Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (2024)

by Jaden | Recipes, Sides | 69 comments

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Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (1)

I’m addicted to Dukkah. It’s a funny name, no? Dukkah is an Egyptian spice mixture made of roasted, coarsely ground nuts (hazelnuts, almonds or pistachios) and fragrant spices (coriander, sesame seeds, cumin, chili pepper, etc.)

Different variations of this mixture is found all over the Middle East and North Africa. While I’m not an expert in their foods, I have a feeling that each family has their own signature concoction of Dukkah, varying in the type of spices or nuts used.I was introduced to this aromatic condiment by my good friend and amazingly talented Chef Jeremy of Cork Restaurant in Sarasota. BTW, if you haven’t been to Cork – it is the best new restaurant in town and you simply must go. Chef Mac & Jeremy perform magic and go to the utmost extreme to make sure you have an amazing meal.

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (2) Jeremy generously gave me a huge canister of the spice mixture.I begged, bribed and pleaded for the recipe, but no recipe. So I simply asked his lovely wife Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (3) Jules to nag the crap out of him until he released his secret. It worked. And I’m sharing it with you. By the way, Jules is a professional opera singer. One of her past gigs was playing Maria (Julie Andrews) in the National Tour of Sound of Music. Let me just take a moment to tell you how frickin’ talented this woman is. I had her over at my house when Sound of Music was playing on TV – and HOLY WHISKERS ON KITTENS! it was like having Maria herself sitting next to me on the couch singing!.

Ok. back to Dukkah.

I’ve installed another new feature on the blog, called Smell-a-Blog. Just put your nose really close to the screen and sniff. It will instantly transport you on a spice trail to Egypt. Don’t worry about looking stupid…nobody’s watching. I promise…just breathe it in:

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (4)

Jeremy’s Egyptian Dukkah Blend

1lb Almonds or Hazelnuts

3 1/2ozchili flakes (preferably Aleppo)

1ozgarlic powder

3oz cumin seed (toasted and ground)

3/4oz dried lemon zest (zested with a microplane and dried in the oven at 175F)
1oz Malden salt (see note)

Roast your nuts in 350F for about 15 minutes or until fragrant. Watch the nuts – don’t burn! After cooling, rub as much of the skins off as possible. Rough chop the nuts in a food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse the food processor until they are fully incorporated. Cool, store in container with tight lid on countertop. I promise it won’t last long – you’ll use it on everything! Try sprinkling on salads, steamed vegetables, roasted chicken, fish or shrimp, topping for a roasted garlic & broccoli soup,

Notes: I have never used Malden salt, which is large, flaky and light. Since I can’t find at stores here nearby, I’d substitute sea salt. I haven’t had time to do research on Malden salt – does anyone know much about it – and how much sea salt to substitute with? In the meantime, I’d start with 1/2oz of sea salt, taste and then adjust.

Here are two of my absolute favorite ways to enjoy this condiment:

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (5)

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (6)

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah

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  • 1 large head of cauliflower (or broccoli)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • kosher or sea salt to taste (I used about 1 teaspoon)
  • 2 tablespoons Dukkah


  • Preheat oven to 400F. Trim cauliflower florets. Toss with olive oil

  • Roast for 15-20 minutes until top edges are golden brown. Season with just a bit of sea salt. Just before serving, sprinkle with Dukkah.

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Bread with Olive Oil and Dukkah Dip

Take a piece of pita, naan or bread, dip in beautiful olive oil and then touch the nut/spice mixture.

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (7)

By the way, this is a Baby No Knead Wheat Bread with 1/2c whole wheat + 2 1/2c bread flour. After its little nap, I divided the dough in half. One part was wrapped and frozen, the other was baked for 25 minutes covered, 12 minutes uncovered.


I’m not the only one who smokes eats Dukkah!


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The Surgery Went Exceptionally Well…..

I can finally see! Today’s post-op checkup was A-OK and I now have 20/20 vision.

More details, you ask?

Ok. I’m only going to warn you ONCE. If you’ve got sh*tty eyes and are thinking about Lasik surgery. DO NOT READ ON. Go suck on a lollipop or something but don’t read any further.

DUUUDE. I told you not to read on. Second warning, ok? If you are as blind as Britney Spears’ wardrobe designer, then just RUN. GO AWAY. GO SKIN A DONKEY. RECITE THE ALPHABET. BACKWARDS. WHILE SKYDIVING.


