, mechanical brakes require regularmaintenance.
In many applications, the input power is a function ofthe speed like fan, blower, pump and so on. In thesetypes of loads, the torque is proportional to the squareof the speed and the power is proportional to the cubeof speed. Variable speed, depending upon the loadrequirement, provides significant energy saving. Areduction of 20% in the operating speed of the motorfrom its rated speed will result in an almost 50%reduction in the input power to the motor. This is notpossible in a system where the motor is directlyconnected to the supply line. In many flow controlapplications, a mechanical throttling device is used tolimit the flow. Although this is an effective means ofcontrol, it wastes energy because of the high lossesand reduces the life of the motor valve due togenerated heat.
When the supply line is delivering the power at a PFless than unity, the motor draws current rich in harmon-ics. This results in higher rotor loss affecting the motorlife. The torque generated by the motor will be pulsatingin nature due to harmonics. At high speed, the pulsat-ing torque frequency is large enough to be filtered outby the motor impedance. But at low speed, the pulsat-ing torque results in the motor speed pulsation. Thisresults in jerky motion and affects the bearings’ life.
The supply line may experience a surge or sag due tothe operation of other equipment on the same line. Ifthe motor is not protected from such conditions, it willbe subjected to higher stress than designed for, whichultimately may lead to its premature failure.
All of the previously mentioned problems, faced by bothconsumers and the industry, strongly advocated theneed for an intelligent motor control.
With the advancement of solid state device technology(BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, SCR, etc.) and IC fabricationtechnology, which gave rise to high-speed micro-controllers capable of executing real-time complexalgorithm to give excellent dynamic performance of theAC induction motor, the electrical Variable FrequencyDrive became popular.
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The VFD is a system made up of active/passive powerelectronics devices (IGBT, MOSFET, etc.), a high-speed central controlling unit (a microcontroller, like thePIC18 or the PIC16) and optional sensing devices,depending upon the application requirement.
A typical modern-age intelligent VFD for the three-phase induction motor with single-phase supply isshown in Figure 20.
The basic function of the VFD is to act as a variable fre-quency generator in order to vary speed of the motor asper the user setting. The rectifier and the filter convertthe AC input to DC with negligible ripple. The inverter,under the control of the PICmicro® microcontroller,synthesizes the DC into three-phase variable voltage,variable frequency AC. Additional features can be pro-vided, like the DC bus voltage sensing, OV and UV trip,overcurrent protection, accurate speed/position con-trol, temperature control, easy control setting, display,PC connectivity for real-time monitoring, Power FactorCorrection (PFC) and so on. With the rich feature set ofthe PICmicro microcontroller, it is possible to integrateall the features necessary into a single chip solution soas to get advantages, such as reliability, accuratecontrol, space saving, cost saving and so on.
The base speed of the motor is proportional to supplyfrequency and is inversely proportional to the numberof stator poles. The number of poles cannot bechanged once the motor is constructed. So, by chang-ing the supply frequency, the motor speed can bechanged. But when the supply frequency is reduced,the equivalent impedance of electric circuit reduces.This results in higher current drawn by the motor and ahigher flux. If the supply voltage is not reduced, themagnetic field may reach the saturation level. There-fore, in order to keep the magnetic flux within workingrange, both the supply voltage and the frequency arechanged in a constant ratio. Since the torque producedby the motor is proportional to the magnetic field in theair gap, the torque remains more or less constantthroughout the operating range.
RS-232 Link
6 GateSignals
Main Supply115/230 VAC
60/50 Hz
Note: The presence of particular component(s) and location(s) will depend on the features provided and the technologyused in the specific VFD by the manufacturer.
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As seen in Figure 21, the voltage and the frequency arevaried at a constant ratio up to the base speed. The fluxand the torque remain almost constant up to the basespeed. Beyond the base speed, the supply voltage cannot be increased. Increasing the frequency beyond thebase speed results in the field weakening and thetorque reduces. Above the base speed, the torquegoverning factors become more nonlinear as thefriction and windage losses increase significantly. Dueto this, the torque curve becomes nonlinear. Based onthe motor type, the field weakening can go up to twicethe base speed. This control is the most popular inindustries and is popularly known as the constant V/fcontrol.
By selecting the proper V/f ratio for a motor, the startingcurrent can be kept well under control. This avoids anysag in the supply line, as well as heating of the motor.The VFD also provides overcurrent protection. Thisfeature is very useful while controlling the motor withhigher inertia.
Since almost constant rated torque is available over theentire operating range, the speed range of the motorbecomes wider. User can set the speed as per the loadrequirement, thereby achieving higher energy effi-ciency (especially with the load where power is propor-tional to the cube speed). Continuous operation overalmost the entire range is smooth, except at very lowspeed. This restriction comes mainly due to the inher-ent losses in the motor, like frictional, windage, iron,etc. These losses are almost constant over the entirespeed. Therefore, to start the motor, sufficient powermust be supplied to overcome these losses and theminimum torque has to be developed to overcome theload inertia.
The PFC circuit at the input side of the VFD helps agreat deal to maintain an approximate unity PF. Byexecuting a complex algorithm in real-time using thePICmicro microcontroller, the user can easily limit flow
of harmonics from line to motor and hence, near unityPF power can be drawn from the line. By incorporatingthe proper EMI filter, the noise flow from the VFD to theline can entirely be stopped. As the VFD is in betweenthe supply line and the motor, any disturbance (sag orsurge) on the supply line does not get transmitted to themotor side.
With the use of various kinds of available feedbacksensors, the VFD becomes an intelligent operator in truesense. Due to feedback, the VFD will shift motor torque-speed curve, as per the load and the input condition.This helps to achieve better energy efficiency.
With the VFD, the true four quadrant operation of themotor is possible (i.e., forward motoring and braking,reverse motoring and braking). This means that it elim-inates the need for mechanical brakes and efficientlyreuses the Kinetic Energy (KE) of the motor. However,for safety reasons, in many applications like hoists andcranes, the mechanical brakes are kept as a standby incase of electrical brake failure.
Care must be taken while braking the motor. If the inputside of the VFD is uncontrolled, then regenerativebraking is not possible (i.e., the KE from the motorcannot be returned back to the supply.) If the filter DClink capacitor is not sufficiently large enough, then theKE, while braking, will raise the DC bus voltage level.This will increase the stress level on the power devicesas well as the DC link capacitor. This may lead topermanent damage to the device/capacitor. It is alwaysadvisable to use the dissipative mean (resistor) to limitthe energy returning to the DC link by dissipating asubstantial portion in the resistor.
Compared to the mechanical braking, the electricalbraking is frictionless. There is no wear and tear in theelectrical braking. As a result, the repetitive braking isdone more efficiently with the electrical braking.
Constant Power Region
Constant Torque Region
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A single VFD has the capability to control multiplemotors. The VFD is adaptable to almost any operatingcondition. There is no need to refuel or warm up themotor. For the given power rating, the control and thedrive provided by the VFD depends solely on thealgorithm written into it. This means that for a wide rangeof power ratings, the same VFD can be used. Due toever evolving technology, the price of semiconductorshas reduced drastically in the past 15 years and thetrend is still continuing. This means the user can have an
intelligent VFD at such an inexpensive rate that theinvestment cost can be recovered within 1 to 2 years,depending upon the features of VFD.
VFD as Energy Saver
Let us have a look at the classical case of the centrifu-gal pump and how the use of the VFD provides the userthe most energy efficient solution at a low cost. Anycentrifugal pump follows the Affinity laws, which arerepresented in terms of the curves shown in Figure 22.
In simple terms, this means that the water flow, headpressure and power are directly proportional to the(speed), (speed)2 and (speed)3, respectively. In termsof mathematical equations, they are represented as:
Pressure Power
% Speed
2 ;
Note: Subscripts (1) and (2) signify two different operating points.
2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00887A-page 17
Let us say that the user wants a centrifugal pump forwater flow of 100 gallons/minute for a pressure head of50 feet continuously and occasionally needs a peakflow of 200 gallons/minute. The curves of load andpump are as shown in Figure 23. It can be observedthat for an occasional peak requirement of 200 gallons/minute, the user is forced to go for an over designedpump, which means higher investment cost. Also, ifthe pump is run directly with supply, without any controlof flow, the pump continuously runs at a speed higherthan required. This translates into more power input tothe pump (Affinity laws) and hence a higher energybill. Also, the user does not have any control overflow.
For years, to control flow, the throttle value was imple-mented. Closing this mechanical part partially, to regu-late the flow, shifts the operating point to the left of thecurve and increases the pressure head (as shown inFigure 23). But it adds to the frictional loss and theoverall system loss. With continuous frictional loss,the heating of the valve takes place, which brings downit’s life considerably. The maintenance cost of thevalve adds to the operating cost of the pump. Anincrease in the pressure head means higher powerinput, which further increases the energy loss.
With use of the VFD, users can avoid all of the previ-ously mentioned problems. First, the VFD can adjustthe speed of the pump to a new required speed in orderto get the needed flow. This process is like replacingthe present pump with the new pump having modifiedcharacteristics (as shown in Figure 23). Reduction inthe speed means reduction in the pressure head andreduction in the power consumption; no frictional lossand hence no maintenance cost. The difference in
the pressure head (as shown in Figure 23) due to theoperating points of the pump, with and without the VFD,leads to almost an 85% savings in energy. Thisimplies that there is no need to over design the pumpand a pump of lower rating can be installed (lowerinvestment cost). An occasional need for higher flowcan be taken care of by the VFD. Running the pump atan overrated speed by the field weakening can meetthe higher load requirement.
Load Curve
Pump Curve
Flow (gallon/minute)
0100 200
Load Curve
Pump Curve
Flow (gallon/minute)
0100 200
Pump Curvewith VFD
Load Curve withThrottled Valve
e H
e H
Required Operating
DS00887A-page 18 2003 Microchip Technology Inc.
Various speed control techniques implemented bymodern-age VFD are mainly classified in the followingthree categories:
• Scalar Control (V/f Control)• Vector Control (Indirect Torque Control)
• Direct Torque Control (DTC)
Scalar Control
In this type of control, the motor is fed with variablefrequency signals generated by the PWM control froman inverter using the feature rich PICmicromicrocontroller. Here, the V/f ratio is maintainedconstant in order to get constant torque over the entireoperating range. Since only magnitudes of the inputvariables – frequency and voltage – are controlled, thisis known as “scalar control”. Generally, the drives withsuch a control are without any feedback devices (open-loop control). Hence, a control of this type offers lowcost and is an easy to implement solution.
In such controls, very little knowledge of the motor isrequired for frequency control. Thus, this control iswidely used. A disadvantage of such a control is thatthe torque developed is load dependent as it is notcontrolled directly. Also, the transient response of sucha control is not fast due to the predefined switchingpattern of the inverter.
However, if there is a continuous block to the rotorrotation, it will lead to heating of the motor regardless ofimplementation of the overcurrent control loop. Byadding a speed/position sensor, the problem relating tothe blocked rotor and the load dependent speed can beovercome. However, this will add to the system cost,size and complexity.
There are a number of ways to implement scalarcontrol. The popular schemes are described in thefollowing sections.
In this method, the sinusoidal weighted values arestored in the PICmicro microcontroller and are madeavailable at the output port at user defined intervals.The advantage of this technique is that very littlecalculation is required. Only one look-up table of thesine wave is required, as all the motor phases are120 electrical degrees displaced. The disadvantage ofthis method is that the magnitude of the fundamentalvoltage is less than 90%. Also, the harmonics at PWMswitching frequency have significant magnitude.
The inverter of the VFD has six distinct switchingstates. When it is switched in a specific order, the three-phase AC induction motor can be rotated. The advan-tage of this method is that there is no intermediatecalculation required and thus, is easiest to implement.Also, the magnitude of the fundamental voltage is morethan than the DC bus. The disadvantage is higher low-order harmonics which cannot be filtered by the motorinductance. This means higher losses in the motor,higher torque ripple and jerky operation at low speed.
This control technique is based on the fact that three-phase voltage vectors of the induction motor can beconverted into a single rotating vector. Rotation of thisspace vector can be implemented by VFD to generatethree-phase sine waves. The advantages are less har-monic magnitude at the PWM switching frequency dueto averaging, less memory requirement compared tosinusoidal PWM, etc. The disadvantages are not fullutilization of the DC bus voltage, more calculationrequired, etc.
Implementation of SVMPWM with overmodulation cangenerate a fundamental sine wave of amplitude greaterthan the DC bus level. The disadvantage is compli-cated calculation, line-to-line waveforms are not“clean” and the THD increases, but still less than theTHD of the six-step PWM method.
2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00887A-page 19
Vector Control
This control is also known as the “field orientedcontrol”, “flux oriented control” or “indirect torquecontrol”. Using field orientation (Clarke-Parktransformation), three-phase current vectors areconverted to a two-dimensional rotating referenceframe (d-q) from a three-dimensional stationaryreference frame. The “d” component represents the fluxproducing component of the stator current and the “q”component represents the torque producing component.These two decoupled components can beindependently controlled by passing though separate PIcontrollers. The outputs of the PI controllers aretransformed back to the three-dimensional stationaryreference plane using the inverse of the Clarke-Parktransformation. The corresponding switching pattern ispulse width modulated and implemented using the SVM.This control simulates a separately exited DC motormodel, which provides an excellent torque-speed curve.
The transformation from the stationary reference frameto the rotating reference frame is done and controlledwith reference to a specific flux linkage space vector(stator flux linkage, rotor flux linkage or magnetizingflux linkage). In general, there exists three possibilitiesfor such selection and hence, three different vectorcontrols. They are:
• Stator flux oriented control• Rotor flux oriented control• Magnetizing flux oriented control
As the torque producing component in this type ofcontrol is controlled only after transformation is doneand is not the main input reference, such control isknown as “indirect torque control”.
The most challenging and ultimately, the limitingfeature of the field orientation, is the method wherebythe flux angle is measured or estimated. Depending onthe method of measurement, the vector control isdivided into two subcategories: direct and indirectvector control.
In direct vector control, the flux measurement is doneby using the flux sensing coils or the Hall devices. Thisadds to additional hardware cost and in addition,measurement is not highly accurate. Therefore, thismethod is not a very good control technique.
The more common method is indirect vector control. Inthis method, the flux angle is not measured directly, butis estimated from the equivalent circuit model and frommeasurements of the rotor speed, the stator currentand the voltage.
One common technique for estimating the rotor flux isbased on the slip relation. This requires the measure-ment of the rotor position and the stator current. Withcurrent and position sensors, this method performsreasonably well over the entire speed range. The mosthigh-performance VFDs in operation today employindirect field orientation based on the slip relation. Themain disadvantage of this method is the need of therotor position information using the shaft mountedencoder. This means additional wiring and componentcost. This increases the size of the motor. When thedrive and the motor are far apart, the additional wiringposes a challenge.
To overcome the sensor/encoder problem, today’smain research focus is in the area of a sensorlessapproach. The advantages of the vector control are tobetter the torque response compared to the scalar con-trol, full-load torque close to zero speed, accuratespeed control and performance approaching DC drive,among others. But this requires a complex algorithm forspeed calculation in real-time. Due to feedbackdevices, this control becomes costly compared to thescalar control.
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Direct Torque Control (DTC)
The difference between the traditional vector controland the DTC is that the DTC has no fixed switching pat-tern. The DTC switches the inverter according to theload needs. Due to elimination of the fixed switchingpattern (characteristic of the vector and the scalarcontrol), the DTC response is extremely fast during theinstant load changes. Although the speed accuracy upto 0.5% is ensured with this complex technology, iteliminates the requirement of any feedback device.
The block diagram of the DTC implementation is shownin Figure 24.
The heart of this technology is its adaptive motormodel. This model is based on the mathematicalexpressions of basic motor theory. This model requiresinformation about the various motor parameters, likestator resistance, mutual inductance, saturation coeffi-ciency, etc. The algorithm captures all these details atthe start from the motor without rotating the motor. Butrotating the motor for a few seconds helps in the tuningof the model. The better the tuning, the higher theaccuracy of speed and torque control. With the DC busvoltage, the line currents and the present switch posi-tion as inputs, the model calculates actual flux and
torque of the motor. These values are fed to two-levelcomparators of the torque and flux, respectively. Theoutput of these comparators is the torque and flux ref-erence signals for the optimal switch selection table.Selected switch position is given to the inverter withoutany modulation, which means faster response time.
The external speed set reference signal is decoded togenerate the torque and flux reference. Thus, in theDTC, the motor torque and flux become direct con-trolled variables and hence, the name – Direct TorqueControl.
The advantage of this technology is the fastestresponse time, elimination of feedback devices,reduced mechanical failure, performance nearly thesame as the DC machine without feedback, etc. Thedisadvantage is due to the inherent hysteresis of thecomparator, higher torque and flux ripple exist. Sinceswitching is not done at a very high frequency, the low-order harmonics increases. It is believed that the DTCcan be implemented using an Artificial Intelligencemodel instead of the model based on mathematicalequations. This will help in better tuning of the modeland less dependence on the motor parameters.
External Torque Reference
DC Bus
DC Voltage
Line 1 Current
Line 2 Current
Calculated Speed
Flux Optimization
Flux Braking
2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00887A-page 21
The AC induction motor drive is the fastest growingsegment of the motor control market. There are variousreasons for this growth. They are:
• Ease of programming• Low investment cost for development
• Flexibility to add additional features with minimal increase in hardware cost
• Faster time to market• Same VFD for wide ranges of motors with
different ratings• Reduced total part count and hence, compact
design• Reliability of the end product• Ease of mass production
• Ever decreasing cost of semiconductors due to advancement in fabrication technology
• Energy efficient solution
Microchip has positioned itself to target the motor con-trol market, where our advanced designs, progressiveprocess technology and industry leading productperformance enables us to deliver decidedly superiorperformance over our competitors, which includes thebest of the industry. These products are positioned toprovide a complete product solution for embeddedcontrol applications found throughout the consumer,automotive and industrial control markets. Microchipproducts are meeting the unique design requirementsof the motion control embedded applications.
DS00887A-page 22 2003 Microchip Technology Inc.
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Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Motor Control
3.1 AC Motor Control
3.2 DC Motor Control
3.3 Stepper Motor Control
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
AC Motor Control
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.1.1 Noiseless A.C. Motor Control: Introduction to a 20 kHzSystem
Controlling an a.c. induction motor by the technique ofsinewave-weighted pulse-width modulation (PWM)switching gives the benefitsof smooth torqueat low speeds,andalso complete speedcontrol fromzero upto the nominalrated speed of the motor, with only small additional motorlosses.
Traditional power switches such as thyristors needswitching frequencies in the audible range, typicallybetween 400 and 1500Hz. In industrial environments, thesmall amount of acoustic noise produced by the motor withthis type of control can be regarded as insignificant. Bycontrast, however, the same amount of noise in a domesticor office application, such as speed control of a ventilationfan, might prove to be unacceptable.
Now, however, with the advent of power MOSFETs,three-phase PWM inverters operating at ultrasonicfrequencies can be designed. A three-phase motor usuallymakes even less noise when being driven from such asystem than when being run directly from the mainsbecause the PWM synthesis generates a purer sinewavethan is normally obtainable from the mains.
The carrier frequency is generally about 20kHz and so it isfar removed from the modulation frequency, which istypically less than 50Hz, making it economic to use alow-pass filter between the inverter and the motor. Byremoving the carrier frequency and its sidebands andharmonics, the waveform delivered via the motor leads canbe made almost perfectly sinusoidal. RFI radiated by themotor leads, or conducted by the winding-to-framecapacitance of the motor, is therefore almost entirelyeliminated. Furthermore, because of the high carrierfrequency, it is possible to drive motors which are designedfor frequencies higher than the mains, such as 400Hzaircraft motors.
This section describes a three-phase a.c. motor controlsystem which is powered from the single-phase a.c. mains.It is capable of controlling a motor with up to 1kW of shaftoutput power. Before details are given, the generalprinciples of PWM motor control are outlined.
Principles of Pulse-Width ModulationPulse-width modulation (PWM) is the technique of usingswitching devices to produce the effect of a continuouslyvarying analogue signal; this PWM conversion generallyhas very high electrical efficiency. In controlling either athree-phase synchronous motor or a three-phase inductionmotor it is desirable to create three perfectly sinusoidalcurrent waveforms in the motor windings, with relativephase displacements of 120˚. The production of sinewave
power via a linear amplifier system would have lowefficiency, at best 64%. If instead of the linear circuitry, fastelectronic switching devices are used, then the efficiencycan be greater than 95%, depending on the characteristicsof the semiconductor power switch.
Fig.1 Half-bridge switching circuit
Fig.2 Waveforms in PWM inverter(a) Unmodulated carrier
(b) Modulated carrier(c) Current in inductive load
The half-bridge switching circuit in Fig.1 is given as anexample: the switches can be any suitable switchingsemiconductors. If these two switches are turned onalternately for equal times, then the voltage waveformacross the load is as shown in Fig.2a. The mean value ofthis waveform, averaged over one switching cycle is 0. Thissquare wave with a constant 50% duty ratio is known asthe ’carrier’ frequency. The waveform in Fig.2b shows theeffect of a slow variation or ’modulation’ of the duty ratio;the mean voltage varies with the duty ratio. The waveformof the resultant load current depends on the impedance ofthe load Z. If Z is mainly resistive, then the waveform of thecurrent will closely follow that of the modulated squarewave. If, however, Z is largely inductive, as with a motorwinding or a filter choke, then the switching square wave
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
will be integrated by the inductor. The result is a load currentwaveform that depends mainly on the modulation of theduty ratio.
If the duty ratio is varied sinusoidally in time, then the currentin an inductive load has the form of a sinewave at themodulation frequency, lagging in phase, and carrying rippleat the switching frequency as shown in Fig.2c. Theamplitude of the current can be adjusted by controlling thedepth of modulation, that is, the deviation of the duty ratiofrom 50%. For example, a sinewave PWM signal whichvaries from 5% to 95%, giving 90% modulation, will producea current nine times greater than that produced by a signalwhich varies only from 45% to 55%, giving only 10%modulation.
For three-phase a.c. motor control, three such waveformsare required,necessitating threepairs ofswitches like thoseshown in Fig. 1, connected in a three-phase bridge. Theinductance required to integrate the waveform can usuallybe provided by the inductance of the stator windings of themotor, although in some instances it might be provided bythe inductance of a separate low-pass filter. Themodulations in the three switching waveforms must bemaintained at a constant relative phase difference of 120˚,so as to maintain motor current sinewaves which arethemselves at a constant 120˚ phase difference. Themodulation depth must be varied with the modulationfrequency so as to keep the magnetic flux in the motor atapproximately the design level.
In practice, the frequency of the modulation is usuallybetween zero and 50Hz. The switching frequency dependson the type of power device that is to be used: until recently,the only devices available were power thyristors or therelatively slow bipolar transistors, and therefore theswitching frequency was limited to a maximum of about 1
kHz. With thyristors, this frequency limit was set by theneed to provide forced commutation of the thyristor by anexternal commutation circuit using an additional thyristor,adiode, a capacitor, and an inductor, in a process that takesat least 40µs. With transistors, the switching frequency waslimited by their switching frequency and their long storagetimes.
In this earlier type of control circuit, therefore, the ratio ofcarrier frequency to modulation frequency was only about20:1. Under these conditions the exact duty-ratios andcarrier frequencies had to be selected so as to avoid allsub-harmonic torques, that is, torque components atfrequencies lower than the modulation frequency. This wasdone by synchronising the carrier to a selected multiple ofthe fundamental frequency; the HEF4752V, an excellentIC purpose-designed for a.c. motor control, uses thisparticular approach. The 1kHz technique is still extremelyuseful for control of large motors because whenever shaftoutput powers of more than a few kW are required,three-phase mains input must be used, and there are, asyet, few available switching devices with combined highvoltage rating, current rating, and switching speed.