(pssst…all you 20/20 guys…click here)


Ok, so the surgery went really well. However, if someone sat me down and told me a play-by-play…I might have chickened out. My husband, Scott, had it done years and years ago, and he told me, “Oh, its SO easy. Just a look at the blinky light and (zap) a little tiny laser does its job. A few seconds and you’re done.” Boy, I can do that! In fact, my brother and I used to play with those laser pens and point at each others eyes all the time! (oh. um. maybe that’s why my vision tanked)

Great! Ok, so surgery set. What made even more appealing was that they gave me some happy pills 15 minutes before I was scheduled to go under the laser. Happy! Pills! Yeah! Yippee! Puppies! Butterflies! Creme Brulee!

No fear. Piece of cake….that is…until….the machine decided to go bezerk. Doc had to re-calibrate the machine again, which took an HOUR. But by then, my happy pills wore off.

WTF?!? Re-calibrate….what does that mean? Did a part fall off? Got infected with spyware or virus? Who the f*ck was surfing p*rn again on the Lasik machine?

Great Mother of Buddha. breathe. suck in. 1 2 3 blow out. suck in. 1 2 3 blow out. Someone get me an epidural!!!

Cheerful nurse: “Ok! All fixed! Machine’s cookin’ again!”

Me: happy thoughts. happy thoughts. suck in. 1 2 3 blow out.

Doc: “Just relax. It’s fine.” He gives me one of those small stress ball for my hands – as if THAT little ball would prevent me from FLIPPING OUT while my eyelids were held hostage, eyeball sliced open and a laser “cooked” my cornea!!

In the end….it was fine….but only after I made myself breathe through my mouth so I wouldn’t experience the distinct smell of my own burning eyeballs. And Scott was right, it was only a few seconds. Doc gave me more happy pills and I went home. Plus, I got cool goggles to wear for 24 hours!

Don’t I look just stylin’??? I think I need to wear these when I cook on TV next.

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (8)

You all KNOW I’m a drama queen – so even if you are looking to do Lasik and still clicked though (even though I told you not to) – it really was painless and easy. About 20 seconds total of laser time. The doc who performed the Lasik totally ROCKS. I’d totally recommend him anyday. In fact, I’m going to convince my brother to come get his eyes done by Dr. F when he comes to visit me next year. If you’d like to know who performed my Lasik, just comment below and I’ll email you back his info. I just didn’t want to “OUT” him on the blog without his consent! Oh…um…like I outed Jeremy and Jules in this post. Oooops!!!

Other great recipes:

Persian Cherry Rice (Polow)

Fried Baby Artichokes

Scallops with Mango Melon Salsa

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (12)Did you try this recipe? Please leave a star rating in the recipe card below and leave a review in the comment section! I always appreciate your feedback and I know other readers do, too!

Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways (13)Stay in touch with me in our Facebook group, on Pinterest or follow me on Instagram! Sign up for my email list, too where we chat all things recipes, tips, giveaways, and more!

  1. Marcia on 11/16/22 at 4:01 pm

    Jaden, thank you for posting this recipe! I tried it, liked it, and will make it again. And thank you for posting the army field kitchen dukkah recipe, but your cauliflower recipe only calls for 2 tbsp.! You need to also post the recipe for just 2 tbsp. of dukkah. I liked the dukkah seasoning, but I’m not going to be using it every week. I cut this dukkah recipe in half and I’ve still got a large-size Laura Scudder’s PB jar neartly full. My fridge and freezer space is taken up with other things, and at room temp the nuts are going to go rancid long before I’ve used much more of the dukkah. A needless waste of ingredients. Please, please update the cauliflower recipe for the correct amount of dukkah ingredients for 2 tbsp. And one question: the ingredients vary a lot among dukkah recipes, but one universal seems to be sesame seeds. Do you know why this version does not include them?


  2. eileen on 4/14/13 at 9:29 pm

    gave the no knead bread recipe out in spades a long time back and came looking for it again; just made dukkah, super yum. AND just read all about your laser surgery… are your eyes STILL perfect now? … how bad were they before the surgery? can you send me the name of your surgery guy? … eileen


  3. Ray on 12/20/09 at 3:03 am

    PS: I like Middle Eastern flat bread (Khubz) with the Dukkah. If unavailable I use whole wheat fajita size tortillas. I do not like pita breads for this.


  4. Ray on 12/20/09 at 2:56 am

    You bet you are not the only one that eats Dukkah. I picked up on this recipe while I was working in Kuwait. It now has a very dear place on my list of appetizers.


    115g. (4oz) sesame seeds
    45g. (2oz) Shelled skinned hazelnuts or almonds
    45g. (2oz) Coriander seeds
    25g. (1oz) ground cumin
    1 tsp. dried thyme
    1 tsp. salt
    1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
    bread and olive oil to serve.

    Heat large heavy frying pan over a medium heat. add sesame seeds and roast, stirring, until they are a light golden brown. Remove from pan and set aside to cool.

    Add hazelnuts or almonds to pan and roast, stirring until lightly browned, remove from pan and set aside to cool.

    Add the coriander to the pan and roast until they start to pop. remove from pan and set aside to cool.

    Place sesame seeds, nuts, coriander seeds, cumin, thyme, salt and pepper in a food processor or blender and process to a coarse powder.*

    Transfer Dukkah to a serving bowl. To serve, dip a piece of bread into the olive oil and then into the Dukkah mixture. Serves 6

    * note:
    Take care not to over-grind the nuts and seeds as they will then release their oils and form a paste. Dukkah can be made in large quantities and stored in an airtight container


  5. SteamyKitchen on 11/30/07 at 12:23 pm

    John: I personally love hazelnuts! I’ll clarify recipe to include “3/4oz DRIED lemon zest”


  6. Jon Szostak on 11/30/07 at 12:05 pm

    2 questions: (1) do you personally prefer almonds or hazlenuts? (2) I’m assuming the measure of lemon zest is the post-drying measure, correct? I’m off to the Middle Eastern Market on Foster in Chicago for some Allepo Pepper!


  7. sleep disorders on 11/22/07 at 4:03 am

    Everything you wanted to know about sleep disorders
    Sleep disorders include a range of problems
    — from insomnia to narcolepsy
    — and affect millions of Americans


  8. Neece on 9/26/07 at 4:31 pm

    I LOVE the smell-a-blog feature… oh man, that picture makes the dukkah look heavenly. And those goggles really are stylin’… 🙂 I think I like the dukkah with bread best. Delicious!


  9. argus lou on 9/23/07 at 11:49 am

    Hey, Mrs Steamy. I made your yummy Dukkah and, you’re right — it’s absolutely addictive. I stood at the kitchen counter dipping pieces of raw cauliflower and cucumber into olive oil and into the Dukkah, and then munching and munching and munching… ;-P


  10. KJ on 9/21/07 at 4:32 pm

    This recipe looks soooooooo yummy! I love Middle Eastern food, so this should suit me just fine!

    Blessings, KJ


  11. Jaded on 9/19/07 at 7:38 pm

    I’m glad your surgery went well 🙂


  12. Nat on 9/19/07 at 5:50 pm

    wow. I thought laser eye surgery takes a while…maybe i’ll get it later….but my eyes are really crappy…as in my glasses are double concave about almost a quarter inch thick… you if i can do lasik or any other type or surgery like that?


  13. Beaulotus on 9/19/07 at 4:55 am

    Good to know that it went well for you and I have been wondering about the “goggles” they usually make one wear. All that as I’ve made an appointment for lasik myself this December – when I next return to Singapore. Am nervous about it as you can imagine, will cross my fingers that I’ll have enough luck on this.


  14. Precious Pea on 9/19/07 at 2:01 am

    Hi! First time visiting your blog. Great photos you have there and everything looks so good…tummy growling like mad although i just had lunch an hour ago.


  15. Amy on 9/19/07 at 12:46 am

    I swear I left a “good luck with the surgery” comment but the internet tubes must have eaten it. I was sending good vibes the whole time! Lol that’s why they shouldn’t tell you when a vital machine is broken! But yay for happy pills and those sweet shades. 😀

    PS, The dukkah looks amazing, I’m definitely making this. 🙂


  16. bhags on 9/19/07 at 12:24 am

    A big hug for your surgery….the pics look delicious…and guess what you new sniffing tool is doing wonders…i can smell the aroma right here in my room….lol


  17. Malllow on 9/19/07 at 12:05 am

    You are hilarious! I covet your bravery – I have wanted that surgery forever and can’t get myself to just do it – argh!

    I just had cauliflower in a syrian restaurant that seemed very similar to your recipe – I am so excited to try it!


  18. tigerfish on 9/18/07 at 8:02 pm

    YOU ARE BACK!!! Glad all went well and you got perfect vision now:D
    I don’t know what is Dukkah but I think I will like it.