However, using MOSFETs with switching times of muchless than 1µs, the carrier frequency can be raised to theultrasonic region, that is, to 20kHz or more. There areobvious system benefits with this higher frequency, butthere are also several aspects of PWM waveformgeneration that become easier. It is possible to use a fixedcarrier frequency because the sub-harmonics that areproduced as a result of the non-synchronisation of thecarrier frequency with a multiple of the fundamental areinsignificant when the ratio of the carrier frequency to thefundamental frequency is typically about 400:1.
Fig.3 20kHz AC motor controller
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
To maintain good waveform balance, and thus avoid anyd.c. in the motor, and therefore also avoid parasitic torques,adigital waveform generation technique is appropriate. Thewaveform can be stored as a ’look-up’ table of numbersrepresenting the sinewave. To generate the three phases,this table can be read at three points that have the correct120˚ phase relationship. The numbers taken from the tablerepresent the duty ratios corresponding to 100%modulation: these numbers can then be scaled down bymultiplication or some equivalent technique to give thecorrect duty-ratio numbers for the modulation depthrequired.
The speed of the motor is controlled by the rate at whichthe reading pointers scan the look-up table and this can beas slow as desired. If the pointers are stationary, then thesystem will be ’frozen’ at a particular point on thethree-phase sinewave waveform, giving the possibility ofobtaining static torque from a synchronous motor at zerospeed. The rate at which the numbers are produced by thisread-out process from the look-up table is constant anddetermines the carrier frequency.
To convert these three simultaneous parallel digitalnumbers into time lengths for pulses, three digital countersare needed. The counters can be designed to givedouble-edged modulation, such that both the leading edgeand the trailing edge of each pulse move with respect tothe unmodulated carrier. The line-to-line voltage across theload will have most of its ripple at a frequency of twice theswitching frequency, and will have a spectrum with
minimum even harmonics and no significant componentbelow twice the switching frequency. Motor ripple currentis therefore low and motor losses are reduced.
There is a further advantage to be obtained from the highratio of carrier to modulation frequency: by adding a smallamount of modulation at the third harmonic frequency ofthe basic fundamental modulation frequency, the maximumline-to-line output voltage obtainable from the inverter canbe increased, for the following reason. The effect of the thirdharmonic on the output voltage of each phase is to flattenthe top of the waveform, thus allowing a higher amplitudeof fundamental while still reaching a peak modulation of100%. When the difference voltage between any twophases is measured, the third harmonic terms cancel,leavinga pure sinewave at the fundamental frequency. Thisallows the inverter output to deliver the same voltage as themains input without any significant distortion, and thus toreduce insertion losses to virtually zero.
Overview of a practical systemThe principles outlined above are applied to a typicalsystem shown in Fig.3. The incoming a.c. mains is rectifiedand smoothed to produce about 300V and this is fed to thethree-phase inverter via a current-sensing circuit. Theinverter chops the d.c. to give 300V peak-to-peak PWMwaves at 20kHz, each having low-frequency modulation ofits mark-space ratio. The output of the inverter is filtered toremove the 20kHz carrier frequency, and the resultantsinewaves are fed to the a.c. motor.
Fig.4 Waveform generator circuit
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
The six switches in the inverter are under the command ofa waveform-generation circuit which determines theconduction time of each switch. Because the controlterminals of the six switches are not at the same potential,the outputs of the waveform-generation circuits must beisolated and buffered. A low-voltage power supply feedsthe signal processing circuit, and a further low-voltagepower supply drives a switch-mode isolating stage toprovide floating power supplies to the gate drive circuits.
Signal processing
Fig.4 shows a block diagram of the circuit which generatesthe PWM control signals for the inverter. The input to thesystem is a speed-demand voltage and this is also usedfor setting the required direction of rotation: the analoguespeed signal is then separated from the digital directionsignal. The speed-demand voltage sets the frequency ofthe voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). Information todetermine the modulation depth is derived from thespeed-control signal by a simple non-linear circuit and isthen converted by an analogue-to-digital converter into an8-bit parallel digital signal.
A dedicated IC, type MAB8051, receives the clock signalsfrom the VCO, the modulation-depth control number fromthe A/D converter, the direction-control logic signal, andlogic inputs from the ’RUN’ and ’STOP’ switches. Byapplying digital multiplication processes to internal look-uptable values, the microcomputer calculates the ’on-time’ foreach of the six power switches, and this process is repeatedat regular intervals of 50µs, giving a carrier frequency of20kHz. The pulses from the VCO are used for incrementingthe pointers of the look-up table in the microcomputer, andthus control the motor speed.
The output signals of the microcomputer are in the form ofthree 8-bit parallel numbers: each representing theduty-ratio for the next 50µs switching cycle for one pair ofinverter switches, on a scale which represents 0% to 100%on-time for the upper switch and therefore also 100% to 0%on-time for the complementary lower switch. A dedicatedlogic circuit applies these three numbers from themicrocomputer to digital counters and converts eachnumber to a pair of pulse-widths. The two signals producedfor each phase are complementary except for a small’underlap’ delay. This delay is necessary to ensure that theswitch being turned off recovers its blocking voltage beforeits partner is turned on, thus preventing ’shoot-through’.
Fig.5 DC link, low voltage and floating power supplies
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Other inputs to the microcomputer are the on/off switches,the motor direction logic signal, and the current-sensingsignal. Each input triggers a processor interrupt, causingthe appropriate action to be taken. The STOP switch andthe overcurrent sense signals have the same effect, that ofcausing the microcomputer to instructall six power switchesin the inverter to turn off. The RUN switch causes themicrocomputer to start producing output pulses. Anychange in the direction signal first stops the microcomputerwhich then determines the new direction of rotation andadjusts its output phase rotation accordingly.
D.C. link and power supplies
The d.c. link and the low-voltage power supplies for thesystem are shown in Fig.5. The high voltage d.c. supply forthe inverter is derived from a mains-fed bridge rectifier witha smoothing capacitor; the capacitor conducts both the100Hz ripple fromthe rectified single-phasemains, andalsothe inverter switching ripple. A resistor, or alternatively athermistor, limits the peak current in the rectifier while thecapacitor is being charged initially. This resistor is shortedout by a relay after a time delay, so that the resistor doesnot dissipate power while the motor is running. As a safetymeasure, a second resistor discharges the d.c. linkcapacitor when the mains current is removed.
Oneof the d.c. link lines carriesa low-value resistor to sensethe d.c. link current. A simple opto-isolation circuit transmitsa d.c. link current overload signal back to the signalprocessing circuit.
The logic circuitry of the waveform generator is poweredconventionally by a 50Hz mains transformer, bridgerectifier, and smoothing capacitor. The transformer has twosecondary windings; the second one provides power to aswitched-mode power supply (SMPS), in which there is aswitching transistor driven at about 60kHz to switch powerthrough isolating transformers. Rectifying the a.c. outputsfrom the isolating transformers provides floating powersupplies for the inverter gate drive circuits. As will be seenbelow, one supply is needed for the three ’lower’ powerswitches (connected to a common d.c. link negative line),but three separate power supplies are needed for the three’upper’ switches (connected to the three inverter outputs).Thus four isolating transformers are required for the gatesupply circuits. For low power systems the gate suppliescan be derived directly from the d.c. link without excessiveloss.
To prevent spurious turn-on of any inverter switch duringthe start-up process, the floating power supply to the lowerthree gate-drive circuits is connected only after a delay. Thesame delay is used for this as is used for the d.c. linkcharging-resistor bypass switch.
Fig.6 Signal isolation, gate drive, inverter and filter (one phase of three)
15 V
10T 20T
47 pF18 k
1 k c18v
8 uF2n2
15 V
10T 20T
47 pF18 k
1 k c18v
8 uF2n2
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Signal isolation, gate drive, and inverterThe most important part of the system is the power inverterand it is the use of MOSFETs, with their short switchingtimes, which makes it possible for the inverter to switch at20kHz. It is in the area of the drive circuits to the powerswitches that using MOSFETs gives a saving in the numberof components needed. Driving MOSFETs is relativelyeasy: the total power needed is very small because all thatmust be provided is the capability to charge and dischargethe gate-source capacitance (typically between 1 and 2nF)by a few volts in a short time (less than 100ns). This ensuresthat the quality of the waveform is not degraded, and thatswitching losses are minimised.
In this circuit the six pulse outputs from the dedicated logicpart of the waveform generator section are coupled to theMOSFET gate driver stages via pulse transformers. (seeFig.6). Each gate drive circuit is powered from one of thefour floating power supplies described above. The three’lower’ stages share a common power supply, as the sourceterminals of the three ’lower’ MOSFETs are all at the samepotential. Each of the three ’upper’ stages has its ownfloating power supply. The isolated signals are coupled tothe gate terminals of the six MOSFETs by small amplifierscapable of delivering a few amperes peak current for a shorttime. Alternative gate driver circuits may use level shiftingdevices or opto-couplers. (Refer to "Power MOSFET GateDrive Circuits" for further details.)
It will be seen from Fig.6 that each MOSFET has twoassociated diodes. These are necessary because theMOSFETs have built-in anti-parallel diodes with relativelylong reverse-recovery times. If these internal diodes wereallowed to conduct, then whenever load currentcommutated from a diode to the opposite MOSFET, a largecurrent would be drawn from the d.c. supply for the durationof the diode reverse-recovery time. This would greatlyincrease the dissipation in the inverter. To avoid this, anexternal fast epitaxial diode is connected in anti-parallelwith the MOSFET. Because the internal diode of theMOSFET has a very low forward voltage drop, a secondlow-voltageepitaxial diode must be connected inseries witheach MOSFET to prevent the internal diode fromconducting at all. Thus, whenever the MOSFET isreverse-biased, it is the external anti-parallel diode whichconducts, rather than the internal one. FREDFETs haveinternal diodes which are much faster than those ofMOSFETs, opening the way for a further cost-saving byomitting the twelve diodes from the 3-phase inverter.
Output low-pass filterFor conventional, lower frequency inverters the size, weightand cost of output filter stages has held back theirproliferation. An advantage of the constant high carrierfrequency is that a small, economical low-pass filter can bedesigned to remove the carrier from the inverter output
waveform. Compared with low frequency systems the filtercomponent has been reduced by an order of magnitude,and can often be eliminated completely. In unfilteredsystems cable screening becomes an important issuealthough on balance the increased cost of screening is lessthan the cost and weight of filter components.
A typical filter arrangement was shown in Fig.6. As anexample, for a 50Hz motor-drive the filter would bedesigned with a corner-frequency of 100Hz, so that theattenuation at 20kHz would be about 46dB. The carrierfrequency component superimposed on the outputsinewave would therefore be only a few mV in 200Vrms.Fig.7 shows the relative spectral characteristics of differenttypes of inverter switching strategies.
Fig.7 Spectral characteristics for different inverterswitching strategies
(a) Quasi-square(b) 1kHz, 15 pulse, Synchronous
(c) 20kHz, Non-synchronous
There are two main advantages in supplying the motor withpure sinewave power. First, the motor losses are small,because there is no rms motor current at the switchingfrequency, and second, there is less radio-frequencyinterference(RFI), because the switching frequency currentcomponents circulate entirely within the inverter and filterand do not reach the outside world.
Advantages of a 20 kHz systemThe principal advantages of the system described here are:
-Controller and motor are acoustically quiet.-PWM waveform is simple and thus easy togenerate.-Output filter for removal of carrier is economic.-RFI is low because of output filter.-No snubbers are required on power devices.-High efficiency is easily obtainable.-No insertion loss.
f(Hz)100 1k 10k 100k
Power (W)1kW
f(Hz)100 1k 10k 100k
Power (W)1kW
f(Hz)100 1k 10k 100k
Power (W)1kW
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.1.2 The Effect of a MOSFET’s Peak to Average Current Rating on Inverter Efficiency
The control of induction motors using a synthesisedsinewave generated using pulse width modulation (PWM)control is becoming increasingly popular. The peak currentrequirement of switches used for the inverter bridge isbased on the maximum current when the output is shortcircuited. The overcurrent during a short circuit fault islimited by an inductor connected in series with the switches.There is therefore a trade off between the peak currentcarrying capability of the switch and the size of the inductor.It is demonstrated in this note that the efficiency of the circuitduring normal operation of the inverter is affected by thesize of this choke. The ratio of peak to average currentcarrying capability of Philips Powermos is typcially aboutfour. This compares favourably with the typical ratio ofInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) which is aboutthree.
A simplified diagram of the inverter and the windings of theinductionmotor is shown in Fig.1. TheMOSFETs are drivenwith a PWM signal as shown in Fig. 2. The voltages at theoutputs of each leg of the inverter are smoothed using alow pass filter and the inductance of the motor windings.The system has the following advantages; it uses aninduction motor which is relatively cheap and maintenancefree and it has the facility for 0 to 100% speed control. Thenear perfect sinewaves generated by the PWM techniqueproduce a smooth torque, audible noise is reduced andfiltering is made easier since MOSFETs make possible theuse of switching frequencies above 20 kHz.
Fig. 1 A simplified diagram of the inverter
Fig. 2 PWM drive signal for the inverter MOSFETs
If the output of the inverter is short circuited there will be arapid riseof current in the switches. To limit this peak currentan inductor, Ls, is often connected in each leg of the inverteras shown in Fig 3. The rate of rise of current under shortcircuit conditions, is then given in equation 1.
Fig. 3 Inverter bridge leg with dI/dt limiting inductor
I motor
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
When the MOSFETs turn this fault current (ISC) off theenergy in the inductor is transferred to a snubber capacitor,CS. The overvoltage across the MOSFETs is given byequation 2.
The presence of inductor LS affects the normal operationof the inverter. When the MOSFET M1 in Fig. 3 turns offthe diode D2 does not turn on until the voltage across CS
is equal to the d.c. link voltage, VD. If the diode did turn onthen the rate of rise of current in LS would be given byequation 3.
This would be greater than the rate of rise of motor currentso IM1 > Imotor and the diode would have to conduct in thereverse direction, which is clearly not possible.
During the time when the capacitor CS is charging up to VD,the voltage across LS will always be such as to increase thecurrent in the bottom MOSFET, IM1. When VCS=VD thevoltage across LS will reverse and IM1 will fall. Diode D2 willnow turn on. The energy stored in LS will now be transferredto CS. This energy will subsequently be dissipated in RS andthe MOSFET.
If the ratio of peak to average current carrying capability ofthe switch is large then it follows from equation 1 that LS
can be made smaller. This reduces the energy that is
transferred to CS when the MOSFETs switch off duringnormal operation. Hence the efficiency of the inverter isimproved.
The short circuit fault current can be limited by connectingan inductor in the d.c. link as shown in Fig. 4. In this caseanalysis similar to that outlined above shows that theexcellent ratio of peak to average current carrying capabilityof Philips Powermos again reduces the losses in theinverter. It has been shown that components chosen toensure safe shutdown of inverters for motor drives can havedeleterious effects on the efficiency of the inverter. Inparticular the addition of an inductor to limit the peak currentthrough the semiconductor switches when the output isshort circuited can increase the switching losses. The highpeak to average current carrying capability of PhilipsPowermos reduces the size of this choke and the losses itcauses.
Fig. 4 Modified inverter circuit to limit short circuitcurrent
V = √ Ls
VD −VCS−Vdiode
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.1.3 MOSFETs and FREDFETs for Motor Drive Equipment
The paper discusses the properties of the FREDFET, atechnology which yields a MOSFET with a very fast built-inreverse diode with properties similar to a discrete fastepitaxial rectifier. It is shown that its characteristics makethe device an excellent choice for high frequency bridge legsystems such as 20 kHz AC motor control systems.
Investigations have been carried out in dedicated testcircuits as well as in a 20 kHz ACMC system which showthat the FREDFET exhibits very low diode losses. Itcompares favorably with adiscrete solution, using two extradiodes to overcome the slow speed of the standard built-indiode, and also with devices from the present standardranges.
The Power MOSFET has inherent in its structure a largebuilt-in diode which is present between the source anddrainof the device. Under single switch applications such asforward and flyback converters, this diode isn’t forwardbiased and consequently its presence can be ignored. Inthe case of bridge legs, however, this diode is forced intoforward conduction and the properties of the diode becomeof prime importance. The reverse recovery of the built-indiode is relatively slow when compared with discrete fastrecovery epitaxial diodes (FRED’s). As a consequence, thecurrents flowing through the MOSFET and its diode can behigh and the losses considerable.
Fig.1. ACMC bridge leg.
These losses can be reduced through the application of twoextra diodes as discussed in section 2. A more elegantsolution is a MOSFET with a built-in diode which exhibitsproperties similar to discrete fast epitaxial rectifiers. TheFREDFET has been designed to satisfy this requirement.This paper presents the results of studies, carried out withnew FREDFETs, comparing them with both theconventional MOSFET and the discrete solution.
MOSFETS in half bridge circuitsMOSFETS have gained popularity in high frequency ACmotor controllers, since they enable frequencies above20kHz to be used. The short on-times required in ACMCsystems make the use of bipolar devices very difficult, dueto the storage times. Both the short switching times and theease of drive of the MOSFET are essential ingredients inthe design of a ultrasonic ACMC. Difficulties can arise,however, when trying to use the built in source to draindiode of the MOSFETs.
One bridge leg of an ACMC is shown in Fig.1. When currentis flowing out of the load, MOSFET T1 and freewheel diodeD2 conduct alternately. Conversely, when flowing into theload, the current alternates between TR2 and D1. Considerthe case when current is being delivered by the load, suchthat the pair TR1/D2 carries the current. When the MOSFETconducts current, the voltage at the drain is almost zeroand the diode blocks. When the MOSFET is turned off bythe drive circuit, the inductive load forces the voltage toincrease making diode D2 conductive. Associated withconduction of the diode is a volume of stored charge whichmust be removed as the MOSFET TR1 returns to itson-state.
Fig.2. Recovery waveformsTop: VDS, ID of TR1 turning on
Bottom: VD, ID of D2. (t=200ns/div)
The waveforms appropriate to this situation can be foundin Fig.2. One may observe that during the diode recoverytime, the voltage across the MOSFET remains high whilstat the same time its current increases rapidly. Temporarilythe drain current will increase to a level higher than the loadcurrent since the diode recovery current is added to it. Longrecovery times and excessive charge storage result in avery high power dissipation in the MOSFET.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.3. Network with extra diodes.
Using the inherent source drain diode of a conventionalMOSFET as the freewheel diode results in considerablelosses, since it is not optimised for fast switching or lowstored charge. To avoid such losses the internal diode isusuallydeactivatedby means of aspecial circuit (see Fig.3).This circuit, using two diodes D2 and D3, ensures that allfreewheel current is flowing through the external diode D2and not through the internal diode D1. When the MOSFETis switched on, the current flows via D3. This circuit isrequired for each MOSFET in the bridge. The FREDFET,which has a fast built-in diode offers the prospect of a muchneater solution for these kind of circuits.
Technology of the FREDFET
Fig.4. FREDFET cross section.
The power MOSFET is a majority carrier device andfeatures fast turn-on and, in particular, fast turn-off. Thereare no charge storage effects such as in bipolar devices.In bridge leg applications the internal diode can becomeforward biased and the N- epitaxial region (see Fig.4) isflooded with holes, which must later be removed when thesource becomes negatively biased again with respect tothe drain.
The stored charge can be removed by holes diffusing fromthe N- epilayer into the P+ and P-body regions, and alsoby recombination of holes and electrons in the N- epitaxialregion. A significant reduction in the stored charge Qrr canbe achieved by doping the devices with heavy metal atomsto introduce recombination centres. A standard MOSFETwill normally have a low concentration of recombination
centres. In the FREDFET the heavy metal doping does nothave any significant effects on the threshold voltage or thetransconductance, however, the efficiency with which theextra recombination centres remove the stored charge isimproved substantially. This can be observed whencomparing Qrr and trr results for killed and non-killeddevices as described in the next section.
FREDFET measurementsA comparison of the reverse recovery characteristics of theinternal diode has been made for a BUK637-500BFREDFET and a similar competitor conventional MOSFET.The devices were tested using an ’LEM 20 A Qrr’ gear.
Fig.5. Reverse recovery waveforms, t=200ns/div;T=25˚C
Oscillograms are presented in fig.5. showing the testwaveforms for both the FREDFET and the conventionaldevice. The diode turn-off process commences at t=t0,where upon the forward current (set at 10A) is reduced ata preset 100A/usec. The current falls through zero and thediode passes into reverse conduction signifying theremoval of stored charge. At t=t2 sufficient charge has beenremoved for the formation of a depletion layer across thep-n junction. The dI/dt starts to fall and a voltage buildsacross an inductance in the source circuit such that thesource becomes negatively biased with respect to drain.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Beyond t2 the dI/dt reverses and the diode current beginsto fall as the drain-source voltage rises to the clamp setting.The moment t3 identifies the point at which the diode currenthas fallen to 10% of its peak value, Irrm.
The reverse recovery time, trr is defined as t3-t1 while thetotal stored charge Qrr is equal to the area of the shadedregion, fig.5. A direct comparison of the diode reverserecovery at 25˚C is shown in fig.6. The respective valuesfor trr, Qrr and Irrm are presented in Table 1.
Tj = 25˚C trr (ns) Qrr (uC) Irrm (A)
BUK637-500B 193 1.2 8
Conventional device 492 7.5 23
Table 1.
It can be seen that Qrr is 84 % lower for the FREDFET whileIrrm and trr approximately 60 % less. Fig.7 shows the samecomparison measured at a junction temperature of 150˚C.Corresponding values of trr, Qrr and Irrm are shown inTable 2.
Fig.6. Comparison of diode reverse recovery(t=100ns/div; Tj=25˚C)
Fig.7. Comparison of diode reverse recovery(t=100ns/div; Tj=150˚C)
Tj = 150˚C trr (ns) Qrr (uC) Irrm (A)
BUK637-500B 450 4.5 17
Conventional device 650 10.5 26
Table 2.
While higher temperatures are known to reduce theeffectiveness of recombination centres, it is clear thatsignificant improvements still existeven at the peak junctiontemperature with savings of 55 % in Qrr and over 30 % inIrrm and trr evident for the FREDFET
Performance in a bridge circuit
The circuit of Fig.8 is a simplified representation of a bridgecircuit, and was used to evaluate the performance of theBUK637-500B FREDFET against a conventional MOSFETand a conventional MOSFET configured with both seriesand parallel diodes.
Fig.8. Simplified bridge circuit.
In each case the MOSFET in the bottom leg was switchedon until the load current reached the desired value, at whichpoint it was switched off, forcing the load current to flywheelthrough the inverse diode of the upper leg. The lower devicewas then switched on again to obtain reverse recovery ofthe upper diode. The current levels were set to simulate theconditions found in a 20 kHz 1 kVA ACMC. The device inthe upper leg was mounted on a temperature controlledheatsink and the test was performed at very low duty cyclesuch that Tcase approximated to Tj.
Oscillograms of current and voltage in relation to the lowerleg are shown for the conventional device, conventionaldevice plus external diodes and the FREDFET in Fig.9. Thefreewheel current in the upper diode is related to current inthe MOSFET as shown in Fig.2. Also presented are thepower waveforms for both the upper and lower legs in eachcase.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.9. Waveforms (100ns/div; Tj=110˚C)
The superior performance of the FREDFET whencompared to the conventional device is clear with thecurrent overshoot kept to below 8 A compared to over 18 Ausing the latter. The lower reverse recovery current andfaster trr are reflected in the power waveforms with nearlydouble the peak power being dissipated in the lower legusing a conventional device compared to that dissipatedusing the FREDFET. The power dissipated by the internaldiode of the FREDFET is also observed to be remarkablyreduced in comparison with the conventional MOSFET.
The performance of the three device implementations issummarised in table 3 which shows the total energydissipated during switching in both legs for each case.