    Hey, I just tried the new feature and it DOESN”T work! I leaned myself closest to the monitor and only breathed in… DUST! LOL!


  19. Kevin on 9/18/07 at 6:31 pm

    Dukkah sounds like an interesting combination of flavours. It looks like my food processor/grinder are going to get a workout.


  20. Drexl on 9/18/07 at 5:36 pm

    I’m going to get some bread and olive oil after I finish up some last min. work….

    Your blog always makes me hungry….note to self: do not read blog while trying to work.


  21. jamie anne on 9/18/07 at 2:59 pm

    my little sister who’se eight was reading the post with me and actually did go snif the screen and then made a face…
    “dosen’t work…”


  22. BB on 9/18/07 at 2:56 pm

    I’ve been hitting the dukkah from a vendor at our local farmer’s market for the last two years. I couldn’t agree more….it’s awesome. All the better when someone else makes it for me!


  23. joey on 9/18/07 at 9:05 am

    Glad to hear your laser went well! Those glasses rock 🙂

    The dukkah sounds wonderful…I have read about it and seen a few bottled blends at some specialty shops here…thanks for sharing a pro recipe 🙂


  24. Rosa on 9/18/07 at 8:43 am

    Good to hear that the surgery went well!

    That spice blend looks gorgeous, so as all your dishes!


  25. Mercedes on 9/17/07 at 3:33 pm

    I agree, dukka is wonderful. I’ve always been interested in it because it’s virtually unknown in other parts of the middle east, I figured it must be a combination of old trade routes that brought all those things to egypt and led to the local popularity of the mix.

    We do the ‘dipping’ trick with olive oil and za’atar. It’s so ubiquitous that any people have zaatar, pita, and olive oil as a quick meal.


  26. lynn on 9/17/07 at 1:05 pm

    Congrats on a good outcome with the Lasik. Those goggles totally rock. Really 80’s.


  27. Garrett on 9/17/07 at 10:43 am

    Jaden, I love dukah and roasted cauliflower!!! Thanks so much for this recipe! I’ll make it tonight!


  28. Karen on 9/17/07 at 10:38 am

    I’ve seen dukkah in Australian magazines and cookbooks, and have been intrigued since I haven’t seen much of it here in the U.S. and it sounds delish.

    Can’t wait to mix up a batch!


  29. wokandspoon on 9/17/07 at 10:36 am

    Ooo, sexy goggles! I was lasiked nearly 10 years ago now and I’m so glad I did it! It’s so nice to be able to see clearly!
    And the dukkah sounds nice and spicy. Something to try when I get settled again!


  30. Vero Pepperrell on 9/17/07 at 9:48 am

    A couple of days ago, I found your blog through the “gucci steak” post, and was fascinated by the dukkah post. Thought hmm I’ll get around to making that sometime soon, but today, I went shopping by myself – shopping without the husband is so much better, I have time! Next thing I know, I’m at eye level with a small container of dukkah, prepared by Sainsbury’s “Taste The Difference”.

    Bought it (obviously!) and will have to taste that this evening 🙂


  31. maybahay on 9/17/07 at 9:18 am

    wow, fabulous site. amazing pix. thanks for the dukkah piece. i seem to see references to dukkah everywhere in sydney these days but had not idea how to make it. will try the cauliflower soon.


  32. Susan from Food Blogga on 9/17/07 at 8:58 am

    A whole canister of it, and all we get is the recipe? Actually, the recipe is great, cause now I can make a couple of canisters of it myself! I had dukkah for the first time about three years ago at a Middle Eastern restaurant and was smitten at first bite. This recipe is a winner, so please thank Jules for spilling the beans!


  33. Big Boys Oven on 9/17/07 at 3:04 am

    Will dukkah taste good with roast chicken?


  34. Kelly Mahoney on 9/16/07 at 10:19 pm

    All of these sound great. I first saw a recipe for roasted cauliflower with caper dressing in Gourmet magazine and I can’t wait to try it.


  35. eastmeetswestkitchen on 9/16/07 at 9:12 pm

    Yay! Hooray! You have 20/20 vision now!
    Gonna try your Jeremy�s Egyptian Dukkah Blend soon.


  36. Andy on 9/16/07 at 8:32 pm

    Wow! Looks utterly fantastic! By the way we tried your no knead bread and it was soooooo good! I’ll have to try it with the nut/spice mixture.