It can be seen that using a conventional MOSFET withoutthe external diode circuitry involves a six fold increase inthe energy dissipated in the MOSFET. However if aFREDFET implementation is used the turn-on energy isonly a factor of two above the minimum achievable with theextradiodes.Energy loss in the diode itself is relativelysmallfor both the FREDFET and the externaldiode configuration,
Tj = 110˚C Energy Dissipated
Lower Leg Upper Leg(mJ) (mJ)
Conventional MOSFET 1.2 0.533
MOSFET plus external 0.2 0.035diodes
BUK637-500B FREDFET 0.4 0.095
Table 3.
being less than 25 % that dissipated in the lower leg. Forthe conventional device the diode loss is more significant,equal to 44 % of the power dissipated during turn-on in thelower leg. The energy value presented above representonly the losses during turn-on, in addition to these are theon-state losses which for the external diode configurationinclude the extra power dissipated by the series diode.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.10. Simplified circuit output stage circuit diagram (One phase shown)
20 kHz ACMC with FREDFETSThe three device options discussed above have each beenimplemented in a 20 kHz AC Motor Control circuit. Theinverter provides a three phase 1 kVA output from a singlephase mains input. A simplified diagram of one of the outputstages is presented in Fig.10.
Figure 11 shows the current waveforms as the load currentcommutates from the upper leg (anti-parallel diode inconduction) to the lower leg (turn-on of the MOSFET) foreach device option. In each case the load current is 4.5 A.Fig.11a illustrates the large overshoot current obtained withaconventional device whileFig.11b showswhat is achievedwhen the two external diodes are incorporated. FinallyFig.11c shows the current waveform for the FREDFETimplementation where the current overshoot is kept below1.5 A by the built-in fast recovery diode of the device.
ConclusionsIt has been shown that the FREDFET compares favorablyin ACMC systems compared with the standard MOSFET.The normally employed extra diodes can be omitted thussaving considerable costs in the system. The fast internaldiode is seen to be comparable with the normally used fastepitaxial rectifiers and enables a simple ultrasonic ACMC.
Fig.11. Current waveforms in 20 kHz ACMC(t=200ns/div; ID=2A/div).
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.1.4 A Designers Guide to PowerMOS Devices for MotorControl
This section is intended to be used as a designers guide tothe use and selection of power MOSFETS and FREDFETSin a.c. motor control (ACMC) applications. It is particularlyconcerned with the variable speed operation of inductionmotors using pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques.One of the most important considerations in the design ofACMC inverters is the optimum choice of power switchingdevice and heatsinking arrangement. Other factors whichrelate to the losses in the power switch are switching speedand design of suitable gate drive circuits. This sectionaddresses each of these factors and presents a series ofdesign graphs relating system operating temperature todevice type and heatsink size for systems rated up to 2.2kWand operated from a single phase supply.
It should be noted that this article refers to some productswhich may not be available at this time.
IntroductionVariable speed control of induction motors is a widespreadrequirement in both industrial and domestic applications.The advantages of an induction motor drive over alternativesystems such as d.c. motor controllers include:
-high reliability and long life-low maintenance requirements-brushless operation-availability of standard machines.
With the advent of power switching devices able to providethe required ratings for ACMC applications and theavailability of fast PWM pattern generation circuits theseadvantages have lead to an increasing number ofapplications where the inverter-fed induction motor systemproduces a cost effective drive. Before considering in detailthe use of MOSFETs and FREDFETs in ACMC inverters itis worth briefly considering the principles and operation ofthe induction motor, the PWM method of voltage controland the characteristics of the switching devices.
The induction motorInduction motors are three phase machines where thespeed of rotation of the stator field (the synchronous speed,Ns) is determined by the number of poles, p, and thefrequency of the applied voltage waveforms, fs.
Torque production in an induction motor is due to theinteraction of the rotating stator field and currents in therotorconductors. Torque is developedwhen the rotor speed’slips’ behind the synchronous speed of the stator travellingfield. Fig.1 shows the torque-speed characteristic of aninduction motor where ωs is the speed of the stator field(ωs=2πfs) and ωr is the rotor speed. The difference betweenthe two is usually relatively small and is the slip speed. Thesolid portion of the characteristic is the main region ofinterest where the motor is operating at rated flux and atlow slip. In this region the rotor speed is approximatelyproportional to the stator supply frequency, except at verylow speeds. The operating point of the motor on itstorque-speed characteristic is at the intersection of the loadtorque line and the motor characteristic. For small amountsof slip and at constant airgap flux the motor torque isproportional to the slip speed.
Fig.1 AC induction motor, Torque-Speed characteristic.
Fig.2 Torque-Speed characteristics, Variable speedoperation.
Rated flux
w wr s
Te Load
f 1 f 2 f 3
w w w w w wr1 s1 r2 s2 r3 s3
V/f = constant
Ns =120.fs
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
In avariable speed system the motor is operatedon a seriesof torque-speed characteristics as the applied frequency isincreased. Fig.2 shows a set of characteristics for threeconditions, ωs1, ωs2 andωs3. The corresponding rotorspeedsare ωr1, ωr2 and ωr3. However in order that the airgap flux inthe motor is maintained at its rated value then the appliedvoltage must be reduced in proportion to the appliedfrequency of the travelling field. This condition for constantairgap flux gives the constant v/f requirement for variablespeed control of a.c. induction motors. At low speeds thisrequirement may be modified by voltage boosting thesupply to the motor in order to overcome the increasedproportion of ’iR’ voltage drop in the motor windings whichoccurs at low speeds.
The PWM Inverter
A variable voltage, variable frequency three phase supplyfor the a.c. induction motor can be generated by the use ofa pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter. A schematicdiagram of the system is shown in Fig.3. The systemconsists of a rectified single phase a.c. supply, which isusually smoothed to provide the d.c. supply rails for themain switching devices. Alternate devices in each inverterleg are switched at a high carrier frequency in order toprovide the applied voltage waveforms to the motor. Duringeach switching cycle the motor current remainsapproximately constant due to the inductive nature of theAC motor load.
Fig.3 PWM inverter, block diagram.
In the circuit of Fig.3 the main switching devices areMOSFETs and each MOSFET has a freewheeling diodeconnected in antiparallel. The motor load current isdetermined by the circuit conditions. When the load currentin a particular phase is flowing into the motor thenconduction alternates between the top MOSFET and thebottom freewheel diode in that inverter leg. When the loadcurrent is flowing from the motor then the bottom MOSFETand top diode conduct alternately. Fig.4 shows a typical
Fig.4 PWM phase voltage waveform.
sinusoidal PWM voltage waveform for one motor phase.The three phases are maintained at 120˚ relative to eachother.
Both the frequency and amplitude of the fundamentalcomponent of the output voltage waveform can be variedby controlling the timing of the switching signals to theinverter devices. A dedicated i.c. is usuallyused to generatethe switching signals in order to maintain the required v/fratio for a particular system.(1) The PWM algorithmintroduces a delay between the switching signal applied tothe MOSFETs in each inverter leg which allows for the finiteswitching times of the devices and thus protects the systemfrom shoot-through conditions.
Additional harmonic components of output voltage, such asthe third harmonic, can be added to the PWM switchingwaveform.(2,3) The effect of adding third harmonic to theoutput voltage waveform is to increase the amplitude of thefundamental component of output voltage from a fixed d.c.link voltage. This is shown in Fig.5. The third harmoniccomponent of output phase voltage does not appear in theoutput line voltage due to the voltage cancellation whichoccurs in a balanced three phase system. Using thistechnique it is possible to obtain an output line voltage atthe motor terminals which is nearly equal to the voltage ofthe single phase supply to the system.
For many applications the PWM ACMC system is operatedat switching speeds in the range 1kHz to 20kHz and above.Operation at ultrasonic frequencies has advantages thatthe audible noise and RFI interference are considerablyreduced. The advantages of PowerMOS devices overbipolar switching devices are most significant at theseswitching speeds due to the low switching times ofPowerMOS devices. Additional advantages include goodoverload capability and the fact that snubber circuits arenot usually required. It is usually straightforward to operatePowerMOS devices in parallel to achieve higher systemcurrents than can be achieved with single devices. This isbecause the devices have a positive temperaturecoefficient of resistance and so share the load current
Mains input
Rectifier Filter Three phaseinverter
PWM patterngenerator
Gate drivers
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.5 Addition of third harmonic to output voltagewaveform.
equally. The simple gate drive requirements of PowerMOSdevices means that a single gate circuit can often be usedfor a range of devices without modification.
One of the features associated with the transfer ofconduction between the switching devices and thefreewheel diodes in an inverter circuit is the reverserecovery of the freewheel diode as each conductingMOSFET returns to its on-state. Reverse recovery currentflows due to the removal of stored charge from a diodefollowing conduction. Fig.6 shows the device current pathsin an inverter leg when conduction is transferred from thetop diode to the bottom MOSFET.
The switching waveforms are shown in Fig.7 where thediode reverse recovery current is Irr and the time taken forthe reverse recovery currents to be cleared is trr. Theamount of stored charge removed from the body of thediode is represented by the area Qrr. The reverse recoverycurrent flows through the MOSFET which is being turnedon in addition to the load current and thus causes additionalturn-on losses. The amount of stored charge increases withincreasing temperature for a given diode. Both themagnitude of the reverse recovery current and its durationmust be reduced in order to reduce the switching losses ofthe system.
This effect is important because inherent in the structure ofa power MOSFET is a diode between the source and drainof the device which can act as a freewheeling diode in aninverter bridge circuit. The characteristics of this diode arenot particularly suited to its use as a freewheel diode dueto its excessive charge storage and long recovery time.These would lead to large losses and overcurrents duringthe MOSFET turn-on cycle.
Fig.6 Inverter bridge leg.
Fig.7 Diode reverse recovery waveforms.
Fig.8 Circuit to deactivate MOSFET intrinsic diode.
In inverter applications the internal diode of a MOSFET isusually deactivated by the circuit of Fig.8. Conduction bythe internal MOSFET diode is blocked by the seriesSchottky diode (D3). This series device must carry all theMOSFET current and so contributes to the total conductionlosses. The external diode, usually a fast recovery epitaxial
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
No 3rd harmonic Added 3rd harmonic
Fundamental component Fundamental + 3rd harmonic
I LI rr
MOSFET current
Outputvoltage I rr
t rr
IL+ I rr
Q rr
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
diode (FRED), carries the freewheel current. This device ischosensuch that its low values of Irr and trr reduce the overallswitching losses.The FREDFET is essentially a MOSFETwith a very fast built-in diode, and hence can replace thenetwork of Fig.8 with a single device giving a very compactACMC inverter design using only six power switches.(4)Thereverse recovery properties of a FREDFET diode aresimilar to those of a discrete FRED thus giving aconsiderably neater circuit without any loss in switchingperformance.
ACMC design considerations
Voltage ratingThe first selection criteria for a PowerMOS device in aninverter application is the voltage rating. For a 240V a.c.single phase supply the peak voltage is 340V. Assumingthat the rectifier filter removes the voltage ripplecomponents which occur at twice the mains frequency, anddependent on the values of the filter components andrectifier conduction voltage, then the dc link voltage will bearound 320V. Devices with a voltage rating of 500V willallow sufficient capability for transient overvoltages to bewell within the capability of the device. Thus the dc linkvoltage is given by:
Vdc = √2.Vac (2)
where Vac is the rms ac input line voltage.
The output phase voltage, shown in Fig.4, switchesbetween the positive and negative inverter rail voltages.The mean value of the output voltage is Vdc/2. Neglectingthe delays which occur due to the finite switching times ofthe devices then the maximum rms output phase voltageis given by:
and hence the rms output line voltage is:
Comparing equations (2) and (4) shows that:
Vline = 0.866.Vac (5)
This shows that the fundamental rms line output voltage is13% less than the rms ac input voltage. Adding thirdharmonic to the PWM output waveform can restore this rmsoutput voltage to the ac input voltage. In a practical systemthe effect of switching delays and device conductionvoltages can reduce the output voltage by upto 10-15%.
Current ratingThe nameplate rating of an induction motor is usuallyquoted in terms of its power (W) and power factor (cosϕ).The VA requirement of the inverter is found from the simpleequation:
Power(W) = η.cosϕ.VA (6)
where η is the efficiency. In terms of the rms motor linevoltage (Vline) and output current (IL):
VA = √3.Vline.IL (7)
The efficiency of small ac induction motors can be quitehigh but they usually run at quite poor power factors, evenat rated conditions. For small induction motors (<2.2kW)the efficiency-power factor product is typically in the range0.55 to 0.65. The exact value will vary from motor to motorand improves with increasing size. Thus from equations (6)and (7) it is possible to calculate the approximate rmscurrent requirement. The peak device current for sinusoidaloperation is given by equation (8). (NB. The devices willexperience currents in excess of this value at switchinginstants.)
Imax =√2.IL (8)
Device packageThe device package chosen for a particular application willdepend upon device rating, as discussed above, as well ascircuit layout and heatsinking considerations. PhilipsPowerMOS devices are available in a range of packagetypes to suit most applications.
Drive considerationsUnlike bipolar devices the MOSFET is a majority carrierdevice and so no minority carriers must be moved in andout of the device as it turns on and off. This gives the fastswitching performance of MOSFET devices. Duringswitching instants the only current which must be suppliedby the gate drive is that required to charge and dischargethe device capacitances. In order to switch the devicequickly the gate driver must be able to rapidly sink andsource currents of upto 1A. For high frequency systems theeffect of good gate drive design to control switching timesis important as the switching losses can be a significantproportion of the total system losses.
Fig.9 shows an equivalent circuit of the device with thesimplest gate drive arrangement. The drain-sourcecapacitance does not significantly affect the switchingperformance of the device. Temperature only has a smalleffecton the values of thesecapacitances and so the deviceswitching times are essentially independentof temperature.The device capacitances, especially CGD, vary with VDS andthis variation is plotted in data for all PowerMOS devices.
Vph =1
Vline = √3.Vph = √3.Vdc
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.9 MOSFET capacitances and basic gate driver
Turn-on ( Fig.10)
A turn-on gate voltage pulse commences at t0. The gatevoltage vGS rises as current flows into the device via RGG.CGS starts to charge up until vGS reaches its threshold valuevGS(TO) at time t1. The device is now operating in its activeregion with a relatively high power loss. The MOSFETcurrent, rises as a function of vGS-vGS(TO) and causes acorresponding fall in the diode current. Thus the rate of fallof diode current, and hence the amount of diode reverserecovery current, is controllable by the rate of rise of vGS.At time t4 the diode has recovered and the MOSFET currentis equal to the load current, IL. VGS is clamped to vGS(IL) andso the gate current is given by:
This current flows through CGD, discharging it and so therate of fall of output voltage is given by:
The fall in vDS commencing at time t3 is not linear, principallybecause CGD increases with reducing vDS. At time t5 CGD isfully discharged and the device is on. The gate voltagecontinues to charge up to its final value, vGG. It is usual tohave a value of vGG significantly higher than vGS(IL) becauserDS(on) falls with increasing vGS. Additionally a high value ifvGG speeds up the turn-on time of the device and providessome noise immunity.
Switching losses occur during the period t1 to t5. Theminimum turn-on time is usually governed by the dv/dtcapability of the system. Reducing the turn-on timeincreases the amount of diode reverse recovery current andhence increases the peak power dissipation, however thetotal power dissipated tends to reduce.
Fig.10 MOSFET turn-on waveforms
Fig.11 MOSFET turn-off waveforms
Turn-off ( Fig.11)Unlike the conditions which occur at turn-on there is nointeraction between the switching devices at turn-off. Theswitching waveforms are, therefore, relativelystraightforward. The gate voltage is switched to ground or,if very fast turn-off is required, to a negative voltage. Duringthe delay time t0 to t1 the gate voltage falls to the valuerequired to maintain the output current, IO. From time t1 tot2 the gate supply is sinking current and CGD charges thedrain up to the positive rail voltage. VGS then continues tofall and so the device current falls between times t2 and t3,At t3 the gate voltage falls below its threshold value and thedevice turns off. The rate of rise of output voltage is:
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6
i D
i D
v DS
t0 t1 t2 t4
iG =vGG − vGS(IL )
=(vGG−vGS(IL ))
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Parasitic turn-onIn a high frequency system the device switching times arenecessarily short and so the rates of change of inverteroutput voltage are high. The high values of dv/dt whichoccur when one device turns on can cause a sufficientlyhigh voltage at the gate of the other device to also turn iton. The coupling occurs via CGD and CGS. If the rate ofchange of output voltage due to one device turning on isgiven by dvDS/dt then the voltage that would be seen at thegate of the other device if it were left open circuit is:
If CGS is shorted out by a zero impedance, then clearlydVGS/dt can be reduced to zero. In practice achieving a zeroimpedance in the gate-source circuit is extremely difficultand dVGS/dt will not be zero. In the worst case this risinggate voltage will turn the device fully on and a destructiveshoot-through condition occur. If the conditions are lesssevere then the MOSFET may only turn on for a short periodof time giving rise to an additional overcurrent in the turn-oncycle of the device being switched. Parasitic turn-on, as thiseffect is referred to, must be prevented by either limitingdvDS/dt or by ensuring that vGS is clamped off. In systemswhere the off-state gate-source voltage is negative then thepossibility of parasitic turn-on can be reduced.
Gate drive circuits for ACMC invertersThe previous section discussed device switchingwaveforms using a resistive gate drive circuit. In this sectionvariousalternativegate drive circuits for ACMC applicationsare presented and compared.The discussion assumes thateach MOSFET gate drive circuit is isolated and driven usingaCMOS buffer capable of sinking and sourcing the requiredgate current. In unbuffered gate drive circuits the leakageinductance of an isolating pulse transformer can increasethe gate impedance, thus reducing the maximum possibleswitching rate and making the MOSFET more susceptibleto parasitic turn-on. A zener diode clamp protects thegate-source boundary from destructive overvoltages.Identical drivers are used for the top and bottom devices ineach inverter leg. The gate drive circuits presented herewere tested using BUK638-500A FREDFETS andBUK438-500A MOSFETS in a 20kHz, 2.2kW ACMCsystem.
Figure 12 shows the simplest arrangement which givesindependent control of the turn-on and turn-off of theMOSFET. Increasing the gate impedance to reduce dVDS/dtlevels will raise the susceptibility to parasitic turn-onproblems. The gate-source voltage can be clamped off
Fig.12 Gate drive circuit with different turn-on andturn-off paths
Fig.13 Gate drive circuit with improved parasitic turn-onimmunity
more effectively if the dynamic impedance between gateand source is reduced as shown in the circuit of Fig.13. Theadditional gate-source capacitance ensures that vGS doesnot rise excessively during conditions when parasiticturn-on could occur (Equation 12). The external capacitorCGS‘ must be charged up at turn-on. If CGS‘ is made too largethen the current required may be beyond the rating of thedrive buffer. The speed-up diode, D2, ensures that theturn-on is not compromised by CGS‘and RGGR. At turn off theadditional capacitance slows down dID/dt since thegate-source RC time constant is increased. Itmust be notedthat one effect of the turn-off diode, D1, is to hold theoff-statevalue of vGS above 0V, and hence somewhat closerto the threshold voltage of the device.
An alternative circuit which may be used to hold theMOSFET off-state gate-source voltage below its thresholdvalue is shown in Fig.14. The pnp transistor turns on if thegate-source voltage is pulled up via CGD and CGS and thusthe device remains clamped off.
=vGS(IL )
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.14 Alternative gate drive circuit with improvedparasitic turn immunity
Parallelling of PowerMOS devicesMoving to a system using parallelled MOSFETs requiresonly slight modifications to the gate drive circuit. Oneconsideration may be the capability of the drive buffer toprovide the currents required at the switching instants. Theswitching speed of the system can be maintained. using alower impedance gate drive. It is recommended that smalldifferential resistors, as shown in Fig.15, are used to dampout any oscillations which may occur between the switchingdevices and the rest of the circuit. The circuit of Fig.13 canbe modified for operation with parallelled devices to thatshown in Fig.16.
Circuit layout considerationsThe effects of poor circuit design and layout are to increaseRFI and noise and to compromise the performance andspeed of the system due to stray inductances. Theprecautions which must be taken to minimise the amountof stray inductance in the circuit include:
- positioning the gate drive circuits, especially zener diodesand dv/dt clamping circuits as close as possible to thepower MOSFETs.
- reducing circuit board track lengths to a minimum andusing twisted pairs for all interconnections.
- for parallelled devices, keeping the devices close to eachother and keeping all connections short and symmetrical.
Fig.15 Gate drive circuit for parallelled devices
Fig.16 Gate drive circuit for parallelled devices withimproved parasitic turn-on immunity
Modelling of parasitic turn-on
Using the simple MOSFET model of Fig.9 it is possible tostudy the susceptibility to parasitic turn-on of alternativegate drive circuits. Considering the switching instant whenthe bottom MOSFET is held off and the top MOSFET isswitched on, the voltage across the bottom MOSFETswings from the negative inverter rail to the positive one.The switching transient can be modelled by an imposeddvDS/dt across CGD and CGS and hence the effect of gatecircuit design and dvDS/dt on vGS can be studiedusing simpleSPICE models.
Typical data sheet values of CGD and CGS for a 500VMOSFET were used. The simulated results assumeconstant dvDS/dt, that freewheel diode reverse recovery canbe neglected and that the off-state gate drive buffer outputis at 0V with a sink impedance of around 5Ω. In practicethe dvDS/dt causing parasitic turn-on is not constant and isonly at its maximum value for a small proportion of thevoltage transition. Thus the results shows here representa ’worst-case’ condition for the alternative gate drive circuitsused to clamp vGS to below its threshold value, typically 2Vto 3V. (The simple circuit model used here ceases tobecome valid once vGS reaches vGS(TO) (time t1 in Fig.10)when the MOSFET starts to turn on.)
Fig.17 shows the relevant waveforms for the circuit of Fig.9with RGG=100Ω. The top waveform in Fig.17 shows animposed dvDS/dt of 3.5V/ns and a dc link voltage of 330V.The centre trace of Fig.17 shows that vGS rises quickly(reaching 3V in 25ns); at this point the MOSFET would startto turn on. The bottom trace shows the CGD charging currentsinking through the gate drive resistor RGG. For the circuitof Fig.12with RGGF=100Ω and RGGR=10Ω, Fig.18 shows thatthe gate source voltage is held down by the reduced driveimpedance but still reaches 3V after 35ns.
RGG’ 10R
RGG’ 10R
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.17 Parasitic turn-on waveforms for circuit of Fig.9
Fig.19 Parasitic turn-on waveforms for circuit of Fig.13,CGS‘=10nF
Fig.21 Parasitic turn-on waveforms for circuit of Fig.16,CGS‘=20nF
Fig.18 Parasitic turn-on waveforms for circuit of Fig.12
Fig.20 Parasitic turn-on waveforms for circuit of Fig.13,CGS‘=4.7nF
Fig.22 Parasitic turn-on waveforms for circuit of Fig.16,Ls=20nH stray inductance
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-07-0.1
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
vDS (V)
vGS (V)
i GG(A)
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-07-0.1
i CG’
vDS (V)
vGS (V)
i GG(A)
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-07-1
vDS (V)
vGS (V)
vLs (V)
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
0 2E-08 4E-08 6E-08 8E-08 1E-070
i CG’
i GG
vDS (V)
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Figure 19 shows the response of the circuit of Figure 13with CGS‘=10nF. Here the gate-source voltage is held downduring the parasitic turn-on period and so the MOSFETstays off. If the value of CGS‘ is reduced to 4.7nF then theresults given in Fig.20 show that vGS reaches 3V after 55nsthus reducing immunity to parasitic turn-on.