  37. Dani on 9/16/07 at 3:04 pm

    Happy to hear the surgery went “relatively” well:)… As for the Dukkah, if it smells as good as it looks it’s gotta be delicious!!
    Now I don’t have the most sensitive palate; “tastes good” or “tastes not so good” is about as discerning as it gets for me…so the subtle differences in salt would not normally be something I would notice BUT I must say, Maldon Sea Salt is the exception!! You must try it…you’ll love it, email me your info and I would be HAPPY to send you some;).


  38. Mona on 9/16/07 at 2:25 pm

    Hello Jaden, good to know that the surgery went well. I never tried having dukkah and neither have i ever had it anytime. But it looks yummy to me. Will try it sometime. Ur blog looks very beautiful now, just like you, and very interesting 🙂


  39. Big Boys Oven on 9/16/07 at 12:10 pm

    Will see wht if can get dukkah! Let you know later.


  40. Cynthia on 9/16/07 at 12:05 pm

    Happy to hear the surgery was successful.

    Please thanks Jules for nagging the crap out of Jeremy so we can also have our dope of dukkah.


  41. wmw on 9/16/07 at 11:49 am

    Hey, glad your surgery went well. I should have been braver and did LASIK before my retina tore and detached! Seriously…but after two ops, I can see but there’re constants “insects” (floaters!) flying around! Hahahaha…


  42. Ellie on 9/16/07 at 11:40 am

    Duuuude, yer smell-o-vision is broke 🙁 I’ve been a-sniffin my screen for the past few minutes but all I’m getting is dust (man, I need to dust my room again!). Hrmph! I guess I’ll just have to make my own roasted cauliflower then!

    Congrats on the 20/20 surgery, btw 😉


  43. SteamyKitchen on 9/16/07 at 10:27 am

    JEP- aawwww ::blush:: thanks! Lets just hope they make Viagra for writers block!

    SueAnn- Hey my friend who lives in my neighborhood but I haven’t seen in like forever! How lame is that?!?? I just emailed you back


  44. Sue Ann on 9/16/07 at 10:02 am

    Who did the lasik? I can’t see the clock on my bedside table without my glasses! If they didn’t invent the featherweight glasses, I would be wearing double layered co*ke bottles!


  45. meeso on 9/16/07 at 8:55 am

    Nice to hear your surgery went well 🙂 The recipe looks great, never heard of this or had it but I need to try it. I mean, anything with all those nuts in it…yummy!


  46. JEP on 9/16/07 at 5:33 am

    I just sit here with my mouth open in awe—-you are amazing!! Every post gets better & better (no pressure meant 🙂


  47. daphne on 9/16/07 at 5:22 am

    congrats on getting 20/20 vision (envious.. hrmp). I absolutely love dukkah and at one point, put them in everything (e.g. salads, roast, coat fish/chicken..etc). Thanks for the great idea on cauliflower as well.


  48. Wandering Chopsticks on 9/16/07 at 3:56 am

    Glad your surgery went well. Forget RayBans. I think you’re starting a new trend. 😉

    Dukkah huh? Well, I’m just glad you’re not giving out recipes for dookie. Heh, watch your stat counter go haywire with that! 😛


  49. Amrita on 9/16/07 at 2:09 am

    oh of course, haha!!! I think its very very cool…..

    Did you know mooncakes have like a billion calories? Lol


  50. Nags on 9/15/07 at 11:13 pm

    interesting to learn about dhukka 🙂 and hehe.. drama queen? arent we all?


  51. Amrita on 9/15/07 at 10:32 pm

    the first thing that struck me was that picture of you on the banner in your blog!! How cool is that!


  52. SteamyKitchen on 9/15/07 at 9:14 pm

    PeachyMango- no don’t wash! Just dry roast and then grind. You might want to pick out some of the twigs prior to roasting, but thats about it.


  53. PeachyMango on 9/15/07 at 9:10 pm

    I can totally relate to you about Lasik, isnt it great? I just had lasik a couple of weeks ago and went for my post op last month so I’ve stayed away from the kitchen for a week. Oh by the way, for the szechuan peppercorns…i bought a bad but it says to wash and cook before consumption. Did you wash, dry then, dry roast? or did you just dry roast? thanks!


  54. veron on 9/15/07 at 8:51 pm

    Glad that all went well with your surgery! I’ve never heard of dukkah before. Thanks for sharing, it sounds like a great blend to add to the pantry.