Figures 21 and 22 show the conditions for parallelconnected MOSFETs using the circuit of Fig.16. In Fig.21,for RGG1=47Ω, RGG‘=10Ω and CGS‘=20nF, the bottom tracein the figure shows that a potential parasitic turn-oncondition is avoided and vGS is held below its thresholdvalue. The bottom trace in Fig.21 shows most of theparasitic turn-on current is taken by CGS‘. Figure 22 showsthe effect of stray inductance between the gate drive circuitand the PowerMOS device. The circuit of Fig.16 has beenmodified by the addition of 20nH of stray inductancebetween the gate node and the dv/dt clamping network.During switching of the top device with dv/dt=3.5V/ns thestray inductance develops over 0.6V due to coupling viaCGD. Clearly this could significantly affect the performanceof the drive during normal turn-on, and increase theprospect of the bottom MOSFET being subject to parasiticturn-on problems.
These results show that immunity to parasitic turn-on canbe greatly improved by alternative gate circuit design. TheSPICE modelled circuits show the worst case conditions ofconstant dvDS/dt and show that vGS can be held below itsthreshold voltage using the circuits shown in the previoussection. Experimental measurements have confirmedthese results in a prototype 20kHz ACMC system.
Device losses in ACMC invertersIt is important to be able to calculate the losses which occurin the switching devices in order to ensure that deviceoperating temperatures remain within safe limits. Coolingarrangements for the MOSFETs orFREDFETs in an ACMCsystem will depend on maximum allowable operatingtemperatures, ambient temperature and operatingconditions for the system. The components of loss can beexamined in more detail:
MOSFET Conduction lossesWhen a MOSFET or FREDFET is on and carrying loadcurrent from drain to source then the conduction ’i2R’ losscan be calculated. It is important to note that the devicecurrent is not the same as the output current, asdemonstratedby the waveforms ofFig.23. The figure showsa sinusoidal motor load current waveform and the top andbottom MOSFET currents. The envelopes of the MOSFET
currents are half sinusoids; however the actual devicecurrents are interrupted by the instants when the loadcurrent flows through the freewheel diodes. For thepurposes of calculating MOSFET conduction losses it isacceptable to neglect the ’gaps’ which occur when thefreewheel diodes are conducting for the following reasons:
Fig.23 Motor current and device current waveforms in aPWM inverter
-When the motor load current is near its maximum valuethe switching duty cycle is also near its maximum andso the proportion of time when the diode conducts isquite small and can be neglected.-When the motor load current is near zero then theswitching duty cycle is low but the MOSFET is onlyconducting small amounts of current. As the MOSFETcurrent is low then the contribution to total conductionloss is small.
Thus if the MOSFET is assumed to be conducting loadcurrent for the whole half-period then the conduction lossescan be calculated using the current envelope of Fig.23.These losses will be overestimated but the discrepancy willbe small. The conduction losses can be given by:
PM(ON) = IT2.RDS(ON)(Tj) (13)
where IT is the rms value of the half sinusoid MOSFETcurrent envelope.
and: RDS(ON)(Tj) = RDS(ON)(25˚C).ek(Tj-25) (14)
where k=0.007 for a 500V MOSFET, and k=0.006 for a500V FREDFET.
IT is related to the rms motor current, IL, by:
i T1
Load current
Top MOSFET current
Bottom MOSFET current
IT =Imax
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.24 Selection graphs for a 1.7A motorNB. Device selection notation: 1X655-A denotes a single BUK655-500A FREDFET, etc.
Frequency = 5kHz
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 240
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 5kHz
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 240
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 20kHz
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 240
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
Frequency = 20kHz
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 240
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
655-A 655-B 637-A 637-B 638-A 638-B
655-A 655-B 637-A 637-B 638-A 638-B
455-A 455-B 437-A 437-B 438-A 438-B
455-A 455-B 437-A 437-B 438-A 438-B
Additionally in a MOSFET inverter the series blockingSchottky diode (D3 of Fig.8) has conduction losses. Thecurrent in this diode is the main MOSFET current and soits loss is approximated by:
PSch(ON) = Vf(Tj).IT (16)
Diode conduction lossesIn a MOSFET inverter the freewheel diode losses occur ina discrete device (D2 of Fig.8) although this device is oftenmounted on the same heatsink as the main switchingdevice. In a FREDFET circuit the diode losses occur in themain device package. The freewheeling diode carries the
’gaps’ of current shown in Fig.23 during the periods whenits complimentary MOSFET is off. Following the argumentused above the diode conduction loss is small and can beneglected. Using this simplification we have effectivelytransferred the diode conduction loss and included it in thefigure for MOSFET conduction loss.
MOSFET switching lossesDuring the half-cycle of MOSFET conduction the loadcurrent switched at each instant is different (Fig.23). Theamount of current switched will also depend on the reverserecovery of the bridge leg diodes and hence on the
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.25 Selection graphs for a 3.4A motorNB. Device selection notation: 1X655-A denotes a single BUK655-500A FREDFET, etc.
Frequency = 5kHz
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 5kHz
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 20kHz
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
Frequency = 20kHz
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
655-A 655-B 637-A 637-B 638-A 638-B
655-A 655-B 637-A 637-B 638-A 638-B
455-A 455-B 437-A 437-B 438-A 438-B
455-A 455-B 437-A 437-B 438-A 438-B
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
temperature of the devices. The total turn-on loss (PM(SW))will be a summation of the losses at each switching instant:
MOSFET turn-off times are usually only limited by dv/dtconsiderations and hence are as short as possible. Theturn-off loss of the MOSFETs or FREDFETs in an inverteris small compared with the turn-on loss and can usually beneglected.
Diode switching lossesDiode turn-off loss (PD(SW)) is calculated in a similar manner
to the MOSFET turn-on loss. The factors which affect thediode turn-off waveforms have been discussed earlier.Diode turn-on loss is usually small since the diode will notconduct current unless forward biassed. Thus at turn-onthe diode is never simultaneously supporting a high voltageand carrying current.
Gate drive losses
Some loss will occur in the gate drive circuit of a PowerMOSdevice. As the gate drive is only delivering short pulses ofcurrent during the switching instants then these losses arenegligibly small.
PM(SW) = ∑n = 0
∞f(Tj , In)
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.26 Selection graphs for a 6.8A motorNB. Device selection notation: 1X638-A denotes a single BUK638-500A FREDFET, etc.
Frequency = 5kHz
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 5kHz
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 20kHz
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
Frequency = 20kHz
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
1X 638-A 2X 637-A 3X 637-A 2X 638-A 3X 638-A 1X 617-AE 1X 438-A 2X 437-A 2X 438-A 3X 437-A 3X 438-A 1X 417-AE
1X 638-A 2X 637-A 3X 637-A 2X 638-A 3X 638-A 1X 617-AE 1X 438-A 2X 437-A 2X 438-A 3X 437-A 3X 438-A 1X 417-AE
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 140
System operating temperaturesIn this section the device losses discussed in the previoussection are calculated and used to produce a design guidefor the correct selection of Philips PowerMOS devices andappropriate heatsink arrangements for ACMC applications.The following factors must be take into account whencalculating the total system loss, PLOSS:
-Device characteristics-Switching frequency-Operating temperature-Load current-Number of devices used in parallel.-Additional snubber or di/dt limiting networks.
PLOSS = PM(ON)+PM(SW)+PD(SW)+PSch(ON) (18)
For the results presented here the device parameters weretaken for the Philips range of 500V MOSFETs andFREDFETs. The on-state losses can be calculated fromthe equations given above. For this analysis the deviceswitching losses were measured experimentally asfunctions of device temperature and load current. As thereare six sets of devices in an ACMC inverter then the totalheatsink requirement can be found from:
Ths = Tahs + 6.PLOSS.Rth(hs-ahs) (19)
Tj=Ths + PLOSS.Rth(j-hs) (20)
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.27 Selection graphs for a 10A motorNB. Device selection notation: 2X638-A denotes two parallelled BUK638-500A FREDFETs, etc.
Frequency = 5kHz
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 5kHz
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
PHILIPS 500V MOSFETS (+ diode network)
Frequency = 20kHz
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
Frequency = 20kHz
Heatsink size Rth_hs-amb (K/W)
Heatsink temperature, T_hs
2X 638-A 3X 637-A 3X 638-A 4X 637-A 4X 638-A 1X 617-AE 2X 438-A 3X 437-A 3X 438-A 4X 437-A 4X 438-A 1X 417-AE
Heatsink size, Rth_hs-amb (K/W)0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.640
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.640
2X 638-A 3X 637-A 3X 638-A 4X 637-A 4X 638-A 1X 617-AE 2X 438-A 3X 437-A 3X 438-A 4X 437-A 4X 438-A 1X 417-AE
Equations 18 to 20 can be used to find the heatsink size(Rth(hs-ahs)) required for a particular application which willkeep the heatsink temperature (Ths) within a required designvalue. Results are plotted in Figures 24 to 27 for motorcurrents of IL = 1.7A, 3.4A, 6.8A and 10.0A. These currentscorrespond to the ratings of several standard inductionmotor sizes. The results assume unsnubbed devices, anambient temperature of Tahs=40˚C, and are plotted forinverter switching frequencies of 5kHz and 20kHz.
Two examples showing how these results may be used aregiven below:
1) -The first selection graph in Fig.24 shows the possibledevice selections for 500V FREDFETs in a 5kHz ACMC
system where the full load RMS motor current is 1.7A.Using a BUK655-500A FREDFET, Ths can bemaintained below 70˚C with a total heatsinkrequirement of 1.2K/W (if each FREDFET was mountedon a separate heatsink then each device would need a7.2K/W heatsink). The same heatsinking arrangementwill give Ths=50˚C using a BUK638-500A. AlternativelyThs can be maintained below 70˚C using a 2K/Wheatsink (12K/W per device) and the BUK637-500B.
2) -In Fig.27 the selection graphs for a 10A system aregiven. The fourth selection graph is for a 20kHzswitching frequency using 500V MOSFETs. Here twoBUK438-500A devices connected in parallel for eachswitch will require a total heatsink size of 0.3K/W if the
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
heatsink temperature is to remain below 90˚C. Thesame temperature can be maintained using a 0.5K/Wheatsink and a single BUK417-500AE ISOTOP device.
For different motor currents or alternative PWM switchingfrequencies the appropriate device and heatsinkarrangement for a particular application can be found byinterpolating the results presented here.
ConclusionsThis section has outlined the basic principles and operationof PWM inverters for ACMC applications using PhilipsPowerMOS devices. MOSFETs and FREDFETs are themost suitable devices for ACMC systems, especially at highswitching speeds. This section has been concerned withsystems rated up to 2.2kW operating from a single phasesupply and has shown that there is a range of PhilipsPowerMOS devices ideally suited for these systems.
The characteristics and performance of MOSFETs andFREDFETs in inverter circuits and the effect of gate drivedesign on their switching performance has been discussed.The possibility of parasitic turn-on of MOSFETs in aninverter bridge leg can be avoided by appropriate gate drivecircuit design. Experimental and simulated results have
shown that good switching performance and immunity toparasitic turn-on can be achieved using the Philips rangeof PowerMOS devices in ACMC applications . Using thedevice selection graphs presented here the correctMOSFET or FREDFET for a particular application can bechosen. This guide can be used to select the heatsink sizeand device according to the required motor current,switching frequency and operating temperature.
1. Introduction to PWM speed control system for 3-phaseAC motors: J.A.Houldsworth, W.B.Rosink: ElectronicComponents and Applications, Vol 2, No 2, 1980.
2. A new high-quality PWM AC drive: D.A.Grant,J.A.Houldsworth, K.N.Lower: IEEE Transactions, VolIA-19, No 2, 1983.
3. Variable speed induction motor with integral ultrasonicPWM inverter: J.E.Gilliam, J.A.Houldsworth, L.Hadley:IEEE Conference, APEC, 1988, pp92-96.
4. MOSFETs and FREDFETs in motor drive equipment:Chapter 3.1.3.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.1.5 A 300V, 40A High Frequency Inverter Pole UsingParalleled FREDFET Modules
IntroductionVoltage source inverters which are switched using someform of pulse width modulation are now the standard in lowto medium rated AC and brushless DC variable speeddrives. At present, because of device limitations theswitching (modulation) frequencies used in all but thelowest drive ratings are restricted to a few kHz. There ishowever a strong technical advantage in using much higherultrasonic switching frequencies in excess of 20 kHz, thebenefits of which include:
i) The low frequency distortion components in the inverteroutput waveform are negligible. As a result there is nolonger a need to derate the electrical machine in the driveas a consequence of harmonic loss.
ii) The supply derived acoustic noise is eliminated.
iii) The DC link filter component values are reduced.
The device best suited for high switching frequencies is thepower MOSFET because of its extremely fast switching
time and the absence of secondary breakdown. However,being surface conduction devices, high power ratedMOSFETs are difficult and expensive to manufacture andat present single MOSFETs are only suitable for inverterratings of typically 1-2 kVA per pole. Although higher ratedpower devices such as bipolar transistors and IGBTs canbe switched at medium to high frequencies, the switchinglosses in these circuits are such that frequencies in excessof 20 kHz are at present difficult to achieve.
Switches with high ratings and fast switching times can beconstructed by hard paralleling several lower rated powerdevices. MOSFETs are particularly suitable because thepositive temperature coefficient of the channel resistancetends toenforce good steady-state currentsharing betweenparallel devices. However to achieve good dynamic currentsharing during switching, considerable care must be takenin the geometric layout of the paralleled devices on thecommon heatsink. In addition, the device characteristicsmay need to be closely matched. As a result modules ofparalleled MOSFETs are often expensive.
1 2 N
Within each mdule: Good transient + steady state load sharingIsolated drive circuit
Pole Output
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
An alternative approach to paralleling is to use smallswitching aid networks which overcome the constraints ofhard paralleling by improving the dynamic load sharing ofthe individual devices. It is possible to envisage an inverterdesign where each pole consists of a number of identicalpole modules which share a common supply and haveoutputs connected in parallel, as shown in Fig.1. Eachmodule is designed to operate individually as an inverterpole and contains two power MOSFETs with associatedisolated gate drive circuitry. When the modules areconnected in parallel their design is such that they willexhibit good transient and steady-state load sharing, theonly requirement being that they are mounted on a common
heatsink. In this manner any inverter volt-amp rating canbe accommodated by paralleling a sufficient number of polemodules.
Pole moduleThe power circuit diagram of an individual pole modulewhich is suitable for the second form of paralleling is shownin Fig.2. The design makes use of the integral body diodeof the main switching devices and for this purpose the fastrecovery characteristics of FREDFETs are particularlysuitable. Two snubber circuits and a centre tappedinductance are included in the circuit. These small switchingaid networks perform a number of functions in the circuit:
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
i) They act to improve the dynamic current sharing betweenthe pole modules when connected in parallel.ii) They ensure safe operation of the MOSFET integral bodydiode. The central inductance controls the peak reversecurrent of the diode and the snubber network preventssecondary breakdown of the MOSFET parasitic internaltransistor as the integral body diode recovers.iii) They reduce the switching losses within the main powerdevices and thus allows maximum use of the availablerating.
The operation of the circuit is typical of this form of inverterpole. The commutation of the integral body diode will bediscussed in detail since it is from this section of theoperation that the optimal component values of theswitching aid network are determined. The value of theinductor L is chosen to give a minimum energy loss in thecircuit and the snubber network is designed to ensure saferecovery of the integral diode at this condition. For exampleconsider the case when there is an inductive load currentIL flowing out of the pole via the integral body diode of thelower MOSFET just prior to the switching of the upperMOSFET. With reference to Fig.3, the subsequentoperation is described by the following regions:
Region A: Upper MOSFET is switched on. The current inthe lower integral body diode falls at a rate (dI/dt) equal tothe DC link voltage VDD divided by the total inductance L ofthe centre tapped inductance.
Region B: The diode current becomes negative andcontinues to increase until the junction stored charge hasbeen removed, at which stage the diode recoverscorresponding to a peak reverse current IRR.
Region C: The voltage across the lower device increasesat a rate (dV/dt) determined by the capacitance Cs of thelower snubber network. The current in the upper MOSFETand the inductor continues to increase and reaches a peakwhen the voltage across the lower device has risen to theDC link value. At this point the diode Dc becomes forwardbiased and the stored energy in the inductor begins todischarge through the series resistance Rc.
The energy E1 gained by the switching aid networks overthe above interval is given by:
and is ultimately dissipated in the network resistors Rs, Rc.For a given forward current, the peak reverse current IRR ofthe diode will increase with increasing dI/dt and can beapproximately represented by a constant stored charge,(QRR) model, where:
Although in practice IRR will tend to increase at a slightlyfaster rate than that given by equation (2).
Since in the inverter pole circuit
Inspection of equations (1) and (4) shows that the energyloss E1 remains approximately constant as L is varied.
During the subsequent operation of the inverter pole whenthe upper MOSFET is turned off and the load current ILreturns to the integral body diode of the lower device, anenergy loss E2 occurs in the inductor and the upper snubberequal to:
This loss can be seen to reduce with L. However as L isreducedboth IRR and the peak current in the upper MOSFETwill increase and result in higher switching loss in the diodeand higher conduction loss in the channel resistance of theupper device.
The value of L which gives minimum energy loss in the poleoccurs when there is an optimal balance between theeffects described above. Typical measured dependenciesof the total energy loss on the peak reverse diode currentas L is varied are shown in Fig.4. The characteristics of asimilarly rated conventional MOSFET and a fast recoveryFREDFET are compared in the figure. In both cases theminimum energy loss occurs at the value of L which givesa reverse recovery current approximately equal to thedesign load current. However the loss in the FREDFETcircuit is considerably lower than with the conventionaldevice. The optimal value of L can be found from themanufacturers specified value of stored charge usingequation (4), where
IRR = √2
QRR (2)
I rr
t rr
TimeQ rr
E2 =12
IL2L +
CsVDD2 (5)
E1 =12
IRR2 L +
CsVDD2 (1)
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
The snubber capacitor value Cs is chosen to limit the dV/dtacross the integral body diode as it recovers. Experiencehas shown that a value of 1V/nS will ensure safe operation,hence:
The resistive component of the switching aid networks arechosen in the usual manner.
Parallel operation of pole modulesThe principle behind the ‘soft’ paralleling adopted here isto simply connect the outputs of the required number ofmodules together and feed them with a common DC linkand control signals. The transient load sharing between theparallel modules will be influenced by the tolerances in theindividual inductor and snubber capacitor values and anyvariations in the switching instances of the power devices,the latter being as a result of differences in devicecharacteristics and tolerances in the gate drive circuitry.These effects were investigated using the SPICE circuit
simulation package. The SPICE representation of themodules is shown in Fig.5, in which the upper MOSFETchannel is modelled by an ideal switch with a seriesresistance RDS. The full SPICE diode model is used for thelower MOSFET integral body diode, however ideal dioderepresentations are sufficient for the devices in theswitching aid networks. The load is assumed to act as aconstant current sink over the switching interval.
From the SPICE simulation an estimate of the peaktransient current imbalance between the MOSFETs of thetwo modules was obtained for various differences in theinductors, capacitors and device turn-on times. It was foundthat the transient current sharing was most sensitive tounequal device switching times. An example of the resultsobtained from a simulation of two paralleled modules usingBUK638-500B FREDFETs are shown in Fig.6. With goodgate drive design the difference between device switchingtimes is unlikely to exceed 50nS resulting in apeak transientcurrent mismatch of less than 10%. The load sharing wouldimprove if the value of inductor is increased but this has tobe traded off against the increase in switching loss. Theeffect of the tolerance of the inductor values on the loadsharing is given for the same module in Fig.7, where it canbe seen that a reasonable tolerance of 10% results in onlya 7% imbalance in the currents. The load sharing was foundto be relatively insensitive to tolerances in the snubbercapacitor values.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.40
C = (IL) nF (7)
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
er Sem
iconductor Applications
Philips S
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
A 300V, 10A pole module design usingBUK638-500B FREDFETsThe circuit diagram of a 300V, 10A pole module based onBUK638-500B FREDFETs is given in Fig.8. The inductorvalue was chosen using the criteria discussed in Section2.
The conventional R-C snubber network has been replacedby the active circuit shown in Fig.9 and involves the use ofasecond, low rated BUK455-500B MOSFET which is madeto act as a capacitance by invoking the ‘Miller’ effect. The
active snubber is more efficient at low load currentsbecause it tends to maintain a constant (dV/dt) regardlessof the load, and thus the snubber loss is proportional to thecurrent, as opposed to the conventional circuit in which theloss remains constant. In addition the active circuit iscompact and lends itself more readily to a hybrid assembly.The major component costs are the secondary MOSFETand a low voltage power diode and compare favourablywith those of the conventional high voltage capacitor andhigh voltage diode.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
The gate drive circuits are given in Fig.10 and are basedupon the pulse transformer configuration described inchapter 1.2.3. A PNP transistor has been added betweenthe gate and source to reduce the drive off-stateimpedance, to improve the switching and prevent any Millereffect in the main device.
FREDFET module performanceThe typical voltage and current waveforms of the upper andlower switching devices are shown in Figures 11 and 12 forthe case of a single pole module sourcing the rated currentof 10 Amps from a 300V DC link. Fig.12 illustrates how theuse of the series inductor and active snubber gives acontrolled recovery of the fast integral body diode of theFREDFET.
5 A/div50 V/div
200 ns/div
Fig.11 Top - turn-on of the lower diodeBottom - turn-off of the MOSFET
The losses of an individual module switched at 20 kHz areplotted in Fig.13 as a function of output current. They mainlystem from conduction loss, the switching loss representingonly a third of the maximum loss. Because the switchingloss occurs mainly in the aid networks the main FREDFETscan be used at close to their full rating. Similarly operationat higher frequencies will not result in a substantialreduction in efficiency, for example at40 kHz,10A operationthe losses are 95W.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
5 A/div50 V/div
200 ns/div
Fig.12 Top - turn-off of the lower diodeBottom - turn-on of the MOSFET
Four modules were connected in parallel and mounted ona common heatsink. The modules operated successfully at300V with total loads in excess of 40A, four times theirindividual rating. The common heatsink, which had athermal resistance to ambient of 0.33˚C/W was sufficientto achieve the full 40A, 300V continuous rating of theparallel units at 20 kHz. The current waveforms of the upperFREDFETs in each module are overlaid in Fig.14, where itcan be seen that the load sharing is very even, particularlyafter the initial switching transients.
5 A/div2 µs/div
Fig.14 FREDFET current waveforms
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
ConclusionParallel, separate MOSFET pole modules provide amethod of designing medium rated inverter poles, whichcan be switched efficiently at frequencies in excess of 20kHz. The approach is flexible since a single pole moduledesign can be used to achieve a range of inverter volt-ampratings by paralleling a sufficient number of units.
Through the use of small switching aid networks it ispossible to obtain excellent transient and steady-statecurrent sharing between the paralleled modules. Thecurrent sharing remains good even if there are substantialvariations in component tolerances and the power device
switching times. The switching aid networks also reducethe switching losses in the main devices and allows themto be used to their full rating.
The presented design of a 300V, 10A module based onBUK638-500B, FREDFETs has a full load loss of only 70W.Four of these modules connected in parallel and mountedon a 0.33˚C/W heatsink gave an inverter pole with a 300V,40A continuous rating when switched at 20 kHz. Excellentcurrent sharing between these modules was observed andas a result there would seem to be no technical reasonswhy further modules could not be paralleled toachieve evenhigher ratings.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
DC Motor Control
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.2.1 Chopper circuits for DC motor control
DC motor drives are used for many speed and positioncontrol systems where their excellent performance, easeof control and high efficiency are desirable characteristics.DC motor speed control canbe achieved using switchmodeDC-DC chopper circuits. For both mains-fed and batterysupplied systems, power MOSFETs and FREDFETs arethe ideal switching devices for the converter stage. ThePhilips range of PowerMOS devices includes devicessuitable for most DC-DC converters for motor controlapplications. Additionally, due to the ease with whichMOSFETs and FREDFETs can be parallelled, PhilipsPowerMOS devices can easily be used in chopper circuitsfor both low power and high power DC motor drives forvehicle, industrial or domestic applications.
Introduction to DC motor drivesIn a DC motor, the static field flux is established using eitherpermanent magnets or a stator field winding. The armaturewinding, on the rotorof a dc machine, carries the main motorcurrent. The armature winding is a series of coils, eachconnected to segments of a commutator. In order that themotor develops constant torque as the rotor moves,successive armature coils must be connected to theexternaldc circuit. This is achievedusing a pair of stationarybrushes held in contact with the commutator.
The motor torque is produced by the interaction of the fieldflux and the armature current and is given by:
The back emf developed across the armature conductorsincreases with the motor speed:
Permanent magnet DC motors are limited in terms of powercapability and control capability. For field wound DC motorsthe field current controls the flux and hence the motor torqueand speed constants. The field winding can be connectedin series with the armature winding, in shunt with it, or canbe separately excited. For the separately excited dc motor,shown in Fig.1 the field flux is controlled and the motor canbe made to operate in two distinct modes: constant torqueoperation up to the rated speed of the motor, and thenconstant power operation above rated speed, as shown inFig.2. The steady state operation of the motor is describedby:
For normal motor operation Ea and Ia are positive and themotor is operating in its ’first quadrant’. The motor is saidto be operating in its second quadrant, that is braking orregenerating, by reducing Va below Ea such that Ia isnegative. These two quadrants are shown in Fig.3a). If thepolarity of the applied voltage is reversed then motoringand regenerating operation can occur with the direction ofrotation reversed. Thus by controlling the armature voltageand current polarities, full four-quadrant operation, asshown in Fig.3b), can be achieved.
Fig.1. Separately excited DC motor
Fig.2. DC motor, operating characteristics
Te α Ia
Rated (base)speed
Ea α ωm
Va = Ea +Ra . Ia
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
a) Two quadrant operation
b) Four quadrant operation
Fig.3. Torque speed characteristics for DC motor
Converter topologies for DC motor drives
Single quadrant (step down) converterFor single quadrant operation the chopper circuit of Fig.4can be used. The average voltage applied to the motor, andhence its speed, is controlled by varying the duty cycle ofthe switch, S. Fig.5 shows the switching waveforms for thecircuit. During the on time, ton, the supply voltage, Vdc, isapplied to the motor and the armature current starts toincrease. Neglecting the on-state resistance of the switchand the armature winding resistance the voltage across thearmature inductance is Vdc-Ea and so the rate of rise ofarmature current is given by:
When the switch turns off the energy stored in the armatureinductance must be dissipated. The polarity of the voltageacross La reverses, the diode D becomes forward biasedand the armature current continues to flow. Assuming thatthe motor speed remains constant and neglecting theforward voltage drop of the freewheeling diode the inductorvoltage is equal to -Ea. The rate of fall of armature currentis given by:
Fig.4. Single quadrant chopper circuit
Fig.5. Single quadrant chopper, switching waveforms
If this switching sequence is repeated at some frequency,then the motor voltage can be controlled by altering therelative duration of the on period and off period. Variationof the duty cycle of the switch (ton/T) to control the motorvoltage is referred to as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)control. As the average voltage across the inductor over aperiod must be zero then:
The integral of inductor voltage for the interval ton
corresponds to the shaded area1 in Fig.5, whilst the integralof inductor voltage for the toff interval corresponds to theshaded area 2 in the Figure. These two areas must be equaland so from equations 4 to 6 or Fig.5 the transfer functionof the controller is given by:
tton toffT
voltage, V a
current, I a
voltage, V La
current, I D
current, IS
Vdc- Ea
vL.dt = ⌠⌡0
vL.dt + ⌠⌡ton
vL.dt = 0dIadt
Va =ton
= −Ea
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Two quadrant, half-bridge converterFigure 6 shows a half bridge circuit for two quadrant dcdrive. For motoring operation S1 and D2 operate asdescribed above for the single quadrant controller. Thefreewheel diode D2 may be the internal diode of a MOSFETor FREDFET, or a discrete device. For regenerativeoperation the DC motor acts as the active power sourceand the power flow is from right to left in Fig.6. Theregenerating current is controlled by varying the duty cycleof S2. When S2 is on, the negative armature currentincreases through the switch and the armature inductance.When S2 is turned off D1 becomes forward biased and thecurrent regenerates into the supply. The relevant circuitwaveforms are shown in Fig.7, showing the equal areas ofthe inductor volt-seconds over each period of the switchingcycle. During regeneration the transfer function of theconverter is given by:
Fig.6. Two quadrant half bridge chopper circuit
Fig.7. Two quadrant half bridge chopper, switchingwaveforms
Four quadrant, full-bridge converterIf motoring and regenerating operation are required withboth directions of rotation then the full bridge converter ofFig.8 is required. Using this configuration allows the polarityof the applied voltage to be reversed, thus reversing thedirection of rotation of the motor. Thus in a full bridgeconverter the motor current and voltage can be controlledindependently. The motor voltage Va is given by:
where V12 is controlled by switching S1 and S2 as describedabove, and V34 by switching S3 and S4. Theusual operatingmode for a full bridge converter is to group the switchingdevices so that S1 and S3 are always on simultaneouslyand that S2 and S4 are on simultaneously. This type ofcontrol is then referred to as bipolar control.
Fig.8. Four quadrant full bridge circuit
MOSFETs and FREDFETs in bridgecircuitsIn a bridge circuit, conduction transfers between theswitching devices and freewheeling diodes as the loadcurrent is controlled (eg. switch S2 and diode D1 in Fig.4).Associated with the transfer of conduction between thefreewheel diodes and the switching devices is the reverserecovery of the diode as each conducting MOSFET returnsto its on-state. Reverse recovery current flows due to theremoval of stored charge from a diode PN junction followingconduction. Fig.9 shows the device current paths in a halfbridge circuit when conduction is transferred from the topdiode to the bottom MOSFET.
The switching waveforms are shown in Fig.10 where thediode reverse recovery current is Irr and the time taken forthe reverse recovery currents to be cleared is trr. Theamount of stored charge removed from the body of thediode is represented by the area Qrr. The reverse recoverycurrent flows through the MOSFET which is being turnedon in addition to the load current and thus causes additionalturn-on losses. The amount of stored charge increases withincreasing temperature for a given diode. Both the
Va = V12−V34
Va =1−
VdcS1 D1
D2 S3
S4 D4
tton toffT
voltage, Va
current, I a
voltage, VLa
current, ID1
current, IS2
Vdc- Ea
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
magnitude of the reverse recovery current and its durationmust be reduced in order to reduce the switching losses ofthe system.
This effect is important because inherent in the structure ofa power MOSFET there is a diode between the source anddrain of the device which can act as a freewheeling diodewhen forward biased. For most DC motor controlapplications the reverse recovery characteristics of theMOSFET intrinsic diode are acceptable and do notcompromise the switching performance of the half bridgecircuit. However, the characteristics of a MOSFET intrinsicdiode are not optimised for minimum reverse recovery andso, especially in high frequency systems, the FREDFET ismore suitable for use in half bridge circuits.
Fig.9 Current paths in half bridge circuit.
Fig.10 Diode reverse recovery waveforms.
The FREDFET is essentially a MOSFET with a very fastbuilt-in diode where the reverse recovery properties of aFREDFET diode are similar to those of a discrete fastrecovery epitaxial diode (FRED). This gives improvedswitching performance in high frequency applications.
Considerations for converter driven DCmotors
Device current ratingThe power electronic converter must be matched to therequirements of the motor and the load. DC motor drivescan be used to provide torques in excess of the maximumcontinuous rated torque of the motor for short intervals oftime. This is due to the long thermal time constants of themotor. The peak torque requirement of the motor willdetermine its peak current demand, and hence the peakcurrent requirement for the power switches. The currentrating of a PowerMOS device is limited by the maximumjunction temperature of the device, which should not beexceeded even for short periods of time due to the shortthermal time constant of the devices. The devices mustthereforeberated for thispeak currentcondition of the drive.Operation at maximum current usually occurs duringacceleration and deceleration periods necessary to meetthe performance requirements of DC servo systems.
Device voltage ratingThe voltage rating of the power switches will be determinedby the power supply DC link voltage and the motor emfs,including those which occur when the motor is operating inits constant power region at above rated speed but belowrated torque.
Motor performanceIt can be seen from the waveforms of Figures 5 and 7 thatthe armature current supplied to the motor by the switchingconverter is not constant. The presence of ripple current inaddition to the normal DC current affects the performanceof the motor in the following ways:
Torque pulsations. Ripple in the motor current waveformwill cause a corresponding ripple in the motor output torquewaveform. These torque pulsations may give rise to speedfluctuations unless they are damped out by the inertia ofthe mechanical system. The torque pulsations occur at highfrequencies where they may lead to noise and vibration inthe motor laminations and mechanical system.
Losses. Winding losses in a DC motor are proportional toiRMS
2, whereas the torque developed by the motor isproportional to iDC. Ripple in the motor current will increasethe RMS current and thus give rise to additional losses andreduce the system efficiency.
Overcurrents. If the ripple current is large then the peakdevice current will be significantly higher than the designDC value. The devices must then be rated for this highercurrent. Current ripple will also increase the current whichmust be handled by the motor brushes possibly increasingarcing at the brush contacts.
I LI rr
MOSFET current
Outputvoltage I rr
t rr
IL+ I rr
Q rr
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
The amount of current ripple depends primarily upon theswitching frequency and amount of motor inductance (Seeequations 4 and 5). Increasing La and fs will both reduce theamount of current ripple. The motor inductance is fixed bythe motor selection but can be increased by the addition ofa discrete component. Increasing the switching frequencyof the system will reduce the amount of current ripple butwill increase the switching losses in the power devices.
Using PowerMOS devices in DC drives
For many applications the motor control system is operatedat switching speeds in the range 1kHz to 20kHz.PowerMOS devices are ideally suited for this type ofconverter giving the following advantages:
Switching performanceUnlike bipolar devices the MOSFET is a majority carrierdevice and so no minority carriers must be moved in andout of the device as it turns on and off. This gives the fastswitching performance of MOSFET devices. However, athigher switching speeds the switching losses of the systembecome important and must be considered in addition tothe device on-state losses. The device conduction lossdepends on the MOSFET on-state resistance, RDS(ON),which increases with the temperature of the device.Switching times are essentially independent of devicetemperature. PowerMOS devices have good overloadcapability and Safe Operating ARea (SOAR) which makesthem easy to us in a chopper circuit, although the need forsnubber circuits will depend on the system operating andperformance requirements.
Fig.11. MOSFET capacitances and basic gate driver
Ease of usePowerMOS devices are essentially voltage driven switchesand so the gate drive circuits required to switch the devicesare usually relatively simple low power circuits. It is onlyduring switching instants that the gate drive is that requiredprovide current in order to charge and discharge the devicecapacitances (shown in Fig.11) and thus switch the device.In order to switch the device quickly the gate driver mustbe able to rapidly sink and source currents of up to 1A. Forthe simplest gate drive circuit the MOSFET can be switchedusing a resistive drive and some gate-source overvoltageprotection, as shown in Fig.11. Alternative MOSFET gatedrive circuits are discussed more fully elsewhere in thishandbook.
Parallelling of PowerMOS devicesIt is usually straightforward to operate PowerMOS devicesin parallel to achieve higher system currents than can beachieved using single devices. The problems of parallellingPowerMOS are much less than those which occur whenusing bipolar devices. MOSFETs and FREDFETs have apositive temperature coefficient of RDS(ON) and so tend toshare the total load current equally. Any discrepancy indevice or circuit resistance which causes one device to becarrying a higher proportion of the total current will causethe losses in that device to increase. The device carryingthe increased current will then heat up, its resistance willincrease and so the current carried will be reduced. Thetotal load current will therefore be equally shared outbetween all the parallelled MOSFETs. Current sharingduring dynamic (switching) instants is achieved by ensuringgood circuit design and layout.
Fig.12. Gate drive circuit for parallelled devices
Moving to a system using parallelled MOSFETs requiresonly slight modifications to the gate drive circuit. Oneconsideration may be the capability of the drive circuit toprovide the currents required at the switching instants. It isrecommended that small differential resistors, as shown inFig.12, are used to damp out any oscillations which mayoccur between the switching devices and the rest of thecircuit.
RGG’ 10R
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.13. DC drive system - schematic arrangement
++_ _
Isolationand gate
Motor Tacho
Circuit layout considerationsThe effects of poor circuit design and layout are to increaseRFI and noise and to compromise the performance andspeed of the system due to stray inductances. Theprecautions which must be taken to minimise the amountof stray inductance in the circuit include:
• positioning the gate drive circuits as close as possible tothe power MOSFETs.
• reducing circuit board track lengths to a minimum andusing twisted pairs for all interconnections.
• for parallelled devices, keeping all connections short andsymmetrical.
DC motor control system
Figure 13 shows a schematic arrangement for a twoquadrant controller, showing the outer speed control loopand the inner current control loop. The speed feedbacksignal is derived from a tachogenerator (TGF), althoughalternatively an approximation to the motor speed can bederived by feeding back a signal proportional to the motorvoltage, (AVF). Position feedback can be included for servoapplications by using a position encoder on the motor shaft.The speed feedback loop compares the tacho- outputvoltage with a speed reference signal. The voltage errorsignal gives the current reference command.
The current command signal is compared with the actualmotor current in the inner control loop. This control loopincludes a current limit setting which protects the motor andthe devices from overcurrents. If the controller demands alarge speed change then the current demand is maintainedbelow the maximum level by this current limit setting.Motoring or regenerating operation is detected directly fromthe polarity of the voltage error signal and used to determinewhether it is the top or bottom MOSFET which is controllingthe current.Themotoring/regenerating logic circuit includessome hysteresis to ensure that control does not oscillatebetween the motoring and regenerating modes at low motorcurrents.
There are severalpossible ways of controlling motor currentby controlling the switching sequences to the mainPowerMOS devices. In tolerance band control the motorcurrent is compared with the reference signal and anallowed current ripple tolerance. During motoring operationif the actual current is greater than the allowed maximumvalue of the tolerance band then the output comparatorturns off the gate drive to the power MOSFET thus allowingthe motor current to fall. The current then freewheels untilit reaches the lower limit of the tolerance band, when thecomparator turns the MOSFET back on. Using this currentcontrol strategy the effective switching frequency isvariable, depending on the rate at which the armaturecurrent changes, but the peak to peak current ripple in thesystem is constant. Alternatively the devices can be
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
switched a constant frequency using a PWM methodcurrent control. Here the current error signal is comparedwith a fixed frequency triangular wave and the comparatoroutput is then used to provide the signal for the mainswitching devices. When the error signal is greater than thetriangular wave then the power device is switched on, whenthe error signal is less than the triangular carrier then thedevice is switched off.
ConclusionsDC motor controllers using PowerMOS devices can beused in many speed control and servo applications givingexcellent drive performance. The advantages ofPowerMOS devices include their simple gate drive
requirements, rugged performance and their ease of usein parallel configurations. The intrinsic diode between thedrain and source of MOSFETs andFREDFETs can be usedas the freewheel diode in half bridge and full bridge circuitconfigurations giving a cost effective, compact design withthe minimum of switching devices. PowerMOS chopperscan operate at much higher switching frequencies thanthyristor or power transistor controllers, giving reducedcurrent ripple, reduced noise and interference and gooddynamic system response. Using higher switchingfrequencies reduces the need for additional discreteinductances in the motor circuit whilst still achieving lowripple currents in separately excited, permanent magnetand series connected field wound motors.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.2.2 A switched-mode controller for DC motors
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of anintegrated switched-mode controller generally used for DCpower conversion as the primary control and element in apractical Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) DC drive. Basicprinciples relating to DC motor specifications and drivefrequency are presented. The PWM method ofswitched-mode voltage control is discussed with referenceto armature current control, and hence output torquecontrol, of DC motors. A series of circuit configurations areshown to illustrate velocity and position servo applicationsusing a switched mode driver IC. Philips Semiconductorsproduce a wide range of control ICs for Switched ModePower Supply (SMPS) applications which can also be usedas controllers for PWM driven DC motors. This paperdemonstrates how one switched-mode controller, theNE5560, can be used to give a velocity and position servosystems using Philips power MOSFETs as the main powerswitches. Additional application ideas using the NE5560controller for constant speed and constant torque operationare also presented.
Fig.1 DC motor, equivalent circuit
Principles of the PWM DC motor drive
Pulse width modulated drives may be used with a numberof DC motor types: wound field or permanent magnet. Thediscussion here will be particularly concerned withpermanent magnet excited DC motors. This does notimpose a restriction on the applicability of switched modecontrol for DC drives since permanent magnet motors areavailable in awide range of sizes, ratings andconfigurationsto suit many applications. The design of a pulse widthmodulated drive is affected by the characteristics of the DCmotor load, and this will now be considered in more detail.
The permanent magnet DC motor may be represented bythe simplified equivalent circuit shown in Fig.1. La
represents the total armature inductance, Ra is theequivalent series resistance, and Ea the armature back emf.This induced emf represents that portion of the total input
energy which is converted to mechanical output. Themagnitude of the armature emf is proportional to motorspeed.
Motor inductance, which may vary from tens of µH to mH,will have a significant effect on PWM drive designs. This isdue to the fact that average motor current is a function ofthe electrical time constant of the motor, τa, where. τa=La/Ra.For a PWM waveform with a period T the ratio of pulse widthto switching period is denoted by δ. The average pulsecurrentwill depend upon the ratio of the current pulse-width,δT, to the motor electrical time constant, τa.
Fig.2 Instantaneous motor current waveformsa) High inductance motor, τa = 5Tb) Low inductance motor, τa = T/2
Figure 2 shows the conditions for two different motors anda fixed period PWM waveform. For the casewhen the motortime constant is much greater than the pulse width, inFig.2(a) then the current cannot be established in theinductive motor windings during the short duration of theapplied pulse. For a low inductance motor and the samepulse width, Fig.2(b), the armature current is easilyestablished. In most instances a motor which has higharmature inductance will require a lower PWM drivefrequency in order to establish the required current levels,and hence develop the necessary torque. A low inductancemotor allows the use of a high switching drive frequencythus resulting in an overall faster system response.
In general, to achieve optimum efficiency in a PWM motordrive at the highest practical frequency, the motor shouldhave an electrical time constant, τa, close to the duration ofthe applied waveform T. ( τa= kT where k is small). Theprinted circuit motor is one of the lowest inductance DCmotors available since the armature is etched from a flatdisc-like material much like a double-sided printed circuitboard. Consequential these low inductance, low inertia
a) b)va va
i ai a
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
motors also exhibit very fast response with quite hightorque. Electrical time constants in the order of 100µs allowthese motors to be used with switching rates as high as100kHz, with typical drive circuits being operated at 10kHz.
Thus an appropriate choice of switching frequency andmotor inductance ensures a high average motor currentduring each switching pulse. Motor current control, andhence torque control, is achieved by varying the width ofthe applied pulsed waveforms. As the base, or carrier,frequency is held constant then the pulse width relaystorque control information to the motor. Torque isdependent on average motor current (equation 1) which, inturn, is controlled by duty cycle.
Fig.3 Simplified PWM DC motor controller
PWM motor controlThe PWM method of current control will be considered byexamining the conditions at motor start-up for a simplearrangement, shown in Fig.3, where the duty cycle iscontrolled using the DC control voltage, VREF. At start-upthe duty cycle is adjusted to be long enough to give sufficientmotor starting torque. At zero rotational velocity (ω=0) theback emf, Ea, is zero and so the full DC voltage appearsacross the series Ra/La impedance. The initial motor currentis determined according to the equation:
If the duty cycle ratio, controlled using VREF, is given by δ,then the duration of the ’ON’ pulse is simply given by δT.Duringthis interval the riseof motor currentprior toarmaturerotation is shown by Equation 3.
The current in the motor windings rises exponentially at arate governed mainly by average supply voltage and motorinductance. If the pulse width is close to the time constantof the motor then the current at the end of the first pulsewill reach nearly 60% of its maximum value, Imax = Vdc/Ra.This is shown as I1 in Fig.4. For the remainder of the PWMcycle switch S1 is off and motor current decays through thediode at a rate dependant upon the external circuitconstants and internal motor leakage currents, accordingto the equation:
The motor current at the end of the period, T, remains at alevel I2, which is then the starting current for the next cycle,as shown in Fig.4. As the switching sequence repeats,sufficient current begins to flow to give an acceleratingtorque and thus cause armature rotation. As soon asrotation begins, back emf is generated which subtracts fromthe supply voltage. The motor equation then becomes:
Thecurrent drawn from the supply will consequently be lessthan that drawn at start-up due to the effect of the motorback emf term, Ea. For a given PWM duty cycle ratio, δ, themotor reaches a quiescent speed governed by the loadtorque and damping friction. Maximum motor torque isrequired at start-up in order to accelerate the motor andload inertias to the desired speed. The current required atstart-up is therefore also a maximum. At the end of thestarting ramp the controller duty cycle is reduced becauseless current is then needed to maintain the motor speed atit* steady state value.
Fig.4 Motor current waveforms at start-up
ia = I1 .e−(t − δT) /τa
Te = KT Ia
+ Ra.ia = Vdc−Ea
+ Ra.ia = Vdc
ia =Vdc
.1− e−t /τa
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.5 Motor current waveform, τa << T
For a low inductance motor where the electrical timeconstant is much less than the duty cycle then the motorcurrent waveform will closely follow the applied voltagewaveform, as shown in Fig.5. An approximate expressionfor the average motor current is given by:
In summary, the principle control variable in the PWM motorcontrol system is ’duty cycle’, δ. Motor torque and velocitycan be tightly controlled by controlling the PWM duty cycleand motor current.
The switched mode controllerFor the remaining portion of the paper integratedswitched-mode control will be considered with specificreference to the NE/SE5560 controller IC. This deviceincorporates control and protection functions for SMPS andDC motor control applications including internaltemperature compensation, internal reference voltages, asawtooth waveform generator, PWM amplifier and outputstage. Protection circuitry includes cycle-by-cycle currentlimiting, soft start capability, overcurrent protection, voltageprotection and feedback loop protection circuits. In thefollowing sections some of the features of the controller willbe examined and its use in a number of motor drive designswill be presented.
Ea Motor emf
Iave= δ.(Vdc−Ea)
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.6 NE5560 Block diagram
Fig.7 Unipolar switched mode motor drive (SMMD) using the NE5560
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
The device (see Fig.6) contains an internal voltagereference which is connected to the non-inverting input ofthe error amplifier. The feedback signal is obtained fromeither a tachogenerator (TGF - tachogenerator feedback)or from a signal proportional to the armature voltage lessthe winding iR voltage drop (AVF - armature voltagefeedback). This feedback signal must be scaled to centreabout the internal voltage reference level. The erroramplifier output, in addition to being available for gainadjustment and op amp compensation, is connectedinternally to the pulse-width modulator. Frequency may befixed at any value from 50Hz to 100kHz and duty cycle
adjusted at any point from 0 to 98%. Automatic shut-downof the output stage occurs at low supply threshold voltage.The error amplifier has 60dB of open loop gain, is stablefor closed loop gains above 40dB and can also can becompensated for unity gain. The single ended switchingoutput is from either the emitter or collector of the outputstage. The device has protective features such as highspeed overcurrent sense which works on a cycle-by-cyclebasis to limit duty cycle, plus an additional second level ofslow start shutdown. It is this input which can be adaptedto act as a motor torque limit detector.
a) Unipolar drive b) Bipolar driveFig.8 Constant speed servo configurations
Motor Load
Motor Load
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.9 Basic unidirectional drive with dynamic braking
Open loop PWM control using the NE5560For a given application the switched-mode controllerfrequency should be set to allow the best dynamic responseconsidering the starting current requirement and motorelectrical time constant, as discussed previously. The maindrive transistors or MOSFETs must be capable of carryingthe peak motor current requirement which occurs atstart-up. Device protection using snubber networks andtransient suppression networks will depend on the choiceof switching device, system ratings and the applicationrequirements. Power MOSFETs provide an excellentsolution to many DC drive designs since very low drivepower is required and they are self-protected from reversetransientsby an internal intrinsic diode. PowerMOSdevicesmay be parallelled for added power handling capability.