  55. caitlyn on 9/15/07 at 8:36 pm

    If only Smell-A-Blog worked! I love your original roasted cauliflower recipe, so I’ll have to try the Dukkah version now.


  56. Kitt on 9/15/07 at 7:02 pm

    You can also order Maldon Salt from The Spice House. It’s $5 there vs. $8.50 at WS for the same amount.


  57. Melinda on 9/15/07 at 6:47 pm



  58. Melinda on 9/15/07 at 6:45 pm

    Oh Jaden! I just happen to know all about (well, NOT all about it) Maldon salt. It comes from Maldon, Essex and is sold right on my local grocery shelf at Waitrose. It happens to be my favourite fancy- pants salt. It is a flaky dry salt, and delivers a clean taste of…salt. I actually like it better than Fleur de sel de Guernande which everyone seems to rave about. Because the salt crystals are so light and flaky it is easier to top foods with it and not over salt. I especially like it on breads I bake.
    If you like I will even send you a box…because i have learned SO much from you. E mail me.


  59. Anh on 9/15/07 at 6:37 pm

    I am glad everything went well! 😀

    And I love love dukkah. Now I can’t have my bread without them!


  60. Songbird on 9/15/07 at 6:35 pm

    You can find Maldon salt at Williams-Sonoma. I bought some there a few years ago, and it is still listed on their web site. I got mine at the Sarasota store. Looks like I might have to make another trip there. Your Dukkah intrigues me!


  61. Kat on 9/15/07 at 6:23 pm

    thanks for introducing me to something new! glad the surgery went well (I heard the new car is on the way…)


  62. Dan on 9/15/07 at 6:18 pm

    I tried to use your smell-o-blog, but the Dukkah made me sneeze, and now I’ve got all sorts of pretty rainbows on my monitor screen.

    Soooooo pretty…

    Aside from that, I’m damn happy to hear the surgery went well. Of course, with 20/20 vision, now you’re probably going to need a new car, new house, and pretty much new everything, right?


  63. Kitt on 9/15/07 at 5:52 pm

    I’m glad the surgery was a success! My eyesight is terrible, but I’m too scared to even consider Lasik. I just know I’d be in that failure percentile. And can I just say EEEEEEEK! on recalibrating the machine?

    Meanwhile, you can add Rose Levy Beranbaum to your Dukkah list. She posted on it today, too. What are the odds?

    Must try it. Thanks!


  64. foodie on 9/15/07 at 5:51 pm

    Only you could rock those goggles.


  65. BerlinKitchen on 9/15/07 at 5:24 pm


    “Maldon Salt” is wonderful, all the great european cooking chefs recommend it. It is quite crunchy!

    Take care,

    P.S. Mea culpa, my blog looks quite horrible at the moment. I used an updated software, but the new one produced so many mistakes. It�s a mess………I need some time to fix it.

    BTW, I will make a very traditional bavarian/austrian sweet recipy next week, “Apfelstrudel” with Vanila sauce or maybe Vanilla ice.
    Very delicious!!! 😉

    Apfelstrudel means apple-strudel


  66. eliza on 9/15/07 at 5:22 pm

    wow…your picture on the heading is ssssmokkiiinnn’! 😀
    btw, i had to re-check my eyesight…i thought i wrote down hookah instead of dukkah! hooray on your LASIK, you know down the road i might thinking of doing that too (when i have enough money, that is), though i look incredible with glasses LOL!


  67. LunaPierCook on 9/15/07 at 3:52 pm

    Wow, that last pic … you’re almost channeling Yoko Ono … 😉

    How did you know cauliflower was my favorite veggie. I’ll have to try this. Thanks!



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  2. Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpeas with Dukkah « the taste space – steam, bake, boil, shake! - [...] by Jaden at Steamy Kitchen, I opted to roast cauliflower along with chickpeas until they were both sweet, nutty…
  3. Egyptian Eggs with Dukkah « the taste space – steam, bake, boil, shake! - [...] different proportions of sesame seeds to coriander and cumin, with optional add-ins like mint, lemon zest and chili flakes.…
  4. My Man's Belly - [...] grocery stores and in many specialty shops. If you would like to make your own Jaden, over at Steamy…
  5. links for 2007-09-19 « linksnstuff - [...] Roasted Cauliflower with Dukkah (tags: recipe cauliflower spices) [...]
  6. No Knead Bread, Revisited | Jaden's Steamy Kitchen - [...] Dip bread in Olive Oil and Dukkah [...]

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 5305

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.