Figure 7 shows a simple unipolar drive capable of drivinga low voltage motor supplied from an external DC voltageand PWM controlled using the NE5560.
Constant velocity servoFigure 8 shows in block form the general circuit used toobtain a constant speed switched mode motor drive(SMMD) servo. Figure 8(a) shows a unipolar drive usingDC tachometer feedback to the PWM error amplifier. Figure8(b) shows a bidirectional drive in a half-bridge
configuration. In this case the duty cycle controls thedirection of motor rotation in addition to the motor speed.A 50% duty cycle corresponds to the standstill condition. Ifthe average duty cycle is greater than 50% (CW command)then the motor accelerates clockwise, and vice-versa forCCW rotation when the duty cycle is less than 50%. Thiscircuit configuration can be used for both velocity andposition servo-designs. The reversing switch allows thetachogenerator output to match the polarity of the PWMreference, which is always positive.
The unipolar drive circuit in Fig.9 uses the NE5560 todevelop a SMMD with constant speed control suitable fora small DC motor. The switching device is a single PhilipsBUK456-100A Power MOSFET capable of over 30 A, witha voltage rating of 100V VDSand RDS(ON)=0.057Ω. The PWMdrive from the NE5560 is applied to the gate at a nominal10kHz,although muchhigher frequencies are possible.Thepeak gate to source voltage, VGS, is 15V to ensure minimumRDS(ON) and hence minimum loss in the PowerMOS switch.
A sense resistor is placed in the source lead to monitormotor drive current on a cycle-by-cycle basis. The value ofthis resistor is set to develop the error amplifier thresholdvoltage at the desired maximum current. The NE5560 thenautomatically limits the duty cycle, should this threshold beexceeded. This is therefore used as an auto torque limitfeature in addition to simply protecting the switching device.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
A slow start network (Pins 2,5,6) gradually ramps up theduty cycle at power on. Fixed braking duty cycle control isachieved by forcing the input error amplifier during brakingconditions. The over-current circuit is still active duringbraking.
SMMD Position servo with µP controlBy coupling the switched mode motor drive in a bidirectionalconfiguration as shown in Fig.10, and then sensing linearposition with a potentiometer or LVDT connected to a leadscrew, for instance, the position feedback loop can beclosed to give a position servo. The input to control positionof the mechanical stage may be fed as a DC offset to asumming amplifier whose output is fed to Pin 5 of theNE5560, as shown. Forward lead-lag compensation maybe combinedwith the summing amplifier function to achievea stable response. A velocity loop may be closed through
the error amplifier at Pin 3. The controller may easily beinterfaced to a microprocessor by means of a unipolar D/Aconverter working in the 1 to 6V output range as an inputto Pin 5.
Theswitched-mode motor drive, SMMD, using small, easilyavailable, monolithic integrated control devices designedfor switched-mode power applications may easily beadapted to perform a number of useful and efficient torque,velocity and position control operations. The readyavailability of good controller ICs, easily compatible with thePhilips range of switching power devices in both bipolar andPowerMOS technologies makes such designs even moreeffective and easily attainable by the control systemsdesigner.
Fig.10 Microprocessor control of PWM drive with four quadrant control
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.2.3 Brushless DC Motor Systems
In recent years the number of drive systems available todesigners has increased considerably. The advent andincreasing use of stepper motors, inverter-fed ac machines,switched reluctance motors and brushless machines haveall addressed particular applications and in some casesthese application areas overlap. The correct choice of adrive system for a particular application depends not onlyupon the speed and torque requirements but also onperformance, response, complexity and cost constraints.The brushless DC motor (BDCM) system is emerging asone of the most useful drive options for a wide range ofapplications ranging from small, low power fans and discdrives, through medium size domestic appliance motorsand up to larger industrial and aviational robotic and servodrives.
This section will review the theory and operation ofbrushless DC motors and describe some of theconsiderations to be made when designing BDCM drivesystems using PowerMOS devices as the main inverterswitches.
BackgroundThe principal advantage of a conventional DC machinecompared to an AC machine is the ease with which a DCmotor can be controlled to give variable speed operation,including direction reversal and regenerative brakingcapability. The main disadvantage of a DC machine is thatthe carbon brushes of a DC motor generate dust and alsorequire maintenance and eventual replacement. The RFIgenerated by the brushgear of a DC motor can be quitelarge and, in certain environments, the sparks themselvescan be unwelcome or hazardous. The brushless DC motorwas developed to achieve the performance of aconventional DC machine without the problems associatedwith its brushes.
The principal advantages of the BDCM system are:
• Long life and high reliability• High efficiency• Operation at high speeds and over a wide speed range• Peak torque capability from standstill up to high speeds• Simple rugged rotor construction• Operation in vacuum or in explosive or hazardous
environments• Elimination of RFI due to brush commutation
DC motor configurationsIn a conventional DC motor the field energy is provided byeither a permanent magnet or a field winding. Both of thesearrangements involve quite large, bulky arrangements forthe field. In the case of wound field DC motors this is due
to large number of turns needed to generate the requiredelectromagnetic field in the airgap of the machine. In thecase of permanent magnet DC machines the low energydensity of traditional permanent magnet materials meansthat large magnets are required in order to give reasonableairgap fluxes and avoid demagnetisation. If either of thesetwo options are used with the field excitation on the rotorof the machine then the inertia and weight of the rotor makethe machine impractical in terms of its size and dynamicresponse.
A conventional DC machine has a large number of armaturecoils on the rotor. Each coil is connected to one segmentof a commutator ring. The brushes, mounted on the stator,connect successive commutator segments, and hencearmature coils, to the externalDC circuitas the motor movesforward. This is necessary to maintain maximum motortorque at all times. The brush/commutator assembly is, ineffect, a rotating mechanical changeover switch whichcontrols the direction and flow of current into the armaturewindings.
In a BDCM the switching of current to the armature coils iscarried out statically and electronically rather thanmechanically. The power switches are arranged in aninverter bridge configuration in order to achievebidirectional current flow in the armature coils, i.e. twopower switches per coil. It is not possible to have a largenumber of armature coils, as is the case for a conventionalDC motor because this would require a large number ofswitching devices and hence be difficult to control andexpensive. An acceptable compromise is to have only threearmature coils and hence six power switches. Reducing thenumber of armature coils means that the motor is moreprone to developing ripple torque in addition to the requiredDC torque. This problem can be eliminated by good designof the motor. The armature of a three coil brushless DCmachine in fact looks similar to the stator of a three phaseAC machine and the term ’phase’ is more commonly usedto describe these three separate coils.
The development of brushless DC machines has madepossible by developments in two other technologies:namely those of permanent magnet materials and powersemiconductor switches.
Permanent magnet materialsTraditional permanent magnet materials, such as AlNiComagnets and ferrite magnets, are limited either by their lowremanence giving rise to a low airgap flux density inelectrical machines, or by their susceptibility todemagnetisation in the presence of high electric fields.However in recent years several new permanent magnetmaterials have been developed which have much higher
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
a) Conventional DC motorb) Brushless DC motor
Fig.1 DC motor configurations
Stator core
Field magnet
Stator core
remanent flux densities, and hence airgap flux densities,and high coercivities, making them resistant todemagnetisation under normal operating conditions.Amongst these materials, called ’rare earth’ magnets,Samarium Cobalt (SmCo5 and Sm2Co17) and Neodymium--Iron-Boron (Nd-Fe-B) are the most common. Thesematerials, although still quite expensive, give vastlysuperior performance as the field excitation for a brushlessmachine.
Due to the increased energy density of rare earth magnetsthe amount of magnet material required by the applicationis greatly reduced. The magnet volume using rare earthsis small enough that it is feasible to have the permanentmagnet field on the rotor of the machine instead of on thestator. The gives a low inertia, high torque motor capableof high performance operation. This resulting motor design,with the armature on the stator and the field on the rotorand shown in Fig.1, can be considered as a conventionalDC motor turned ’inside out.’
Power electronic switchesFor the ’inside out’ BDCM is it still necessary to switch thearmature current into successive armature coils as the rotoradvances. As the coils are now on the stator of the machinethe need for a commutator and brushgear assembly hasdisappeared. The development of high voltage and highcurrent power switches, initially thyristors, bipolar powertransistors and Darlingtons, but more recently MOSFETs,FREDFETs, SensorFETs and IGBTs, has meant thatmotors of quite large powers can be controlledelectronically, giving a feasible BDCM system. Thequestion of appropriate device selection for brushless DCdrives will be considered later.
System description (Fig.2)
DC power supplyThe fixed DC voltage is derived from either a battery supply,low voltage power supply or from a rectified mains input.The input voltage may be 12V or 24V as used in manyautomotive applications, 12V-48V for applications such asdisc drives or tape drives, or 150V-550V for single-phaseor three-phase mains-fed applications such as domesticappliances or industrial servo drives or machine tools.
InverterThe inverter bridge is the main power conversion stage andit is the switching sequence of the power devices whichcontrols the direction, speed and torque delivered by themotor. The power switches can be either bipolar devicesor, more commonly, PowerMOS devices. Mixed deviceinverters, for example systems using pnp Darlingtons asthe high side power switches and MOSFETs as the low sideswitches, are also possible. The freewheel diodes in eachinverter leg may be internal to the main power switches asin the case of FREDFETs or may be separate discretedevices in the case of standard MOSFETs or IGBTs.Detailed considerations of inverter design, gate drivedesign and layout have been considered in separatearticles.
The inverter switching speed may be in the range 3kHz to20kHz and above. For many applications operation atultrasonic switching speeds (>15-20kHz) is required inorder to reduce system noise and vibration, reduce theamplitude of the switching frequency currents and toeliminate switching harmonic pulsations in the motor.Because of the high switching speed capability ofPowerMOS devices they are often the most suitable devicefor BDCM inverters.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.2 BDCM system
S1 D1
D2 S4
S3 D3
D4 S6
S5 D5
DC PowerSupply
ControllerCurrent setSpeed set
Gate drives
The first choice for the inverter devices might appear to beone with an N-channel MOSFET for the bottom device ineach inverter leg and a P-channel device in the top half ofeach leg. The disadvantage of P-channel devices is thatthey require around three times more silicon area thanequivalent N-channel MOSFETs to achieve the same valueof RDS(ON). This makes P-channel devices uncompetitivelyexpensive for many applications. However, usingN-channel devices for both the top and bottom switches inan inverter leg means that some sort of floating drive isrequired for the upper device. Transformer coupled oroptically coupled gate driver stages are required, oralternatively, circuits such as the bootstrap circuit shown inFig.3 can be used to provide the drive for the top device.
In the circuit of Fig.3 the bootstrap capacitor is charged upvia the diode D every time the bottom MOSFET is on. Whenthis device turns off the capacitor remains charged up tothe gate supply voltage as D is now reverse biassed. Whena turn-on pulse is applied for the upper MOSFET thebootstrap capacitor provides the necessary gate sourcevoltage to turn the device on.
MotorA two pole BDCM with the field magnets mounted on thesurface of the rotor and with a conventional stator assemblywas shown in Fig.1. Machines having higher numbers ofpoles are often used depending upon the applicationrequirements for motor size, rotor speed and inverterfrequency. Alternative motor designs, such as disc motorsor interior magnet rotor machines, are also used for someapplications. The motor phases are usually connected in astar configuration as shown in Fig.2. Rotor position sensorsare required in order to control the switching sequence ofthe inverter devices. The usual arrangement has three Halleffect sensors, separated by either 60˚ or 120˚, mountedon the stator surface close to the airgap of the machine. As
the rotor advances the switching signals from these HallEffect latches are decoded into rotor position informationin order to determine the inverter firing pattern.
In order to minimise torque ripple the emf induced in eachmotor phase winding must be constant during all instantsin time when that phase is conducting current. Any variationin a motor phase emf whilst it is energised results in acorresponding variation in the torque developed by thatphase. The so-called ’trapezoidal emf’ motor, shown inFig.4, has a constant induced emf for 120˚ and so is apractical motor design which gives optimum performancein a BDCM system.
ControllerThe inverter is controlled in order to limit the device currents,and hence control the motor torque, and to set the directionand speed of rotation of the motor. The average ouputtorque is determined by the average current in each phasewhen energised. As the motor current is equal to the DClink current (Fig.2) then the output torque is proportional tothe DC input current, as in a conventional DC motor. Themotor speed is synchronous with the applied voltagewaveforms and so is controlled by setting the frequency ofthe inverter switching sequence.
Rotor position feedback signal are derived from the Halleffect devices as discussed earlier or from opto-transducers with a slotted disc arrangement mounted onthe rotor shaft. It is also possible to sense rotor position bymonitoring the emfs in the motor phase windings but thisis somewhat more complex. In some applications the Halleffect sensor outputs can be used to provide a signal whichis proportional to the motor speed. This signal can be usedin a closed loop controller if required.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.3 Bootstrap driver circuit for upper device ininverter bridge leg
Fig.4 Trapezoidal emf motor
Fig.5 Motor waveforms for BDCM system
The controller also requires a current feedback signal.Usually this is taken from the DC link of the inverter asshown in the Fig.2. The current is controlled using eitherPWM techniques or hysteresis type of control. A currentreference command is compared with the current feedbacksignal and then used to determine the switching signal tothe main power devices. Additional controller functionsinclude undervoltage protection, thermal protection andcurrent ripple limit controls, error amplifier inputs forincorporation in closed loop servos and microprocessorcompatible inputs.
Several IC manufacturers offer dedicated ICs providing allthe functions for PWM control of brushless DC motors. ThePhilips version of the NE5570 CMOS controller is one suchdevice which can be used for three phase BDCM systemsusing a serial data input command from a microprocessorcontroller. This device contains the PWM comparator andoscillator, dynamic current loop controller and outputpre-drivers suitable for a MOSFET power stage. Itsoperation is described more fully in Philips Application NoteAN1281.
Brushless DC motor operationThe operation of a BDCM system can be explained withreference to Fig.5. At any instant in time the rotor positionis known by the output states of the three airgap mountedHall effectdevices. Theoutputstate of oneHall effectdeviceswitches for every 60˚ of rotation, thus defining sixconduction zones as shown in the figure. The switching ofthe inverter devices is arranged to give symmetrical 120˚intervals of positive and negative constant current in eachmotor phase winding. The position of the sensors andcontroller logic ensures that the applied currents are inphase with the motor emfs in order to give maximum motortorque at all times.
Referring to Figures 2 and 5, during the first 60˚ conductionzone switches S1 and S4 are on and the current flowsthrough the ’A’ and ’B’ phase windings. The ’C’ phase isinactive during this interval. At the end of this 60˚ conductionzone one of the Hall effect devices changes state and soswitchS4 turns offand S6 turns on. Theswitching sequencecontinues as the motor advances. At any instant in time twomotor phases are energised and one motor phase is off.Themotor phase current waveforms are described as being’quasi-square’ in shape. The motor windings are energisedfor two thirds of the total time and the maximum switch dutycycle ratio is one third.
The other function of the controller is to maintain the motorphase currents at their desired constant value for each 120˚interval that a particular phase is energised. The precisemethod of current limiting depends upon the controlleralgorithm. In order to limit the current to its desired valueeither one or both of the conducting devices are switchedoff thus allowing the motor current to freewheel through the
S1 D1
60 120 180 240 300 360
O 60 120 180 240 300 360
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
bridge leg diodes. The current is limited by controlling theswitch duty cycle to ensure that device current ratings andthe motor current rating are not exceeded, especially duringstart-up conditions or low speed operation. The amount ofcurrent ripple is controlled by the switching frequency of aPWM waveform or by the width of a hysteresis band.
Power Semiconductor switches forBrushless DC motorsPhilips Semiconductors produce a range of powersemiconductor devices suitable for use in BDCM systems.The include transistors, MOSFETs, FREDFETs, LogicLevel MOSFETs (L2FETs) and IGBTs. These devices areavailable in a variety of current and voltage ratings and arange of packages, to suit individual applications.
FREDFETsFor higher voltage applications the FREDFET is anappropriate device for the inverter switches in a brushlessDC drive. The FREDFET is a PowerMOS device where thecharacteristics of the MOSFET intrinsic diode have beenupgraded to those of a discrete fast recovery diode. Thusthe FREDFET is ideally suited to bridge circuits such asthat shown in Fig.2 where the recovery properties of thebridge diodes significantly affect the switching performanceof the circuit. Fig.6 shows a conventional MOSFET inverterbridge circuit, where the MOSFETs intrinsic diode isdisabled by a series Schottky diode. A discrete antiparallelFRED carries the motor freewheeling current. Using theFREDFET reduces the component count and circuit layoutcomplexity considerably.
MOSFET inverter leg FREDFET inverter legFig.6 MOSFET and FREDFET half bridge legs
L2FETsFor many lower voltage applications logic level FETs(L2FETs) can be used to interface the power circuit withstandard TTL or CMOS drive circuits without the need forlevel shifting stages. L2FETs require gate source voltageof only 5V to be fully turned on and typically have VGS(th) =1-2V. Using Philips L2FETs in BDCM applications such as
tape or disc drives where the MOSFETs are driven directlyby a controller IC produces an efficient overall design withthe minimum of gate drive components.
IGBTsIGBTs are especially suited to higher power applicationswhere the conduction lossesof aMOSFET begin to becomeprohibitive. The IGBT is a power transistor which uses acombination of both bipolar and MOS technologies to givea device which has low on-state losses and is easy to drive.The IGBT is finding applications in mains-fed domestic andindustrial drive markets. By careful design of the devicecharacteristics the switching losses of an IGBT can beminimised without adversely affecting the conductionlosses of the device too severely. Operation of BDCMinverters is possible at switching speeds of up to 20kHzusing IGBTs.
Device selection
The first selection criterion for an inverter device is thevoltage rating. Philips PowerMOS devices have excellentavalanche ruggedness capability and so are able to survivetransient overvoltages which may occur in the invertercircuit. This gives the circuit designer the freedom to chooseappropriately rated devices for the application withoutsuffering from the extra device conduction losses whichoccur when using higher voltage grade devices. In noisyenvironments or where sustained overvoltages occur thensome external protection circuitry will usually be required.
For low voltage and automotive applications 60V devicesmay be adequate. For mains-fed applications then the DClink voltage is fixed by the external mains supply. A 240Vsupply will, depending on the DC link filtering arrangement,give a link voltage of around 330V. Using 450V or 500VMOSFETs will allow sufficient margin for transientovervoltages to be well within the device capability.
The current rating of a device is determined by the worstcase conditions that the device will experience. These willoccur during start-up, overload or stall conditions andshould be limited by the BDCM controller. Short circuitprotection must be provided by using appropriate fusing orovercurrent trip circuitry.
In addition to the normal motor currents the inverter deviceswill experience additional currents due to diode reverserecovery effects. The magnitude of these overcurrents willdepend on the properties of the freewheel diodes and onthe switching rates used in the circuit. Turn-on overcurrentscan often be greater than twice the normal load current.The peak to average current capability of MOSFETs is verygood (typically 3 to 4) and so they are able to carryovercurrents for short periods of time without damage. Forhigh power applications PowerMOS devices can easily be
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
parallelled to give the required current ratings providing thecircuit is suitably arranged in order to ensure good currentsharing under both dynamic and static conditions.
ConclusionsThe brushless DC motor has already become an importantdrive configuration for many applications across a widerange of powers and speeds. The ease of control and
excellent performance of the brushless DC motors willensure that the number of applications using them willcontinue to grow for the foreseeable future. The Philipsrange of PowerMOS devices which includes MOSFETs,FREDFETs, L2FETs and IGBTs are particularly suited foruse in inverter circuits for motor controllers due to their lowloss characteristics, excellent switching performance andruggedness.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Stepper Motor Control
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
3.3.1 Stepper Motor Control
A stepper motor converts digital information intoproportional mechanical movement; it is anelectro-mechanical device whose spindle rotates indiscrete steps when operated from a source that providesprogrammed current reversals. After the appearance of thestepper motor in applications traditionally employing digitalcontrol, the advantages of precise and rapid positioning ofobjects using stepper motor drive systems became moreobvious and this, in turn, led to a greater variety ofapplications. These now include:
• paper and magnetic tape drives,• camera iris control and film transport,• co-ordinate plotters, printers, chart recorders and
variable speed chart drives,• medical equipment,• fuel control, valve control and variable speed pumps,• meters, card readers, production line pulse counters• automatic weighing and labelling systems,• digital to analogue converters and remote position
indicating equipment.
All of these applications have one thing in common -controlled motion. Wherever controlled movement and/orpositioning is necessary, the stepper motor can be used togive a fast, flexible and accurate system.
From a mechanical viewpoint, the stepper motor has simplepositional control, reliability and precision. Previously,simple, mechanically operated switches often providedadequate control for many positioning systems butincreased performance requirements have forced the needfor a better drive systems. The advantages of stepper motorsystems have been gained at the expense of controllersimplicity. The combination of fast controller ICs, low cost,high power, high efficiency switches, particularlyMOSFETs, and the ease of use of stepper motors has leadto their current widespread use.
The full benefit of a stepper motor can only be realised if itis correctly driven. It requires a dc supply, an electronicswitch and a source of control pulses (digital information).The appropriate dc supply is directed into the motor via apower electronic switching network. In effect, the motormoves through one step for each control pulse applied tothe power stage electronic switches. The angle of the stepdepends upon the type of motor and can be from as littleas 1.8˚ to as much as 15˚. Consequently, if 24 pulses arefed to the switching network, the shaft of a motor with a 15˚step-angle will complete one revolution. The time taken forthis action is entirely a function of the rate at which controlpulses are applied. These may be generated by anoscillator with adjustable frequency or from a dedicatedcontroller IC.
Principles of operation
Stepper motors can be divided into three principle types:
• permanent magnet stepper motors• variable reluctance stepper motors• hybrid stepper motors.
Fig.1 Unipolar 4-phase motor
Permanent magnet stepper motors
The step angle of a permanent magnet stepper motordepends upon the relationship between the number ofmagnetic poles on its stator assembly and the number ofmagnetic poles on its rotor. Since the latter is a cylindricalpermanent magnet, the poles are fixed, and their numberis limited, due to the characteristics of the magneticmaterial. Enlarging the magnet diameter to provide for alarger number of rotor poles results in a drastic increase inthe rotor inertia. This reduces the starting capabilities ofsuch a motor beyond practical use. With a permanentmagnet rotor, only relatively large step angles can beobtained. However, the operating step angle can bereduced by using more than one stator stack along thelength of the machine and then by offsetting the separatestacks.
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.2 Unipolar 4-phase systema) Circuit layout, b) Switching waveforms
The stator assembly comprises two or more stators, eachhaving a coil through which current is passed to form amagnetic field. By reversing the direction of current flowingin a coil the north and south poles developed by the coilscan be transposed. Reversing the current flow throughsuccessive stator coils creates a rotating magnetic fieldwhich the permanent-magnet rotor follows. Speed ofrotation is thus governed by the rate at which the stator coils(and hence the electromagnetic poles) are switched andthe direction of rotation by the actual switching sequence.
There are two methods by which the current flow throughstator coils can be reversed and this has led to two classesof stepper motor: those designed for unipolar drive andthose for bipolar drive. For ease of description, illustrationsin this section which give a diagrammatic representation ofapermanent magnet stepper motor show only a2-pole rotoralthough it could have as many as 24: the operatingprinciples, however, are the same.
Motors for Unipolar driveEach stator coil of a motor designed for unipolar drive isprovided with a centre-tap which is connected to one sideof the supply. The direction of current flowing through a coilis then determined by the end to which the other supply lineis connected via a switching device. Switching between thecoil halves results in the magnetic poles of the relevantstator being reversed.
Figure1(a) showsa 4-phase stepper motor in which phasesP and R are energised. The north poles at P and R causethe rotor to align in the position indicated. If switch S1 isturned off and S3 turned on, so that phases Q and R arenow energised, then the stator field is repositioned and sothe conditions illustrated in Fig.1(b) are obtained, ie. therotor has moved through 90˚ to align with the stator field.
From this it can be seen that by altering the switchingsequence for switches S1, S2, S3 and S4 the rotor can bemade to advance in either direction.
Figure 2(a) shows the drive configuration for a unipolar4-phase motor. The switching sequence of the powerswitches is shown in Fig.2(b). Two motor phases areenergised at any one time thus giving the rotation of thestator field and required stepping motion.
Fig.3 Bipolar 4-phase motor
Motors for Bipolar driveThe stator coils of a motor designed for bipolar drive haveno centre-tap. Instead of using alternate coil-halves toproduce a reversal of current-flow through the statorwindings, the current is now reversed through the entire coilby switching both supply lines. Operation of a motor withbipolar drive is identical to that of one with unipolar drive,and is shown in Fig.3. Here, when the polarity of current inphase P is reversed using switches S1 to S4 the stator fieldrealigns and the rotor moves accordingly. Figure 4(a)shows the drive configuration for a bipolar 4-phase motor.The devices are always switched as pairs, i.e. S1 and S4,S2 and S3. The switching waveforms for this configurationare shown in Fig.4(b).
The advantages of using motors with bipolar drive areshown in Fig.5. This compares the performance of aunipolar motor with its bipolar equivalent. Unipolar motors
S1 S3 S2 S4
S2 S1 S3 S4
S5 S6 S8 S7
S2 S1 S3 S4
S5 S6 S8 S7
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Fig.4 Bipolar 4-phase systema) Circuit layout, b) Switching waveforms
develop less torque at low stepping rates than their bipolarcounter-parts, although at higher stepping rates the torquedeveloped by both types of motor is nearly the same.
The 4-phase unipolar motor shown in Fig.1 has two coilsper phase which must be wound on one bobbin for eachstator (bifilar winding), ie. four coils in total. Because thetwo coils occupy the same space as a single coil inequivalent bipolar types, the wire is thinner and coilresistance higher. Bipolar motors have only one coil per
bobbin so that 2-stator motors have two coils and 4-statormotors four coils. Unipolar motors require only a simpledrive circuit - only four power transistors instead of eight.Moreover, the switching time requirements are less severefor unipolar drives. For a bipolar drive, care must be takenwith switching times to ensure that two opposing transistorsare not switched on at the same time, thus shorting out thesupply. Properly operated, bipolar windings give optimummotor performance at low to medium stepping rates.
Variable reluctance stepper motorsIn a variable reluctance stepper motor the motion isachieved by using the force of attraction between amagnetised component (the stator pole excited by acontrolledcurrent) and a passive steel component (the rotorpole). As successive stator poles are energised differentrotor poles are attracted towards the nearest active pole,thus giving the required stepping motion. Figure 6 showsthe simplest variable reluctance motor configuration havingsix stator poles and four rotor poles. The rotor is simply ashaped steel shaft. The stator winding is arranged so thatone stator phase winding is on each stator pole.
Figure 6(a) shows the condition when the ’A’ phase of themotor is energised and rotor pole 1 is aligned with theenergised winding. If stator phase ’A’ is switched off andphase ’B’ is switched on then rotor pole 2 (which is thenearest rotor pole to any ’B’ phase pole) experiences anattractive force due to the energised ’B’ phase. The rotoradvances to the position shown in Fig.6(b).
S2, S3
S6, S7
S1, S4
S5, S8
Fig.5 Torque vs. stepping rate characteristicA) Unipolar motor B) Bipolar motor
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
If, subsequentally, phase ’C’ is energised then rotor pole 1will align with the ’C’ phase, as shown in Fig.6(c). The stepangle of a variable reluctance motor can be reduced byhaving more than one set of offset rotor poles which arebuilt up along the stack length of the machine. Differentoffset rotor poles align with the stator poles at each stepposition.
Fig.6 Variable reluctance motor
Hybrid stepper motorsThe usual configuration for a hybrid stepper motor operatesusing the torque production methods found in bothpermanent magnet and variable reluctance motors. Thisgives a higher performance system with a low volume, andhence a low rotor inertia, and small step angles. The rotorof a hybrid stepper motor consists of an axially alignedmagnet and a pair of toothed discs, one at each end of therotor stack. The general layout is shown in Fig.7. The teethof the discs are misaligned with respect to each other withthe result that as the stator phase windings are energiseddifferent teeth align with the stator poles, in a similar wayto those in a variable reluctance motor. The addition of thepermanent magnet on the rotor introduces a polarity in theway that the rotor teeth align with the stator poles. Againmulti-stack motors are used to reduce the step lengthfurther. Alternative hybrid stepper motor configurationshave the magnets on the stator, but operate in a broadlysimilar manner.
Fig.7 Hybrid stepper motor, cross sectional view
Stepper motor systemsProper selection of the right stepper motor for a specificapplication calls for a thorough understanding of thecharacteristics of the motor and its drive circuitry. Figure 8
shows schematically the four constituent parts of a steppermotor system together with the most important aspects ofeach. These will be briefly considered below.
Fig.8 Stepper motor system block diagram
The stepper motorTypical standard step motor angles are shown below:
Step angle Steps per revolution
0.9˚ 4001.8˚ 2003.6˚ 1003.75˚ 967.5˚ 4815.0˚ 24
The no load step angle accuracy is specified for each typeof motor For example, a motor having a step angle of 7.5˚and will typically position to within 20’ (i.e. 5%) whether themotor is made to move for 1 step or 1000 steps. The stepangle error is non-cumulative and averages to zero everyfour steps, i.e. 360˚. Every four steps the rotor returns tothe same position with respect to magnetic polarity and fluxpaths. For this reason, when very accurate positioning isrequired, it is advisable to divide the required movementinto multiples of four steps. This is known as the 4-stepmode of operation.
TorqueThree torques are used to define stepper motor operation:
Holding torqueAt standstill, when energised, a certain amount of torqueis required to deflect a motor by one step. This is knownas the holding torque. When a torque is applied thatexceeds the holding torque the motor will rotatecontinuously. The holding torque is normally higher thanthe working torque and acts as a strong brake in holdinga load in position.
Detent torque
- Oscillator- Half step- Full step- Ramping
- Battery- Transformer, rectifier
- Unipolar- Bipolar- Chopper
- Step length- Step length accuracy- Holding torque- Detent torque- Dynamic torque
a) b) c)
A phase energised B phase energised C phase energised
Rotor disc
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Due to their permanent magnets, hybrid stepper motorsand permanent magnet stepper motors have a brakingtorque even when the stator windings are unenergised.This is referred to as the detent torque.
Working (dynamic) torqueThe dynamic characteristics of a stepper motor aredescribed by the curves of torque versus stepping rate.Typical curves were shown in Fig.5. The pull-in curveshows the load a motor can start and stop without losingsteps when operated at a constant stepping rate. Thepull-out curve shows the torque available when the motoris gradually accelerated to and decelerated from itsrequired working speed. The area between the twocurves is known as the slew range. The characteristiccurves are used to define the correct motor selection forany particular application.
OvershootAfterexecutingeach single step the rotor tends toovershootand oscillate about its final position as shown in Fig.9(a).This is normal behaviour for any pulsed dynamic system.The actual response depends on the load and on the powerinput provided by the drive. The response can be modifiedby increasing the frictional load or by adding mechanicaldamping. However, mechanical dampers such as frictiondiscs or fluid flywheels add to system cost and complexityand so it is usually better to damp electronically.
Fig.9 Dynamic step responsea) Single step undamped responseb) Electronically damped response
Two methods of electronic damping are commonly used -the simplest being to delay the final pulse in an incrementalpulse train such that the effective length of the final step isreduced. Alternatively, every pulse, or just the final pulsein a train, can be modified into three stages, as shown inFig.9(b). Using this method of damping a forward pulse isapplied at time t0, a reverse pulse is applied at t1 in order
to slow the rotor down and then finally a second forwardpulse is applied at t2 which ensures the rotor comes to restat the desired position. The accelerating torque which isdeveloped from this final pulse is less than that for a fullstep and so the shaft overshoot is significantly reduced.
Multiple steppingThere are often several alternatives available in order tomake a desired incremental movement. For example, arotation of 90˚ can be reached in 6 steps of a 15˚ motor, 12steps of 7.5˚ motor or in 50 steps of a 1.8˚ motor. Generally,a movement executed in a large number of small steps willresult in less overshoot, be stiffer and more accurate thanone executed in smaller number of large steps. Also thereis more opportunity to control the velocity by starting slowly,accelerating to full speed and then decelerating to astandstill with minimum oscillation about the final positionif small step lengths are used.
Fig.10 Controlled acceleration and deceleration profiles
A voltage controlled oscillator and charging capacitor areusually used for acceleration (or ramp) control of the motor.The RC time constant of the ramp controller is used to givedifferent ramp rates. Figure 10 shows a typical curve of steprate against time for an incremental movement with equalacceleration and deceleration times.
ResonanceA stepper motor operated at no-load over its entireoperating frequency range will exhibit resonance points thatare either audible or can be detected by vibration sensors.If any are objectionable then these drive frequencies shouldbe avoided, a softer drive used, or alternatively extra inertiaor external damping added.
Drive methodsThenormal drive method is the 4-step sequence mentionedabove. However, other methods can be used dependingon the coil configuration and the logic pattern in which thecoils are switched:
Wave driveEnergising only one winding at a time is called waveexcitation and produces the same position increment as the4-step sequence. Figure 11 shows the stepping sequencefor the bipolar 4-phase motor, which was discussed earlierand shown in Fig.4. Since only one winding is energised,
Max steppingrate
t0 t1 t2
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
holding torque and working torque are reduced by 30%.This can, within limits, be compensated by increasingsupply voltage. The advantage of this form of drive is higherefficiency, but at the cost of reduced step accuracy.
Half-step modeIt is also possible to step a motor in a half-step sequence,thus producing half steps, for example 3.75˚ steps from a7.5˚ motor. A possible drawback for some applications isthat the holding torque is alternately strong and weak onsuccessive motor steps. This is because on ’full’ steps onlyone phase winding is energised whilst on the ’half’ stepstwo stator windings are energised. Also, because currentand flux paths differ on alternate steps, accuracy will beworse than when full stepping. The switching sequence fora 4-phase bipolar drive is shown in Fig.12.
Fig.11 Wave drive switching for 4-phase bipolarstepper motor
Fig.12 Half stepping switching for 4-phase bipolarstepper motor
Supply considerations
When a motor is operated at a fixed rated voltage its torqueoutput decreases as step rate rises. This is because theincreasing back EMF and the rise time of the coil currentlimits the power actually delivered to the motor. The effectis governed by the motor time constant (L/R). Because oftheir higher winding resistance unipolar motors have abetter L/R ratio than their bipolar equivalents. The effectcan be compensated by either increasing the power supplyvoltage to maintain constant current as stepping rateincreases, or by increasing supply voltage by a fixedamount and adding series resistors to the circuit.
Adding series resistors to the drive circuit can improve themotor performance at high stepping rates by reducing theL/R ratio. Adding a series resistor three times the windingresistance would give a modified ratio of L/4R. Supplyvoltage would then have to be increased to four times themotor rated voltage to maintain rated current. The additionof the extra resistance greatly reduces the drive efficiency.If the increased power consumption is objectionable someother drive method such as a bi-level voltage supply or achopper supply should be used.
Bi-level driveWith a bi-level drive the motor is operated below ratedvoltage at zero step rate (holding) and above rated voltagewhen stepping. It is most efficient for fixed stepping rates.The high voltage may be turned on by current sensingresistors or, as in the circuit of Fig.13, by means of theinductively generated turn-off current spikes. At zero steprate the windings are energised from the low voltage. Asthe windings are switched in the 4-step sequence, diodesD1, D2, D3 and D4 turn on the high voltage supplytransistors S1 and S2.
Fig.13 Unipolar bi-level drive
Chopper driveA chopper drive maintains current at an average level byswitching the supply on until an upper current level isreached and then switching it off until a lower level isreached. A chopper drive is best suited to fast accelerationand variable frequency applications. It is more efficient thanan analogue constant current regulated supply. In thechopper circuit shown in Fig.14, V+ would be typically 5 to10 times the motor rated voltage.
Spike suppressionWhen windings are turned-off, high voltage spikes areinduced which could damage the drive circuit if notsuppressed. They are usually suppressed by a diodeacross each winding. A disadvantage is that torque output
S2, S3
S6, S7
S1, S4
S5, S8
S2, S3
S6, S7
S1, S4
S5, S8
Motor Control Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
is reduced unless the voltage across the transistors isallowed to build up to about twice the supply voltage. Thehigher this voltage the faster the induced fields and currentscollapse and performance is, therefore, better. For thisreason a zener diode or series resistor is usually added asin Fig.15.
Fig.14 Unipolar chopper drive
Fig.15 Voltage suppression circuit
Performance limitationsAt standstill or low step rates, increasing the supply voltageproduces proportionally higher torque until the motormagnetically saturates. Near saturation the motorbecomes less efficient so that increased power inunjustifiable. The maximum speed of a stepper motor islimited by inductance and eddy current losses. At a certainstep rate the heating effect of these losses limits any furtherattempt to get more speed or torque out of a motor by drivingit harder.
TerminologyDetent Torque: The maximum torque that can be appliedto the spindle of an unexcited motor without causingcontinuous rotation. Unit: Nm.
Deviation:The change inspindleposition fromthe unloadedholding position when a certain torque is applied to thespindle of an excited motor. Unit: degrees.
Holding Torque: The maximum steady torque that can beexternally applied to the spindle of an excited motor withoutcausing continuous rotation. Unit: Nm.
Maximum Pull-In Rate (Speed): The maximum switchingrate (speed) at which an unloaded motor can start withoutlosing steps. Unit: steps/s (revs/min).
Maximum Pull Out Rate (Speed): The maximum switchingrate (speed) which the unloaded motor can follow withoutlosing steps. Unit: steps/s (revs/min).
Maximum Working Torque: The maximum torque that canbe obtained from the motor: Unit: Nm.
Overshoot: The maximum amplitude of the oscillationaround the final holding position of the rotor after cessationof the switching pulses Unit: degrees.
Permanent Overshoot: The number of steps the rotormoves after cessation of the applied switching pulses.
Unit: steps.
Phase: Each winding connected across the supply voltage.
Pull In Rate (Speed): The maximum switching rate (speed)at which a frictionally loaded motor can start without losingsteps. Unit: steps/s (revs/min).
Pull In Torque: The maximum switching rate (speed) whicha frictionally loaded motor can follow without losing steps.
Unit: steps/s (revs/min).
Pull Out Torque: The maximum torque that can be appliedto a motor spindle when running at the pull out rate.
Unit: Nm.
Start Range: The range of switching rates within which amotor can start without losing steps.
Step Angle: The nominal angle that the motor spindle mustturn through between adjacent steps. Unit: degrees.
Stepping Rate: The number of step positions passed by afixed point on the rotor per second. Unit: steps/s.
Slew Range: The range of switching rates within which amotor can run unidirectionally and follow the switching rate(within a certain maximum acceleration) without losingsteps, but cannot start, stop or reverse.
Preface Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
We are grateful for all the contributions from our colleagues within Philips and to the Application Laboratories in Eindhovenand Hamburg.
We would also like to thank Dr.P.H.Mellor of the University of Sheffield for contributing the application note of section 3.1.5.
The authors thank Mrs.R.Hayes for her considerable help in the preparation of this book.
The authors also thank Mr.D.F.Haslam for his assistance in the formatting and printing of the manuscripts.
Contributing Authors
E.B.G. Nijhof
D.C. de Ruiter
T.van de Wouw
This book was originally prepared by the Power Semiconductor Applications Laboratory, of the Philips Semiconductorsproduct division, Hazel Grove:
It was revised and updated, in 1994, by:
N.J.Ham C.J.Hammerton D.Sharples
Preface Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
This book was prepared by the Power Semiconductor Applications Laboratory of the Philips Semiconductors productdivision, Hazel Grove. The book is intended as a guide to using power semiconductors both efficiently and reliably in powerconversion applications. It is made up of eight main chapters each of which contains a number of application notes aimedat making it easier to select and use power semiconductors.
CHAPTER 1 forms an introduction to power semiconductors concentrating particularly on the two major power transistortechnologies, Power MOSFETs and High Voltage Bipolar Transistors.
CHAPTER 2 is devoted to Switched Mode Power Supplies. It begins with a basic description of the most commonly usedtopologies and discusses the major issues surrounding the use of power semiconductors including rectifiers. Specificdesign examples are given as well as a look at designing the magnetic components. The end of this chapter describesresonant power supply technology.
CHAPTER 3 describes motion control in terms of ac, dc and stepper motor operation and control. This chapter looks onlyat transistor controls, phase control using thyristors and triacs is discussed separately in chapter 6.
CHAPTER 4 looks at television and monitor applications. A description of the operation of horizontal deflection circuits isgiven followed by transistor selection guides for both deflection and power supply applications. Deflection and power supplycircuitexamples arealso given basedon circuitsdesigned by the Product Concept andApplication Laboratories (Eindhoven).
CHAPTER 5 concentrates on automotive electronics looking in detail at the requirements for the electronic switches takinginto consideration the harsh environment in which they must operate.
CHAPTER 6 reviews thyristor and triac applications from the basics of device technology and operation to the simple designrules which should be followed to achieve maximum reliability. Specific examples are given in this chapter for a numberof the common applications.
CHAPTER 7 looks at the thermal considerations for power semiconductors in terms of power dissipation and junctiontemperature limits. Part of this chapter is devoted to worked examples showing how junction temperatures can be calculatedto ensure the limits are not exceeded. Heatsink requirements and designs are also discussed in the second half of thischapter.
CHAPTER 8 is an introduction to the use of high voltage bipolar transistors in electronic lighting ballasts. Many of thepossible topologies are described.
Contents Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Power Semiconductors 1
General 3
1.1.1 An Introduction To Power Devices ............................................................ 5
Power MOSFET 17
1.2.1 PowerMOS Introduction ............................................................................. 19
1.2.2 Understanding Power MOSFET Switching Behaviour ............................... 29
1.2.3 Power MOSFET Drive Circuits .................................................................. 39
1.2.4 Parallel Operation of Power MOSFETs ..................................................... 49
1.2.5 Series Operation of Power MOSFETs ....................................................... 53
1.2.6 Logic Level FETS ...................................................................................... 57
1.2.7 Avalanche Ruggedness ............................................................................. 61
1.2.8 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Considerations .......................................... 67
1.2.9 Understanding the Data Sheet: PowerMOS .............................................. 69
High Voltage Bipolar Transistor 77
1.3.1 Introduction To High Voltage Bipolar Transistors ...................................... 79
1.3.2 Effects of Base Drive on Switching Times ................................................. 83
1.3.3 Using High Voltage Bipolar Transistors ..................................................... 91
1.3.4 Understanding The Data Sheet: High Voltage Transistors ....................... 97
CHAPTER 2 Switched Mode Power Supplies 103
Using Power Semiconductors in Switched Mode Topologies 105
2.1.1 An Introduction to Switched Mode Power Supply Topologies ................... 107
2.1.2 The Power Supply Designer’s Guide to High Voltage Transistors ............ 129
2.1.3 Base Circuit Design for High Voltage Bipolar Transistors in PowerConverters ........................................................................................................... 141
2.1.4 Isolated Power Semiconductors for High Frequency Power SupplyApplications ......................................................................................................... 153
Output Rectification 159
2.2.1 Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes for use in High Frequency Rectification 161
2.2.2 Schottky Diodes from Philips Semiconductors .......................................... 173
2.2.3 An Introduction to Synchronous Rectifier Circuits using PowerMOSTransistors ........................................................................................................... 179
Contents Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Design Examples 185
2.3.1 Mains Input 100 W Forward Converter SMPS: MOSFET and BipolarTransistor Solutions featuring ETD Cores ........................................................... 187
2.3.2 Flexible, Low Cost, Self-Oscillating Power Supply using an ETD34Two-Part Coil Former and 3C85 Ferrite .............................................................. 199
Magnetics Design 205
2.4.1 Improved Ferrite Materials and Core Outlines for High Frequency PowerSupplies ............................................................................................................... 207
Resonant Power Supplies 217
2.5.1. An Introduction To Resonant Power Supplies .......................................... 219
2.5.2. Resonant Power Supply Converters - The Solution For Mains PollutionProblems .............................................................................................................. 225
CHAPTER 3 Motor Control 241
AC Motor Control 243
3.1.1 Noiseless A.C. Motor Control: Introduction to a 20 kHz System ............... 245
3.1.2 The Effect of a MOSFET’s Peak to Average Current Rating on InvertorEfficiency ............................................................................................................. 251
3.1.3 MOSFETs and FREDFETs for Motor Drive Equipment ............................. 253
3.1.4 A Designers Guide to PowerMOS Devices for Motor Control ................... 259
3.1.5 A 300V, 40A High Frequency Inverter Pole Using Paralleled FREDFETModules ............................................................................................................... 273
DC Motor Control 283
3.2.1 Chopper circuits for DC motor control ....................................................... 285
3.2.2 A switched-mode controller for DC motors ................................................ 293
3.2.3 Brushless DC Motor Systems .................................................................... 301
Stepper Motor Control 307
3.3.1 Stepper Motor Control ............................................................................... 309
CHAPTER 4 Televisions and Monitors 317
Power Devices in TV & Monitor Applications (including selectionguides) 319
4.1.1 An Introduction to Horizontal Deflection .................................................... 321
4.1.2 The BU25XXA/D Range of Deflection Transistors .................................... 331ii
Contents Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
4.1.3 Philips HVT’s for TV & Monitor Applications .............................................. 339
4.1.4 TV and Monitor Damper Diodes ................................................................ 345
TV Deflection Circuit Examples 349
4.2.1 Application Information for the 16 kHz Black Line Picture Tubes .............. 351
4.2.2 32 kHz / 100 Hz Deflection Circuits for the 66FS Black Line Picture Tube 361
SMPS Circuit Examples 377
4.3.1 A 70W Full Performance TV SMPS Using The TDA8380 ......................... 379
4.3.2 A Synchronous 200W SMPS for 16 and 32 kHz TV .................................. 389
Monitor Deflection Circuit Example 397
4.4.1 A Versatile 30 - 64 kHz Autosync Monitor ................................................. 399
CHAPTER 5 Automotive Power Electronics 421
Automotive Motor Control (including selection guides) 423
5.1.1 Automotive Motor Control With Philips MOSFETS .................................... 425
Automotive Lamp Control (including selection guides) 433
5.2.1 Automotive Lamp Control With Philips MOSFETS .................................... 435
The TOPFET 443
5.3.1 An Introduction to the 3 pin TOPFET ......................................................... 445
5.3.2 An Introduction to the 5 pin TOPFET ......................................................... 447
5.3.3 BUK101-50DL - a Microcontroller compatible TOPFET ............................ 449
5.3.4 Protection with 5 pin TOPFETs ................................................................. 451
5.3.5 Driving TOPFETs ....................................................................................... 453
5.3.6 High Side PWM Lamp Dimmer using TOPFET ......................................... 455
5.3.7 Linear Control with TOPFET ...................................................................... 457
5.3.8 PWM Control with TOPFET ....................................................................... 459
5.3.9 Isolated Drive for TOPFET ........................................................................ 461
5.3.10 3 pin and 5 pin TOPFET Leadforms ........................................................ 463
5.3.11 TOPFET Input Voltage ............................................................................ 465
5.3.12 Negative Input and TOPFET ................................................................... 467
5.3.13 Switching Inductive Loads with TOPFET ................................................. 469
5.3.14 Driving DC Motors with TOPFET ............................................................. 471
5.3.15 An Introduction to the High Side TOPFET ............................................... 473
5.3.16 High Side Linear Drive with TOPFET ...................................................... 475iii
Contents Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Automotive Ignition 477
5.4.1 An Introduction to Electronic Automotive Ignition ...................................... 479
5.4.2 IGBTs for Automotive Ignition .................................................................... 481
5.4.3 Electronic Switches for Automotive Ignition ............................................... 483
CHAPTER 6 Power Control with Thyristors and Triacs 485
Using Thyristors and Triacs 487
6.1.1 Introduction to Thyristors and Triacs ......................................................... 489
6.1.2 Using Thyristors and Triacs ....................................................................... 497
6.1.3 The Peak Current Handling Capability of Thyristors .................................. 505
6.1.4 Understanding Thyristor and Triac Data .................................................... 509
Thyristor and Triac Applications 521
6.2.1 Triac Control of DC Inductive Loads .......................................................... 523
6.2.2 Domestic Power Control with Triacs and Thyristors .................................. 527
6.2.3 Design of a Time Proportional Temperature Controller ............................. 537
Hi-Com Triacs 547
6.3.1 Understanding Hi-Com Triacs ................................................................... 549
6.3.2 Using Hi-Com Triacs .................................................................................. 551
CHAPTER 7 Thermal Management 553
Thermal Considerations 555
7.1.1 Thermal Considerations for Power Semiconductors ................................. 557
7.1.2 Heat Dissipation ......................................................................................... 567
CHAPTER 8 Lighting 575
Fluorescent Lamp Control 577
8.1.1 Efficient Fluorescent Lighting using Electronic Ballasts ............................. 579
8.1.2 Electronic Ballasts - Philips Transistor Selection Guide ............................ 587
8.1.3 An Electronic Ballast - Base Drive Optimisation ........................................ 589
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Airgap, transformer core, 111, 113Anti saturation diode, 590Asynchronous, 497Automotive
fanssee motor control
IGBT, 481, 483ignition, 479, 481, 483lamps, 435, 455motor control, 425, 457, 459, 471, 475resistive loads, 442reverse battery, 452, 473, 479screen heater, 442seat heater, 442solenoids, 469TOPFET, 473
Avalanche, 61Avalanche breakdown
thyristor, 490Avalanche multiplication, 134
Baker clamp, 138, 187, 190Ballast
electronic, 580fluorescent lamp, 579switchstart, 579
Base drive, 136base inductor, 147base inductor, diode assisted, 148base resistor, 146drive transformer, 145drive transformer leakage inductance, 149electronic ballast, 589forward converter, 187power converters, 141speed-up capacitor, 143
Base inductor, 144, 147Base inductor, diode assisted, 148Boost converter, 109
continuous mode, 109discontinuous mode, 109output ripple, 109
Bootstrap, 303Breakback voltage
diac, 492Breakdown voltage, 70Breakover current
diac, 492Breakover voltage
diac, 492, 592thyristor, 490
Bridge circuitssee Motor Control - AC
Brushless motor, 301, 303Buck-boost converter, 110Buck converter, 108 - 109Burst firing, 537Burst pulses, 564
Capacitancejunction, 29
Capacitormains dropper, 544
CENELEC, 537Charge carriers, 133
triac commutation, 549Choke
fluorescent lamp, 580Choppers, 285Clamp diode, 117Clamp winding, 113Commutation
diode, 164Hi-Com triac, 551thyristor, 492triac, 494, 523, 529
Compact fluorescent lamp, 585Continuous mode
see Switched Mode Power SuppliesContinuous operation, 557Converter (dc-dc)
switched mode power supply, 107Cookers, 537Cooling
forced, 572natural, 570
Crest factor, 529Critical electric field, 134Cross regulation, 114, 117Current fed resonant inverter, 589Current Mode Control, 120Current tail, 138, 143
Damper Diodes, 345, 367forward recovery, 328, 348losses, 347outlines, 345picture distortion, 328, 348selection guide, 345
Darlington, 13Data Sheets
High Voltage Bipolar Transistor, 92,97,331MOSFET, 69
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
dc-dc converter, 119Depletion region, 133Desaturation networks, 86
Baker clamp, 91, 138dI/dt
triac, 531Diac, 492, 500, 527, 530, 591Diode, 6
double diffused, 162epitaxial, 161schottky, 173structure, 161
Diode Modulator, 327, 367Disc drives, 302Discontinuous mode
see Switched Mode Power SuppliesDomestic Appliances, 527Dropper
capacitive, 544resistive, 544, 545
Duty cycle, 561
EFD coresee magnetics
Efficiency Diodessee Damper Diodes
Electric drill, 531Electronic ballast, 580
base drive optimisation, 589current fed half bridge, 584, 587, 589current fed push pull, 583, 587flyback, 582transistor selection guide, 587voltage fed half bridge, 584, 588voltage fed push pull, 583, 587
EMC, 260, 455see RFI, ESDTOPFET, 473
Emitter shortingtriac, 549
Epitaxial diode, 161characteristics, 163dI/dt, 164forward recovery, 168lifetime control, 162operating frequency, 165passivation, 162reverse leakage, 169reverse recovery, 162, 164reverse recovery softness, 167selection guide, 171snap-off, 167softness factor, 167stored charge, 162technology, 162
ESD, 67see Protection, ESDprecautions, 67
ETD coresee magnetics
F-packsee isolated package
Fall time, 143, 144Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED)
see epitaxial diodeFBSOA, 134Ferrites
see magneticsFlicker
fluorescent lamp, 580Fluorescent lamp, 579
colour rendering, 579colour temperature, 579efficacy, 579, 580triphosphor, 579
Flyback converter, 110, 111, 113advantages, 114clamp winding, 113continuous mode, 114coupled inductor, 113cross regulation, 114diodes, 115disadvantages, 114discontinuous mode, 114electronic ballast, 582leakage inductance, 113magnetics, 213operation, 113rectifier circuit, 180self oscillating power supply, 199synchronous rectifier, 156, 181transformer core airgap, 111, 113transistors, 115
Flyback converter (two transistor), 111, 114Food mixer, 531Forward converter, 111, 116
advantages, 116clamp diode, 117conduction loss, 197continuous mode, 116core loss, 116core saturation, 117cross regulation, 117diodes, 118disadvantages, 117duty ratio, 117ferrite cores, 116magnetics, 213magnetisation energy, 116, 117
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
operation, 116output diodes, 117output ripple, 116rectifier circuit, 180reset winding, 117switched mode power supply, 187switching frequency, 195switching losses, 196synchronous rectifier, 157, 181transistors, 118
Forward converter (two transistor), 111, 117Forward recovery, 168FREDFET, 250, 253, 305
bridge circuit, 255charge, 254diode, 254drive, 262loss, 256reverse recovery, 254
FREDFETsmotor control, 259
Full bridge converter, 111, 125advantages, 125diodes, 126disadvantages, 125operation, 125transistors, 126
Gatetriac, 538
Gate driveforward converter, 195
Gold doping, 162, 169GTO, 11Guard ring
schottky diode, 174
Half bridge, 253Half bridge circuits
see also Motor Control - ACHalf bridge converter, 111, 122
advantages, 122clamp diodes, 122cross conduction, 122diodes, 124disadvantages, 122electronic ballast, 584, 587, 589flux symmetry, 122magnetics, 214operation, 122synchronous rectifier, 157transistor voltage, 122transistors, 124voltage doubling, 122
Heat dissipation, 567
Heat sink compound, 567Heater controller, 544Heaters, 537Heatsink, 569Heatsink compound, 514Hi-Com triac, 519, 549, 551
commutation, 551dIcom/dt, 552gate trigger current, 552inductive load control, 551
High side switchMOSFET, 44, 436TOPFET, 430, 473
High Voltage Bipolar Transistor, 8, 79, 91,141, 341
‘bathtub’ curves, 333avalanche breakdown, 131avalanche multiplication, 134Baker clamp, 91, 138base-emitter breakdown, 144base drive, 83, 92, 96, 136, 336, 385base drive circuit, 145base inductor, 138, 144, 147base inductor, diode assisted, 148base resistor, 146breakdown voltage, 79, 86, 92carrier concentration, 151carrier injection, 150conductivity modulation, 135, 150critical electric field, 134current crowding, 135, 136current limiting values, 132current tail, 138, 143current tails, 86, 91d-type, 346data sheet, 92, 97, 331depletion region, 133desaturation, 86, 88, 91device construction, 79dI/dt, 139drive transformer, 145drive transformer leakage inductance, 149dV/dt, 139electric field, 133electronic ballast, 581, 585, 587, 589Fact Sheets, 334fall time, 86, 99, 143, 144FBSOA, 92, 99, 134hard turn-off, 86horizontal deflection, 321, 331, 341leakage current, 98limiting values, 97losses, 92, 333, 342Miller capacitance, 139operation, 150
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
optimum drive, 88outlines, 332, 346over current, 92, 98over voltage, 92, 97overdrive, 85, 88, 137, 138passivation, 131power limiting value, 132process technology, 80ratings, 97RBSOA, 93, 99, 135, 138, 139RC network, 148reverse recovery, 143, 151safe operating area, 99, 134saturation, 150saturation current, 79, 98, 341secondary breakdown, 92, 133smooth turn-off, 86SMPS, 94, 339, 383snubber, 139space charge, 133speed-up capacitor, 143storage time, 86, 91, 92, 99, 138, 144, 342sub emitter resistance, 135switching, 80, 83, 86, 91, 98, 342technology, 129, 149thermal breakdown, 134thermal runaway, 152turn-off, 91, 92, 138, 142, 146, 151turn-on, 91, 136, 141, 149, 150underdrive, 85, 88voltage limiting values, 130
Horizontal Deflection, 321, 367base drive, 336control ic, 401d-type transistors, 346damper diodes, 345, 367diode modulator, 327, 347, 352, 367drive circuit, 352, 365, 406east-west correction, 325, 352, 367line output transformer, 354linearity correction, 323operating cycle, 321, 332, 347s-correction, 323, 352, 404TDA2595, 364, 368TDA4851, 400TDA8433, 363, 369test circuit, 321transistors, 331, 341, 408waveforms, 322
IGBT, 11, 305automotive, 481, 483clamped, 482, 484ignition, 481, 483
Ignitionautomotive, 479, 481, 483darlington, 483
Induction heating, 53Induction motor
see Motor Control - ACInductive load
see SolenoidInrush current, 528, 530Intrinsic silicon, 133Inverter, 260, 273
see motor control accurrent fed, 52, 53switched mode power supply, 107
Irons, electric, 537Isolated package, 154
stray capacitance, 154, 155thermal resistance, 154
Isolation, 153
J-FET, 9Junction temperature, 470, 557, 561
burst pulses, 564non-rectangular pulse, 565rectangular pulse, composite, 562rectangular pulse, periodic, 561rectangular pulse, single shot, 561
Lamp dimmer, 530Lamps, 435
dI/dt, 438inrush current, 438MOSFET, 435PWM control, 455switch rate, 438TOPFET, 455
Latching currentthyristor, 490
Leakage inductance, 113, 200, 523Lifetime control, 162Lighting
fluorescent, 579phase control, 530
Logic Level FETmotor control, 432
Logic level MOSFET, 436
Magnetics, 207100W 100kHz forward converter, 197100W 50kHz forward converter, 19150W flyback converter, 199core losses, 208core materials, 207EFD core, 210ETD core, 199, 207
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
flyback converter, 213forward converter, 213half bridge converter, 214power density, 211push-pull converter, 213switched mode power supply, 187switching frequency, 215transformer construction, 215
Mains Flicker, 537Mains pollution, 225
pre-converter, 225Mains transient, 544Mesa glass, 162Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV), 503Miller capacitance, 139Modelling, 236, 265MOS Controlled Thyristor, 13MOSFET, 9, 19, 153, 253
bootstrap, 303breakdown voltage, 22, 70capacitance, 30, 57, 72, 155, 156capacitances, 24characteristics, 23, 70 - 72charge, 32, 57data sheet, 69dI/dt, 36diode, 253drive, 262, 264drive circuit loss, 156driving, 39, 250dV/dt, 36, 39, 264ESD, 67gate-source protection, 264gate charge, 195gate drive, 195gate resistor, 156high side, 436high side drive, 44inductive load, 62lamps, 435leakage current, 71linear mode, parallelling, 52logic level, 37, 57, 305loss, 26, 34maximum current, 69motor control, 259, 429modelling, 265on-resistance, 21, 71package inductance, 49, 73parallel operation, 26, 47, 49, 265parasitic oscillations, 51peak current rating, 251Resonant supply, 53reverse diode, 73ruggedness, 61, 73
safe operating area, 25, 74series operation, 53SMPS, 339, 384solenoid, 62structure, 19switching, 24, 29, 58, 73, 194, 262switching loss, 196synchronous rectifier, 179thermal impedance, 74thermal resistance, 70threshold voltage, 21, 70transconductance, 57, 72turn-off, 34, 36turn-on, 32, 34, 35, 155, 256
Motor, universalback EMF, 531starting, 528
Motor Control - AC, 245, 273anti-parallel diode, 253antiparallel diode, 250carrier frequency, 245control, 248current rating, 262dc link, 249diode, 261diode recovery, 250duty ratio, 246efficiency, 262EMC, 260filter, 250FREDFET, 250, 259, 276gate drives, 249half bridge, 245inverter, 250, 260, 273line voltage, 262loss, 267MOSFET, 259Parallel MOSFETs, 276peak current, 251phase voltage, 262power factor, 262pulse width modulation, 245, 260ripple, 246short circuit, 251signal isolation, 250snubber, 276speed control, 248switching frequency, 246three phase bridge, 246underlap, 248
Motor Control - DC, 285, 293, 425braking, 285, 299brushless, 301control, 290, 295, 303current rating, 288
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
drive, 303duty cycle, 286efficiency, 293FREDFET, 287freewheel diode, 286full bridge, 287half bridge, 287high side switch, 429IGBT, 305inrush, 430inverter, 302linear, 457, 475logic level FET, 432loss, 288MOSFET, 287, 429motor current, 295overload, 430permanent magnet, 293, 301permanent magnet motor, 285PWM, 286, 293, 459, 471servo, 298short circuit, 431stall, 431TOPFET, 430, 457, 459, 475topologies, 286torque, 285, 294triac, 525voltage rating, 288
Motor Control - Stepper, 309bipolar, 310chopper, 314drive, 313hybrid, 312permanent magnet, 309reluctance, 311step angle, 309unipolar, 310
Mounting, transistor, 154Mounting base temperature, 557Mounting torque, 514
Parasitic oscillation, 149Passivation, 131, 162PCB Design, 368, 419Phase angle, 500Phase control, 546
thyristors and triacs, 498triac, 523
Phase voltagesee motor control - ac
Power dissipation, 557see High Voltage Bipolar Transistor loss,MOSFET loss
Power factor correction, 580active, boost converted, 581
Proportional control, 537Protection
ESD, 446, 448, 482overvoltage, 446, 448, 469reverse battery, 452, 473, 479short circuit, 251, 446, 448temperature, 446, 447, 471TOPFET, 445, 447, 451
Pulse operation, 558Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), 108Push-pull converter, 111, 119
advantages, 119clamp diodes, 119cross conduction, 119current mode control, 120diodes, 121disadvantages, 119duty ratio, 119electronic ballast, 582, 587flux symmetry, 119, 120magnetics, 213multiple outputs, 119operation, 119output filter, 119output ripple, 119rectifier circuit, 180switching frequency, 119transformer, 119transistor voltage, 119transistors, 121
Qs (stored charge), 162
RBSOA, 93, 99, 135, 138, 139Rectification, synchronous, 179Reset winding, 117Resistor
mains dropper, 544, 545Resonant power supply, 219, 225
modelling, 236MOSFET, 52, 53pre-converter, 225
Reverse leakage, 169Reverse recovery, 143, 162RFI, 154, 158, 167, 393, 396, 497, 529, 530,537Ruggedness
MOSFET, 62, 73schottky diode, 173
Safe Operating Area (SOA), 25, 74, 134, 557forward biased, 92, 99, 134reverse biased, 93, 99, 135, 138, 139
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
Saturable choketriac, 523
Schottky diode, 173bulk leakage, 174edge leakage, 174guard ring, 174reverse leakage, 174ruggedness, 173selection guide, 176technology, 173
SCRsee Thyristor
Secondary breakdown, 133Selection Guides
BU25XXA, 331BU25XXD, 331damper diodes, 345EPI diodes, 171horizontal deflection, 343MOSFETs driving heaters, 442MOSFETs driving lamps, 441MOSFETs driving motors, 426Schottky diodes, 176SMPS, 339
Self Oscillating Power Supply (SOPS)50W microcomputer flyback converter, 199ETD transformer, 199
Servo, 298Single ended push-pull
see half bridge converterSnap-off, 167Snubber, 93, 139, 495, 502, 523, 529, 549
active, 279Softness factor, 167Solenoid
TOPFET, 469, 473turn off, 469, 473
Solid state relay, 501SOT186, 154SOT186A, 154SOT199, 154Space charge, 133Speed-up capacitor, 143Speed control
thyristor, 531triac, 527
Starterfluorescent lamp, 580
Startup circuitelectronic ballast, 591self oscillating power supply, 201
Static Induction Thyristor, 11Stepdown converter, 109Stepper motor, 309Stepup converter, 109
Storage time, 144Stored charge, 162Suppression
mains transient, 544Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
see also self oscillating power supply100W 100kHz MOSFET forward converter,192100W 500kHz half bridge converter, 153100W 50kHz bipolar forward converter, 18716 & 32 kHz TV, 389asymmetrical, 111, 113base circuit design, 149boost converter, 109buck-boost converter, 110buck converter, 108ceramic output filter, 153continuous mode, 109, 379control ic, 391control loop, 108core excitation, 113core loss, 167current mode control, 120dc-dc converter, 119diode loss, 166diode reverse recovery effects, 166diode reverse recovery softness, 167diodes, 115, 118, 121, 124, 126discontinuous mode, 109, 379epitaxial diodes, 112, 161flux swing, 111flyback converter, 92, 111, 113, 123forward converter, 111, 116, 379full bridge converter, 111, 125half bridge converter, 111, 122high voltage bipolar transistor, 94, 112, 115,118, 121, 124, 126, 129, 339, 383, 392isolated, 113isolated packages, 153isolation, 108, 111magnetics design, 191, 197magnetisation energy, 113mains filter, 380mains input, 390MOSFET, 112, 153, 33, 384multiple output, 111, 156non-isolated, 108opto-coupler, 392output rectifiers, 163parasitic oscillation, 149power-down, 136power-up, 136, 137, 139power MOSFET, 153, 339, 384pulse width modulation, 108push-pull converter, 111, 119
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
RBSOA failure, 139rectification, 381, 392rectification efficiency, 163rectifier selection, 112regulation, 108reliability, 139resonant
see resonant power supplyRFI, 154, 158, 167schottky diode, 112, 154, 173snubber, 93, 139, 383soft start, 138standby, 382standby supply, 392start-up, 391stepdown, 109stepup, 109symmetrical, 111, 119, 122synchronisation, 382synchronous rectification, 156, 179TDA8380, 381, 391topologies, 107topology output powers, 111transformer, 111transformer saturation, 138transformers, 391transistor current limiting value, 112transistor mounting, 154transistor selection, 112transistor turn-off, 138transistor turn-on, 136transistor voltage limiting value, 112transistors, 115, 118, 121, 124, 126turns ratio, 111TV & Monitors, 339, 379, 399two transistor flyback, 111, 114two transistor forward, 111, 117
Switching loss, 230Synchronous, 497Synchronous rectification, 156, 179
self driven, 181transformer driven, 180
Temperature control, 537Thermal
continuous operation, 557, 568intermittent operation, 568non-rectangular pulse, 565pulse operation, 558rectangular pulse, composite, 562rectangular pulse, periodic, 561rectangular pulse, single shot, 561single shot operation, 561
Thermal capacity, 558, 568
Thermal characteristicspower semiconductors, 557
Thermal impedance, 74, 568Thermal resistance, 70, 154, 557Thermal time constant, 568Thyristor, 10, 497, 509
’two transistor’ model, 490applications, 527asynchronous control, 497avalanche breakdown, 490breakover voltage, 490, 509cascading, 501commutation, 492control, 497current rating, 511dI/dt, 490dIf/dt, 491dV/dt, 490energy handling, 505external commutation, 493full wave control, 499fusing I2t, 503, 512gate cathode resistor, 500gate circuits, 500gate current, 490gate power, 492gate requirements, 492gate specifications, 512gate triggering, 490half wave control, 499holding current, 490, 509inductive loads, 500inrush current, 503latching current, 490, 509leakage current, 490load line, 492mounting, 514operation, 490overcurrent, 503peak current, 505phase angle, 500phase control, 498, 527pulsed gate, 500resistive loads, 498resonant circuit, 493reverse characteristic, 489reverse recovery, 493RFI, 497self commutation, 493series choke, 502snubber, 502speed controller, 531static switching, 497structure, 489switching, 489
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
switching characteristics, 517synchronous control, 497temperature rating, 512thermal specifications, 512time proportional control, 497transient protection, 502trigger angle, 500turn-off time, 494turn-on, 490, 509turn-on dI/dt, 502varistor, 503voltage rating, 510
Thyristor data, 509Time proportional control, 537TOPFET
3 pin, 445, 449, 4615 pin, 447, 451, 457, 459, 463driving, 449, 453, 461, 465, 467, 475high side, 473, 475lamps, 455leadforms, 463linear control, 451, 457motor control, 430, 457, 459negative input, 456, 465, 467protection, 445, 447, 451, 469, 473PWM control, 451, 455, 459solenoids, 469
Transformertriac controlled, 523
Transformer core airgap, 111, 113Transformers
see magneticsTransient thermal impedance, 559Transient thermal response, 154Triac, 497, 510, 518
400Hz operation, 489, 518applications, 527, 537asynchronous control, 497breakover voltage, 510charge carriers, 549commutating dI/dt, 494commutating dV/dt, 494commutation, 494, 518, 523, 529, 549control, 497dc inductive load, 523dc motor control, 525dI/dt, 531, 549dIcom/dt, 523dV/dt, 523, 549emitter shorting, 549full wave control, 499fusing I2t, 503, 512gate cathode resistor, 500gate circuits, 500gate current, 491
gate requirements, 492gate resistor, 540, 545gate sensitivity, 491gate triggering, 538holding current, 491, 510Hi-Com, 549, 551inductive loads, 500inrush current, 503isolated trigger, 501latching current, 491, 510operation, 491overcurrent, 503phase angle, 500phase control, 498, 527, 546protection, 544pulse triggering, 492pulsed gate, 500quadrants, 491, 510resistive loads, 498RFI, 497saturable choke, 523series choke, 502snubber, 495, 502, 523, 529, 549speed controller, 527static switching, 497structure, 489switching, 489synchronous control, 497transformer load, 523transient protection, 502trigger angle, 492, 500triggering, 550turn-on dI/dt, 502varistor, 503zero crossing, 537
Trigger angle, 500TV & Monitors
16 kHz black line, 35130-64 kHz autosync, 39932 kHz black line, 361damper diodes, 345, 367diode modulator, 327, 367EHT, 352 - 354, 368, 409, 410high voltage bipolar transistor, 339, 341horizontal deflection, 341picture distortion, 348power MOSFET, 339SMPS, 339, 354, 379, 389, 399vertical deflection, 358, 364, 402
Two transistor flyback converter, 111, 114Two transistor forward converter, 111, 117
Universal motorback EMF, 531
Index Power Semiconductor ApplicationsPhilips Semiconductors
starting, 528
Vacuum cleaner, 527Varistor, 503Vertical Deflection, 358, 364, 402Voltage doubling, 122
Water heaters, 537
Zero crossing, 537Zero voltage switching, 537